Langemeier has built a hard-core promotional marketing machine made of internet media presentations, seminars, media and personal appearances. After allegations of fraud, Loral stepped in to keep any bad press from affecting her business’ income stream by promising to pay off the principle monies invested over a 7 year period. Enjoy and share all these gifts... He left the stage with a marketing funnel and a tactical plan, specific sales strategies, a model company, a complete revenue model, a corporation and a whole team to help him do it! People succumb easily to Loral’s entertaining presentations, considering her many speaking partner endorsements like T. Harv Echer, Robert Proctor and the Dr. Phil show making her organization look possibly legit. (See; If you have any additional information regarding failed business ventures or information regarding Loral Langemeier please contact this forum.,,, What Loral really does is bring paying customers into a carefully orchestrated setup. This is how it works: Loral plants people who want to fund a business concept at the various tables, she creates discussions surrounding how to get these ideas funded and help people realize their dreams. The meeting, held in Los Angeles, CA, had Loral speaking about various business opportunities, including one Café Z. On October 16th, 2018, Live Out Loud got to go Behind the Scenes with Facebook! I would like to give you an invitation for a conversation with my personal wealth team. I’ll break it down for you. Investors have tried for months to get information on where their money went in the Café Z investment but have been completely stone-walled from Langemeier and LOL responses. LEAP is a non-profit education foundation that annually organizes a youth leadership program head at UCLA. The fact is he made money before he left the workshop…even before he left the stage for that matter! Products and Programs fulfilled by Live Out Loud ®, For Immediate Release: 8-Figure Millionaire Teaches 7 Key Wealth Strategies In Vancouver, The Millionaire Maker – Act, Think and Make Money the Way the Wealthy Do, The Millionaire Maker's Guide to Creating a Cash Machine for Life, The Millionaire Maker's Guide to Wealth Cycle Investing, YES! Langemeier and Pearson also own several other businesses together such as,, Out of the Box Holdings, LLC. These sites are nothing more than portals into a dark and convoluted world of misrepresentation. A statement issued on August 11th 2009 from his attorney, Mr. Bradley L. Drell of GOLD, WEEMS, BRUSER, SUES & RUNDELL 2001 MacArthur Drive, Alexandria, LA 71301 Telephone: (318) 445-6471 ( Langemeier allegedly walks with cold hard cash and leaving investors to figure out the aftermath. After being charged thousands of dollars just to attend the Big Table meeting, attendees have high expectations that Loral is going to share specialized information on money making methods. The Millionaire Maker - Act, Think & Make Money The Way The Wealthy Do. Instant Access. Funds invested were never fully accounted for, with Langemeier refusing to open accounting books for any of her investment schemes. The information Langemeier and LOL presents is general in nature and appears to be designed to create interest in attending LOL’s expensive Big Table and Alumni meetings where they can get seriously fleeced. Loral Langemeier is a FRAUD! (please see this ELDER FRAUD web link: Homes were to be purchased costing less than $100,000 then rented for $400 to $500 per month and later sold at a profit. RIAZ MAMDANI-Accused Fraudster-Shot in Assassination Attempt! Loral Langemeier is a world-renowned money expert, sought-after speaker, entrepreneurial thought leader, and five-time New York Times best-selling author, who is on a relentless mission to change the conversation about money and empower people around the world to become millionaires. Jerry O. Pearson (Owner of Entrust Mid-South Franchise) also owns several other ventures with Langemeier and has been the direct recipient of funds transferred from his investment franchise company (Entrust Mid-South) to Crumbs R Us (A real estate venture owned by Pearson and Langemeier at the time of its inception). What is your next level? During that time, the organization expanded to its current size and is now located in South Lake Tahoe, Nevada. The sudden failure of Café Z stymied many considering it’s large financial backing. Here Are Your Free Gifts! Langemeier functions with deadly accuracy during her meetings with potential investors – playing a high stakes confidence game – challenging people to act on their dreams and invest in her supposedly vetted business opportunities. Meanwhile, Loral retained her cut of the initial investment! And I want you to experience that as well. Box 18830, Alexandria, LA 71315, owner of Crumbs R Us and Clear Zone Nursery ( It was GREAT to have met YOU! In Wolf v Langemeier (Case No. Guess what happened? ENTRUST: Specializing in Self-Directed IRA’s. What investors are never told is HOW Langemeier gets paid for promoting the various investments. Over 1600 affiliates in the Live Out Loud online affiliate network currently promote product sales. You see, it's not just how you start, but how you FINISH. In her video she promises to “Keep you in cash!” An excerpt taken directly from the site states, “…continued education are the building blocks of your Wealth Cycle, engaged with continuous ideas for direct asset allocation…” Confused? Live out Loud charges a hefty $8,995 dollars to meet Loral personally, whereas other seminars start at $1,495.00. According to one article (“Z Square Cafe Shuts Its Doors”), The Cambridge License Commission lists violations for, “…failure to apply for change of manager, failure to have a current worker’s compensation insurance, a noise complaint within the six-month probationary period on their entertainment license, and unpaid police detail.”. This concept was promoted at LOL meetings allowing Langemeier and her team full financial disclosure of a client’s private information through her association with Pearson, Entrust and Crumbs. Loral Langemeier Affiliates Program Loral has more than 250 Joint Venture Partners that support her marketing and sales across the country. Another failed Loral Langemeier promoted business! Access to a special webinar, Creating Wealth & Abundance: Using Debt to Create Wealth, featuring Loral Langemeier a special guest of the Angel Investors Network, Access to Loral's Canada Team Made Millionaire 2020 Preview Slidedeck, Copyright - Just Met Loral Langemeier - All Rights Reserved. After snacking on pizzas and refreshments as we answered questions on our name tags, the students got to learn about Facebook’s LGBTQ+ initiatives, and their participation in Pride marches around the world. Langemeier’s ‘higher-level’ participation meetings, referred to as “Alumni” conferences, are also very expensive, supposedly offering the inside scoop on upcoming opportunities within Langemeier’s investing “Community”. These co-owned businesses make it hard to deny association with Pearson! Zebny filed for bankruptcy in October 2009 leaving investors with NOTHING. Loral. In a sworn statement, one client invested $50,000 dollars and later paid another $5,000. : 2:09-CV-03086-GEB-EFB), Langemeier SETTLED the case on 02/18/2009 after a stay was granted in favor of arbitration.