Ask questions that show your genuine interest. Also, be sure check out our definitive guide with 51 firefighter interview questions and answers. If you’re going to be late, call and reschedule. Often. Afterwards, she wanted to learn more about the specific nozzle she operated so we went home and looked at Youtube videos demonstrating the nozzle and we even found one video of the factory MAKING the nozzle. ​It’s also not a bad idea to have some notes on it just in case you forget. The goal is to get the info during friendly visits so you don’t ever have to call them in a crisis. Don’t be afraid to express you opinions if you are asked. Most of the time it’s a good idea to have prepared a set of closing statements and questions for the interview panel. That being said, it is of utmost importance that you end your interview properly; a calm, confident manner that relays your interest in desire to be hired with that particular department.eval(ez_write_tag([[580,400],'firefighternow_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_5',139,'0','0'])); This begs the question, ‘what is the best way to end my interview?’. Who’s in charge of the mechanical division? For instance, at one station, my daughter was allowed to hold a fire hose and spray the parking lot. Here are some examples you can use to help create your own questions: As long as you are asking questions that show that you are genuinely interested in their department and what it is like to work there you should be just fine. The attitude issue ties in with how you interact with everyone in the Station. Our online fire safety trivia quizzes can be adapted to suit your requirements for taking some of the top fire safety quizzes. 2. You don't have to be as formal as you would for an oral interview, but you do have to dress appropriately and not too casual. Who’s in charge of promotional exams, entry level exams, turnout gear and uniforms, critical incident stress management? Why would you even want to visit a fire station you might wonder? With 55 firefighters, the Hobart Fire Department has up to a dozen members working per shift, but that still means two of its four stations can have limited staffing or even no firefighters on duty. Firehouse is conducting a survey on women firefighters' careers, experience and challenges. The Fire Department Safety Officers Association has awarded San Diego Battalion Chief/Health & Safety Officer David Picone with the Sandy Davis Safety Officer of the Year Award. Whether it’s the... Fire Engine vs. Fire Truck: What’s the Difference? This is an important one. Do you give hose demonstrations? Who is charge of the health and safety division? Great tips. Whether you call them fire stations, houses or halls (we call them stations where I come from), these buildings are EVERYWHERE. it sounds like your daughter is going to be a fire-fighter at the earliest possible opportunity. I love seeing/hearing about children with a deep desire for a profession. QUESTIONS TO ASK AT YOUR LOCAL FIRE STATION: I live at XXX address. What to do during a Fire Station Ride-A-Long . It’s best to avoid questions like this at all cost. For the men: a simple polo-style or button-down is appropriate for a shirt (try to stay away from t-shirts); khakis or even clean jeans are appropriate for pants, and for shoes, you can wear any type of casual, clean, polished, closed-toe shoes (no sandals). Showing up at the last minute only proves to us that you either have poor time management or organizational skills. What are ways I can stay safe so I don’t need to call 9-1-1? If you visit frequently, you can learn the names of the crew members (see my Final Tip below on how to address firefighters by name) so you can have more social follow-up conversations like learning where they went to fire school, what they do for exercise during off hours, etc. You want to stand out from the other candidates in a positive way. Our pets mean everything to us, with many people regarding pets as part of the family. by Brenna Hicks. On that same note, ask them if there are any other individuals within the fire department that they would recommend you talk to as well. Most departments require that you wear certain type of attire. (Some firefighters will spray a hose at the truck or let your little one hold the hose… it depends on the location of the station and what the water restrictions are in your area. Last, but not least, remember this little nugget. NY Firefighter Charged after Shoving City Manager. Think about bringing a pound of coffee or bringing homemade treats. I’m also a columnist for FireRescue1. (They usually have a map on the wall and can point at your house and the station and talk about the route they would take. Any interesting facts about this particular fire station or crew? Do you have a fire dog/boat/helicopter at this station? 6 helpful tips for kids learned at a visit to the Fire Station. By having your child communicate directly with the firefighters builds public speaking confidence and a positive relationship with civil servants. Like. The worst thing they could say is no. Firefighter Oral Interview Questions & How To Answer, 20 Sample Firefighter Interview Questions, Smart Questions to Ask During Your Station Visit, ​What is the organizational structure of the department? They’ve spent the last 20-30 minutes getting to know you. When you are leaving, ask the captain if there are any other stations they would suggest you stop by as well. Luckily he didn't get hired, because with an attitude like that, I bet he would have been a joy to be around at the station. 