Branding is the process of communicating the value of your company and its products to a target market. However, branding suffers when applied to social industries. Brand loyalty discourages the consumer from trying out other new brands which possibly be more satisfying.
In order for a brand to succeed, much effort must be expended in maintaining the brand presence. Branding should be helpful in advertising and identifying. If the quality deteriorates or supply of adulterated goods is increased due to brand popularity, the customer may switch over to other similar product.eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'googlesir_com-large-mobile-banner-2','ezslot_14',107,'0','0']));eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'googlesir_com-large-mobile-banner-2','ezslot_15',107,'0','1'])); Building up brand recognization and loyalty is very expensive. A brand is name, term, symbol or design to identify the goods or services and to differentiate them from those of the competitors. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Discourages from Trying other Products. Pediatric Dengue Vaccine Initiative; Branding: Advantages and Disadvantages: Is There an Optimal Solution? Branding in a commercial environment, while expensive, passes costs to the consumer in terms of higher prices. Advertising has to be done consistently as doing it occasionally does not result in producing the desired result of creating a brand image in the minds of the customers. The popularity of brands renders them out of the common man’s reach because they command premium prices, such as Hercules Cycles, Crompton fans, etc. Maintaining a brand entails tracking stories and comments about the brand in question, answering and addressing all concerns. The classic way to drink brandy is at slightly warmer than room temperature in a balloon glass or snifter, but it can also be used as the base of a hot toddy, sipped alone over ice or mixed with fruit juice. Brand loyalty discourages the consumer from trying out other new brands which possibly be more satisfying. Following are the demerits or disadvantages or limitations arguments against branding. ; Don Douglas, The Wall Street Journal; Michael Vick Has Advice for Chris Brown and Charlie Sheen; Lee Hawkins; April 2011, Tom’s Hardware; Steve Jobs Rumored Terminally Ill; Shares Fall; Jane McEntegart; February 2011, Fox News; Creating and Maintaining Your Brand; Susan Walker; May 2006. When a brand becomes associated with a person or group, negative events surrounding the person or group have the potential to “rub off” on the brand itself.
Finding the right balance between maintaining the brand and being heavy-handed is important. Let’s look at some of the advantages and disadvantages of branding –. Leads to Monopoly. Due to his behavior, the team (as well as the National Football League) suffered a blow in public perception. Certain costs arise in branding. When an individual or group is associated with a brand program, problems arise if the image suffers. Brandy contains about 110 calories for a 4-ounce serving, placing … Brand imposes responsibility for maintaining consistent quality and delivering proclaimed value satisfaction. Branding also helps the company in sustaining in the market for the long term because just imagine a company which has no brand and if the owner dies or some major problem happen in the company then company will be in trouble, however if the company has brand then company will keep running because brand goes on and on for ages and it negates majority of problems happening in the company. Small businesses may not have the capital available to start multiple brands.