angemessen, zweckmäßig, passend, geeignet – finding answers in a complex world. Condianus’s final fate is not recorded anywhere, but the fact the emperor targeted people because they looked like somebody else speaks volumes about Commodus’s reign. [3] August became “Commodus,” September became “Hercules,” and the other ten months were all renamed to one of the many nicknames he’d bestowed upon himself. In the end, there is no end – only another beginning. This is a transcript from the video series Emperors of Rome. As the most commanding mistress in the French court, she bettered the lives of many and became a beloved figure…. Dio notes that Commodus was a left-handed gladiator, a fact of which he was very proud.
Of course, he still kept Marcia and a few other men close to him. The Senate was renamed “the lucky Commodian Senate,” the Roman people were renamed “the Commodian people,” and all the legions were to be given the title “Commodian.” Commodus was declared “The Golden One,” and his reign “The Golden Age.” All of this made Commodus deeply unpopular in senatorial circles, but it amused the masses to no end.
Although in real life Commodus did not murder his father Marcus Aurelius, as he does in the movie Gladiator, the movie is similar to the real story in that both depict the assassination attempt by Commodus’s sister, followed by Commodus’s descent into madness and the way in which his ego led to recklessness and senseless violence.
Then he had Cleander’s friends put to death, along with his wife and children. After his death, the Senate wasted no time in calling him a public enemy. Since Nerva, the Antonines had presided over unprecedented stability and prosperity. Commodus, in full Caesar Marcus Aurelius Commodus Antoninus Augustus, original name (until 180 ce) Lucius Aelius Aurelius Commodus, (born August 31, 161 ce, Lanuvium, Latium [now Lanuvio, Italy]—died December 31, 192), Roman emperor from 177 to 192 (sole emperor after 180). Aren’t they?
Commodus even participated in gladiatorial contests against the physically handicapped and an array of wild animals from a raised platform. The Donald’s experience was limited to smaller grounds where matter lifted him upwards to his first Presidency. This was done on the 31st of December, 192. In the end, Commodus’s tragic death still came at the hands of a friend. Though all his brothers had died as children, Commodus still had four surviving sisters—and let’s just say that ambition ran very deep in this family. Commodus, Roman emperor from 177 to 192 (sole emperor after 180). From first understanding, a number is nothing but a code which represents the result of a measurement. For the last 6 years I live in the Eternal City. Cleander did all of Commodus’s work, but he didn’t get much of a reward for it.
The only reason Marcia survived was that Commodus’s boy sex slave, The Boy Who Loves Commodus, warned her. In 182, his favorite chamberlain Saoterus was murdered in a power plot, sending the Emperor into a tailspin of grief. The changes Commodus made after his father’s rule—like drastically devaluing Rome’s currency and taking up a very loose approach to administration—ravaged the once-prosperous empire.
Altar of The Fatherland – The Victor Emmanuel II Monument. He symbolically re-founded Rome—all in his own image. Since the emperor relied on help of others to rule the Empire, there were many conspiracies against his life.
Commodus was planning on declaring himself the sole supreme dictator of Rome. By killing large and threatening animals in the arena, let alone make-believe giants straight from myth, Commodus drove home the association with Hercules. Later, that year he became the co-emperor with his father. He was considered to be easily manipulated. 10 Facts That Show Why Caligula Was Rome's Craziest Emperor, 10 Interesting Facts About The First Female Emperor Of China, 10 Insane And Unnerving Facts About The Vampire…, 10 Crazy Facts About Sinterklaas Day: The Insane…, 10 Historical Facts About The Kings County Insane Asylum, 10 Far-Out Facts And Strange Stories About Serial Killers, 10 Out-Of-This-World Facts About The Andromeda Galaxy, 10 Out-Of-This-World Facts About Jupiter's Moon Io, 10 Iniquitous Facts Kept Out Of The History Books, Top 10 Horror Short Films That Will Keep You Up At Night, Top 10 Amazing Flea Market Finds Worth A Fortune, Top 10 Creepiest Places On Earth (That You Probably Don’t Know), Top 10 Things You Never Knew About Corpse Medicine, Top 10 Old-School Facts About Popular Boy Bands, Top 10 Amazing Women Of The Ancient World, Top 10 Disaster Movie Clips Critiqued By Experts, Top 10 Fascinating Locations Around The World, 10 Stories About Nero More Shocking Than Fiction, 10 Banknotes With Hidden Images And Symbols, Top 10 Weird Sex Items You Could Buy In Old Tokyo, 10 Innocent Things That Caused Incredible Violence. Thanks for your time! There must be a difference between fraud and humor – especially, when people react variously on the same facts. When his madness was its fullest, he started walking around with a cloak made out of a lion’s hide so that he could look more like Hercules, and he forced everyone to refer to him as “Hercules, son of Zeus.”. Dio says that he and his colleagues found this spectacle not threatening but silly, and they laughed—but to avoid risking death, they concealed their mirth by chewing the laurels of the wreaths that they were wearing. As a second attempt, the conspirators had Commodus’ wrestling partner, ironically named Narcissus, strangle Commodus in … Mark Oliver is a regular contributor to Listverse. He conducted experiments, too.