51 firefighter interview questions and answers. (Some walk you through the kitchen and sleeping quarters, some have museum memorabilia in the lobby, most just show off the trucks and common areas but we’ve found that each station tour is different and unique. 40 hours schedule or shift work?). And most importantly, we visit fire stations to talk to firefighters. They have great information that will reduce your likelihood of actually having an emergency. Make sure that you have good answers to those questions (which you should already have because you have been practicing and rehearsing for your oral interviews, haven't you? However, this does not impact our reviews and comparisons. Leave them your phone number. A station visit can be a rewarding experience, just don’t show up late. Are stations in the right locations to optimize our response capabilities and resources? This way you can slip bits and pieces of information organically in conversation during your interview. 20 tough questions to ask your fire department (adapted from the ICMA) 1. When you arrive, already have a list of questions that you want to have answered. Chances are, you’ll be nervous before and during the interview. Operational and Situational questions Do your homework in advance; if worse comes to worse, count the cars in the fire station parking lot - which might give you a good clue. If you bring ice cream, don't bring the square stuff. If you’re looking for more resources on how to prepare for the interview we also highly recommend you check out Smoke your Firefighter Interview. If so, what divisions are they responsible for? If you just keep in mind that visiting fire stations can either help your outcome or hurt your outcome, you should be able to make that positive first impression (the only that will potentially last your entire career). Any time you visit a fire station you should expect to get some good information to write down. If your visit ends early, you’ll know why. How long does it take for you to get to my house in the event of an emergency? May I see the inside of the ambulance so I know what to expect if I ever have to ride in it? (In some areas, the responders are equally trained and one has a faster response time than the other, so it’s important to request the faster service if seconds count in your emergency.). Just remember that everyone has opinions, not one opinion is necessarily right, and that you can learn something from everyone. So, you’ve filled out your application and prepared for all of the facets of the examination process. As with most of the questions you will encounter during your interview, it is important to keep this brief. The terms may seem interchangeable to you, but did you know that depending on which you say, you’re referring to two different vehicles? The next part of this series will cover background investigations. Also, this can be taken the wrong way by the panel. Do not overstay your welcome. Are they on a 40 hour schedule or do they do shift work? Make that positive first impression, and you increase your chances of success! It's important to get as much information out of your station visit as possible to ensure you have some great talking point during your interview. If you start your ride-a-long at shift change, be the first one to start station chores. One thing you should be asking at the station is if any of them have sat on the oral panels recently. The Hobart Fire Department, which has 55 full-time firefighters, is considering a new volunteer program in order to fully staff all four of its stations. If I DO need to call 9-1-1, what information should I have memorized (address, last name, etc. What made them wait so long? This is our first impression of you, so make it good. Don't be the candidate that comes in to the station in a tank top, shorts, and flip-flops. The “Station Visit” is a kind of mini interview process in itself. ). I found out later from the captain that the chief likes everyone in the department to always wear their uniform because he is into a professional image. They might ask you a question such as "why do you want to work for us?" Thank you so much for the detailed questions and instructions you gave so that potential small visitors to firestations would be prepared for such visits. If someone tells you not to bother, it’s probably another “trap”. I can’t believe that a prepared sentence or two of genuine gratitude would be off putting in any way, … It was an excellent learning experience for them. There are likely several in your community, and at least one within walking distance of your home. He didn't impress at all. Take it for what it is worth - someone's opinion. Here are the three main reasons why you would visit a fire station: What benefits can you receive out of visiting a fire station? NY Entrepreneur Introduces Firefighter Tribute Socks. Owned by a veteran volunteer firefighter, Second Alarm Brewhouse in Pasadena hopes to use money from sales in order to develop a marketing firm to help support area volunteer fire companies. Just remember that you are a guest to our house and don’t wear out your welcome. If you aren’t hiring for a fire department but rather a fire equipment manufacturing company or other type of business, taylor your questions to suit the role’s profile. I can’t believe that a prepared sentence or two of genuine gratitude would be off putting in any way, and if it is you may want to reconsider the department you are interviewing with. That is where taking the time to know our equipment will come in handy. To read Steve's complete biography and view his archived articles, click here.