This was a page-turner that I would not have known about, had it not been a set text for my literature studies. Covering child abuse, infanticide, sex, and insanity, this is not a book to be recommended lightly. ‧
Younger readers without sufficient historical knowledge may not appreciate the gravity of the events depicted. The plot was quite complex but it was easier to grasp when encountering it for the first time without any foreknowledge of the novel. From an acorn of an idea about a real-life good Samaritan of yesteryear, the author has crafted a satisfying, if occasionally painful, novel that spans the lives of several fortunate and unfortunate young people of the day. She is a lovely lady and deserves all the success that has come as a result of this book. This is a well constructed children's novel - carefully researched and with many convincing characters and a strong central narrative; and the Coram Trust is an inspirational choice as a source for the guiding principle of caring for the weak. Covering child abuse, infanticide, sex, and insanity, this is not a book to be recommended lightly. Start by marking “Coram Boy” as Want to Read: Error rating book. Absolutely recommend it. For when the participants in the original tragedy gather together, “there was not just one truth, because there was not one person there who knew the whole of it.” This of course lends the plot structure considerable tension as the readers watch the characters try to unravel things. This book gives an insight into 18th century life for children, class, the slave trade and many other social injustices. She brings such a horrid story to the page with her beautiful poetic imagery & language. She is one of Britain's most acclaimed children's authors, winning the Whitbread Award for her novel Coram Boy, which was staged at the National Theatre in 2005/6. Of course, these babies never make it to the Coram Hospital. But please, please, please, do yourself a favour: don't read the blurb. I first read this when I was 13 years old. It details the lives of the Coram children who were looked after in the Coram Fields orphanage, focusing on two boys in particular: Aaron and Toby. I had tickets for this in Bdway, but it closed early. This book starts by telling some of the story of Meshak and his father. Books. Jennifer A. Nielsen. When she awoke, she was minus her gallbladder, two working collarbones (and therefore two functioning arms), and her memory. CHILDREN'S ACTION & ADVENTURE FICTION CHILDREN'S FAMILY This book ended up being an emotional roller coaster for me but I thought it was very well written and I recommend it to anyone who likes a happy ending, I really enjoyed reading this book for the second time.