Take a family member or friend along, if possible, to help you remember the information you're given. I went to get xrays done (likely too early because it had only been a week at that point), was told not to put any weight on it at all for one week so I got crutches and took a week off work, then was referred to a specialist who ordered 2 more x-rays, did some pressing on my foot and told me to ditch the crutches and start easing back into activity. See a podiatrist! Any suggestions on how to once and for all get over this stress reaction? I have now been able to run 2 half marathons with minimal pain in shin but still some pain in feet. What do they mean by “better”? I have fibromyalgia/fatigue and am not very active although I do work part time at a desk job. The pain was just an annoying dull paint by didn’t seem to be caused my the immediate impact. Yes my multivitamin is a “good” one….Actually it’s a “great” one.I only ingest healthy foods and supplements. I ran my first half in May 2012. I fractured my third metatarsal while running on December 11th of last year. I’ve had a handful of stress fractures in my tibia before, so I know exactly what they feel like. Required fields are marked *. Ran my 9 miles on a Saturday felt great, 3 on Tuesday and had to get in the car that day and travel 13 hrs. Hurt worse after run so I rested for 5 days. Have you heard of Shock Therapy Treatment? I remember that I did feel the same thing when I bought the shoes that I have now, but that I perhaps got used to it (they are the asics cumulus 13).I only felt it during quite long runs (14-15km) Could this be a shoe problem or a body issue? I have just now been able to start running again, and have complimented it with cross training, and am trying to build up slow (5% a week is what they say?). Female. I felt fine. I will check the video out. Maybe he was comparing it to the original film. The bones that are most often affected include the lower parts of the tibia and fibula bones of the leg and the second and third metatarsal bones of the foot. Do you feel it is necessary for me to go through a bone scan for a stress fx, can’t I just treat it as if it is that or should I be definite what it is? Make a donation. It took 13 months to heal after an initial incorrect diagnosis for 6 months. It can take between 2 and 8 weeks to fully recover from a foot stress fracture. Look deep in the muscle, in this case the calf muscles. This is the most informative article i’ve read so far. I would greatly appreciate your advice. Would pregnancy and birth make me more vulnerable? Athletes commonly suffer from stress fracture in the lower leg and the foot. My insight for you is this: Training and competing with an injury is a recipe for disaster. Yes I have seen several dancers. For 3 weeks I have had a sore/ache on the top of my right foot- feels like I dropped a shampoo bottle on it, but didn’t, but it feels like a bruise, no discoloration but occasional burning feeling.