Its fine if u dont believe in him. esp. Their is no such thing as flying reindeer and Santa can't fly in a chariot. But Santa Claus itself is fake. Who thinks Santa has been discovered by other people who had visited him? Now available in softback and e-book format.
The payload of the sleigh adds another interesting element. Santa has about 31 hours of, Christmas to work with, thanks to the different time zones and, the rotation of the earth, assuming east to west (which seems, logical). Join Yahoo Answers and get 100 points today. A long time ago. some people say it`s real and other people say it`s fake. Try looking up an old letter which a little girl named Virginia wrote to a newspaper, asking if Santa Claus was real. I still believe in Santa Clause and I'm glad that most people in the world do. Stay tuned for details on more ways you'll be able to watch, online, streaming, and on DVD! Santa is the most fake thing ever yesterday I asked my parents where the go my notebook and this note book was from “santa” and they said they got I from Ross. Well Jolly 'ol St. Nickolas was very real. decorating xmas trees came from england...and idk where the rest of the things came from...........but, either way i think less emphasize should be given to the giving of presents, because it destroys, and waters down the true reasons on why we celebrate this time of the year. Yeah christmas is great...You cant replace the smiles and love.
accelerating from a dead stop to 650 m..p.s. At an average (census) rate of 3.5 children per household, that comes to 108 million homes, presuming there is at least one good child in each. 2 0. Want proof? but, he merely inspired the santa clause or sintaklaas as he's called in the Netherlands, as you know it was also inspired by another source. SANTA!!! If I'm right then spread the word! Santa is 100% fake! What to Do When Your Kid Asks: “Is Santa Real?” Believing in Santa, the Tooth Fairy or the Easter Bunny is a beautiful and exciting part of existence for children. When asked to deliver two mysterious briefcases, naive Pat ends up at the wrong destination: Santa Fe, New Mexico. Santa Claus, also known as Father Christmas, Saint Nicholas, Saint Nick, Kris Kringle, ... Unbeknownst to many, Santa actually has to use many sleighs and fake Santa drivers to get the job done Christmas Eve, and the transportation management system (TMS) optimally builds thousands of consolidated sacks that maximize cube utilization and minimize total air miles. Follow him by NORAD. Again sorry to break this news to people who strongly believe or aren't sure, but your gonna figure it out one day when you have to keep it up to your kids. Perhaps the most daunting question parents are asked by their children during the holidays is \"Is Santa real?\" Dr. Aliza Pressman joins Lunch Break with Tanya Rivero with tips for parents to find the right approach to answer and keep Santa Claus' magic alive. Preorder now! Those people who think that Santa is real were wrong! Is Santa Real or Fake? Reply. Santa is fake. Audiences of all ages will … but, during its time christmas was still celebrated in the underground or in most things that have prospered in the face of persecution, and stood the test of time. Don't be a party I just saw a commercial where Casper the ghost is eating. santa flies around at night, deciding whos naughty and who is nice. Have a nice Christmas. Pat Keeley, an undocumented Northern Irish immigrant has made his way to NYC where he is taken in, unwittingly, by a crime boss.