Khan Academy – A free K-12 online learning platform where you can learn from some of the most interesting and engaging teachers in the world. 3. In a world where nearly all the world’s information is at our fingertips, the barriers to lifelong learning are gone. Soon, we will not only have the worldwide web, but also new technologies like augmented reality and virtual reality that let us learn and explore through all of our senses rather than textbooks and lectures. Connecting educators and parents with the tools and resources they need to help kids explore and understand the world around them. For the curious among us, there has never been a better time to be alive. The Best iOS Education Apps – Learn anywhere on your iPhone. National Right to Life Educational Trust Fund (202) 626-8829. Help your preschooler sharpen their knowledge about plants with this colorful worksheet. With help from the ever-popular *The Very Hungry Caterpillar* by Eric Carle, students will learn about metamorphosis while developing their phonics skills. Your child will un-scramble the letters to name different parts of a pretty plant. Your options for self-education and lifelong learning are endless. 3. 8. iNaturalist – Participate in the world’s largest citizen scientist project and document the plants, trees, mushrooms and animals you discover. The average person today will have 3-5 careers over the course of their lifetime. What does a dog eat? Coursera – The largest course platform for Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) with over 25 million students around the world. Sacred Destinations – Places of great spiritual power around the world that you can explore and plan to visit one day. Prager University’s five minute videos which have a definite view point, but are also fact based, and Jordan Peterson’s lectures on psychological archetypes, available on YouTube, as well as his self-authoring programs which are available for an extremely low cost. 4. This third grade independent study packet offers Week 3 of reading, writing, math, science, and social studies activities. 2. 21st Century Reading List – Books on innovation and the future of work. Thou Shalt Not Commit Logical Fallacies – One of my favorite learning tools. ... and live a debt-free life is … The Saylor Foundation is a non-profit that provides a free University education. 3. Live Mocha – The largest language learning community online that I know of. Learn all about the basic parts of a plant with a fun word scramble! Educating the mind without awakening the heart is no education at all. Open Source – Explore the world of open source technology. 4. 1. Geoguessr – Guess the world’s most famous locations using Google Maps and StreetView. Trivium Education – An excellent website dedicated to the Trivium, the ancient system of grammar, logic, and rhetoric that used to be the cornerstone of liberal education. Help your class understand the importance of water, plants, and soil with this exploratory science lesson. Introduce the concept of photosynthesis to your first grader with this simple coloring page! Your students will love this lesson that teaches them about the life cycle of a chicken. Fortunately, the Internet is the most powerful tool for learning ever invented. Thanks Kyle Great Work!!!! Copyright © 2020, Inc, a division of IXL Learning • All Rights Reserved. From seed to flower, students will learn all about the life cycle of a plant in this science lesson. The Classics – Free Ebooks Reading List – A collection of classic ebooks that you are freely available in the public domain. This simple lesson plan will help your students gain a basic understanding of different body parts. In this hands-on science lesson, young botanists will learn about making educated guesses by planting and observing the growth of their very own lima bean seeds. A Lifetime’s Reading: The World’s 500 Greatest Books – Compiled by the prolific Philip Ward, a librarian, scholar, editor, and author of more than 50 books. They'll use the word bank to name the basic parts of a plant. Spiritual Reality Power of Meditation – Freedom from compulsory thoughts is the gateway to wisdom and a true understanding of who you are. Big Think – Short videos with important contemporary thinkers, entrepreneurs, and scientists talking about their expertise. A life long of learning in this post alone! Help budding fourth graders prepare for a new year of learning with the help of our Fourth Grade Fall Review Packet - Week 2. In this lesson, you will use “The Very Hungry Caterpillar” to teach students about the butterfly life cycle. 3. RSA Animate – Engaging, hand-drawn videos that illustrate important issues in the world today. Learn how your comment data is processed. Let your students spread their wings with this lesson that teaches them about the life cycle of a butterfly. 1. 2. Download many of them directly to Kindle or other mobile reading formats. I’m blown away- it’s everything I’m looking for on ONE site! Invite them to discover how seeds grow and develop into plants with this class project-based lesson. 1. Under these circumstances, we must be learning all the time. I have found this very useful – thank you for making it available. 6. To travel well, you’re probably going to want to learn the local languages. So much resources I didn’t even know that existed. You can take online courses, master new skills, build your own website, read classic books, explore the world with your smartphone, and collaborate with other lifelong learners from all over the world. Memrise – Innovative memorizing system for learning new languages. 2. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Saylor – Started by serial entrepreneurial Michael Saylor. 4. Udacity’s focus is on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) disciplines. 4. The Trivium: The Liberal Arts of Logic, Grammar, and Rhetoric – The classic book by Sister Miriam Joseph teaches the Trivium and how it can be used to improve your intelligence and reasoning. This I’m sure will go a long ways for humanity. Without natural resources, our world would be a very different place. A fun song will get your class moving and a variety of different worksheets will suit any class. You Rock! MIT Open Courseware – An ambitious project to make the course materials used in virtually all of MIT’s courses available on the web for free. Here’s how to differentiate yourself in a crowded marketplace of talent. 300+ Mind Expanding Documentaries, 10 Free Online Courses For Learning Social Media Marketing, A Lifetime’s Reading: The World’s 500 Greatest Books, The Trivium: The Liberal Arts of Logic, Grammar, and Rhetoric, Why You Should Think Of Your Career Like A Startup, How To Finish MOOCs By Organizing Your Online Learning, The Top 100 iPhone Education Apps For Lifelong Learning, 101 Quotes About Unschooling, Education And Lifelong Learning, The Ultimate Guide To Mastering 10 Lifelong Learning Habits, Rethinking Education: Lifelong Learning In The Digital Age, The Remote Office: How To Start A Location Independent Business, Storytelling For Leaders: Learn From The World’s Best Storytellers. Since 1990 Life Support Productions has published educational resources for health, education and social care. 5. Book Yards – 1000s of more free ebooks easily browsable by author or category. 1. Virtual Religious Index – Extensive link collection maintained by Rutgers University of websites with informative religious content. Show your students the parts that work together to make a person breath! Notion – The most customizable note-taking tool for organizing your research, documenting ideas, and collaborating on creative projects. I am doing something kind of like this with my own site, but your list here is seriously invaluable. 6. this is the best thing I’ve came across yet. TED – With its slogan “Ideas Worth Spreading” the TED Conference (stands for Technology, Education, Design) features the world’s leading academics, teachers, and innovators in easily digestible 18-minute lectures. The Liberal Arts 4-Year Reading List – Study the essential classics and educate yourself in the classical liberal arts. AutodidacticismLifelong LearningMOOCsSelf-Education. – Get real-time study help in the world’s largest study group. Without natural resources, our world would be a very different place. These flash cards serve as an intro to life science, but also help with counting skills and sequential ordering. Explore life science with this informative chicken life cycle worksheet. 10. National Geographic Education – Cultivate your knowledge of the world’s geography and countries. Great Books of the Western World – 161 books essential books of the West on Wikipedia. Thank you very much! Help your class understand the importance of water, plants, and soil with this exploratory science lesson. Library of Congress – The de facto national library of the United States of America and the largest library in the world. A more up-to-date version is the free HyperLearning Toolkit I created. Teach your little scientist about warm-blooded animals with this fun printable word search. God Bless your Soul. Particularly when the topic is education, the resources on the internet are endless. 1. thanks! Creative Commons Education – An open-source movement to make educational content freely available online. 7. Your student will research and identify the animal and plant life that live near the sea, using both her own knowledge and the help of the Internet. What a list. Help your class understand the importance of water, plants, and soil with this exploratory science lesson. 7. Caterpillars and the hard C sound come together in this colorful lesson. Planet Ebook – Read 80+ free classic books for free on your computer or mobile device. These are the online education companies that are revolutionizing education and building the next generation of interactive lifelong learning communities. Your class will discover what living things need to grow, and learn the various stages of a plant’s life span, with new vocabulary words. Wow! Scribd – The world’s largest library of documents, ebooks, and audiobooks that you can access for a monthly free. Our focus is on relationship and sex education (including for children and young people with learning disabilities). We are on the cusp of a digital education revolution where traditional schools are being disrupted and a lifetime of self-directed learning or unschooling is becoming the new way to thrive. 7. From seed to flower, students will learn all about the life cycle of a plant in this science lesson. In this lesson, students will learn about what plants need to survive. The best way to learn is to travel. Help your budding naturalist to learn about photosynthesis. 2. Little gardeners, get to know your plants! Slideshare – Learn new things and find information broken down to the essential bits in this incredible library of digital presentations. From seed to flower, students will learn all about the life cycle of a plant in this science lesson. Your child will un-scramble the letters to name different parts of a pretty plant. This cute worksheet asks your first grader to write down each part of the human body--encouraging research on life science and boosting his spelling ability! 5. Check out the recommended daily guidelines, and create your own weekly menu! Explore religious texts to develop your self-knowledge and awaken to the spiritual dimension that gives life meaning and richness. Help your preschooler sharpen their knowledge about plants with this colorful worksheet. Every experiment begins with a hypothesis. After listening to the story read aloud, students will use their knowledge to create their own butterfly life cycles! 3. Google Arts & Culture – Visit the world’s top museums, zoom in with mind-blowing detail, and browse thousands of interactive virtual stories, photos, videos, and manuscripts. Access high-quality education textbooks, get your burning questions answered, and explore a world of free digital self-education resources. Designed by teachers, this independent study packet offers Week 3 of reading, writing, math, social studies and science activities for fourth graders.