It's called victim mentality. When you have this mentality, miracles will take place in your life. If it doesn't fit them or if it doesn't fit in their schedule, they'll move on to something else. I dunno. Theres only freedom in uniting. I could be pulling this out of my ass, but I feel our generation approaches things on a more individual basis, like we're more personal and don't need to be a part of a group. Reassurance implies a mentality of poverty--you are checking yourself, "Do I have it? That's what a lot of books are written about; that's what a lot of religions have sought after is that kind of zen mentality of just being totally neutral and open and vulnerable to all of the forces in the universe without being attached to them.”, “Hetero - normative behavior and herd mentality is dangerous. Remember winners or not quitters and quitters are not winners. Look for opportunities to realize your desires or goals today and every day.”, “Random, meaningless groups can adopt an us-versus-them mentality.”, “The way I look at love is you have to follow it, and fall hard, if you fall hard. He is fundamentally rich and so can delight in generosity. There was an opening for a position half a rung higher than he already was. — Kevin J. Donaldson, I think that the idea that there's such a thing as a national literature that's somehow uniquely expressive of a national soul or culture or mentality is probably also something that nobody really believes in anymore. Just because there's a hurricane going on around you doesn't mean you have to open the window and look at it. You have to make it work by prioritizing it, and by falling in love really fast, without thinking too hard. | About Us This is a dangerous time. Because that happened to me when I was little, this is how I will now treat other people"; "Because so and so beat me up and hurt me a long time ago, that gives me the right to treat people the way I treat them, today"; "Because life was hard on me, life should be hard on everyone else around me" - does this sound/ look familiar? — Gin Phillips, You begin to take on the mentality of your coach. Error rating book. — Gail Sheehy, You have to have the service mentality in the sense that you subjugate your own ego, and you subjugate a large part of your own life to really helping other people, being successful on their behalf. Although I have met some wonderful people since I've been living in Monaco, I regard them all as acquaintances. But the idea that our limited human mentality can understand the true nature of God borders on the ridiculous. It's deeply corrupt.”. Us Versus Them, or Not Our Kind It's all too easy to designate in-groups and out-groups, dehumanizing others . Youre not Theres only freedom in uniting. I have rules for a lot of areas of my life. It started on the East Coast and worked its way all the way across the country; murder, relocating, and generally screwing over a whole ethnicity until they were almost completely destroyed. It makes no appeal to the meat-and-two-veg mentality. When people choose to be the direct product of everything that happened to them, the direct product of every single pair of hands that hurt them. It's important to have a dream: otherwise you might notice where you really are. ''Why not? — Renzo Rosso, Once you get the nod, your mentality totally changes. Back in the early church, there was a 'stick and stay' mentality. — Naomi Alderman, Fighting for freedom" is a myth. — Joyce Johnson, That's just my family's mentality. I found it hard to take instructions from anyone who wasn't a military commander. It's very much the way we treated women in the 14th and 15th centuries. I think that's helped me to combat the minority mentality people can have here, which can stop them scaling the heights.”, “A lot of people have a sense-of-entitlement mentality that somebody else ought to do these things for them. They are malleable. You reflect back and realize that you used to be extraordinarily paranoid and neurotic, watching each step you made, thinking you might lose your sanity, that situations were always threatening in some way. We have not yet reached the age in which we can defend ourselves with an unwillingness to have "anything" done. If mass media, social isolation in the suburbs, alienating workplaces and long car commutes create a bunker mentality, the Internet does the opposite. - Timidity, especially in the face of group and corporate pressures. I just try to listen to the characters. Yet the ultimate, most vulnerable and weakest victim of categorisation is empathy. A lot of times people want the same thing over and over again; I'm not going to give you that, I'm just not. — Alex Steffen, The thing about the Lexington International Bank ladder was that it was very long, and climbing it was very exhausting, and so Andrew Brown didn't have a lot of time to think about whether he really wanted to get to the top of it - and besides, since so many other people were climbing too, the view from the top must be worth it.So he kept going. You're trying to get somebody to change their mind about conservatism, because that's exactly what we're fighting out there. The fact that you own a gun and shoot to defend your life is a very American way of thinking.”, “Although the tech industry is very open to change, many people still have a closed-off mentality where, in the interest of protecting their ideas, they keep them hidden in dark caves.”, “I love that as a black person I've experienced not being a minority. How could I do it?" People are mad at the government for not getting jobs for them. This is the mentality of tenth-rate people who are in politics because corporate America likes them. Youre not really free with an, "Us vs Them" mentality; because you are constantly defending yourself. That's what works for me. — Dean C. Barnlund, I live very strictly by the mentality that what goes on the road, stays on the road . If I think too hard about a relationship I'll talk myself out of it. — C. JoyBell C. We cannot measure Divine Providence by the yardstick of human mentality. People like Latimer improved on Edison's invention at time when our society dictate his status based on the color of his skin. Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. “In the city, strangers seldom meet beyond daily functions. Cronin, I've only been out a few days. We are a very loving, hugging and kissing kind of family. — Jon Connor, My parents joined in the 60s and at that time it was really important - there was a group mentality. I only have two people I consider friends here.”, “A key to the mentality of the left is that it judges itself by its best intentions, and judges its opponents - America chief among them - by their worst deeds.”, “Today, women have access to the technological capacity to do anything to our bodies in the struggle for "beauty", but we have yet to evolve a mentality beyond the old rules, to let them imagine that this combat among women is not inevitable. I am interested only in helping those who are in thrall to an individualistic, indifferent and self-centred mentality to be freed from those unworthy chains and to attain a way of living and thinking which is more humane, noble and fruitful, and which will bring dignity to their presence on this earth.”, “The constitution has broken down. There's only freedom in uniting. Some people don't want to be loved; they just want to make the world pay. They give their energies to possessing things or other people in order to increase their sense of worth.”, “Those whose acquaintance with scientific research is derived chiefly from its practical results easily develop a completely false notion of the mentality of the men who, surrounded by a skeptical world, have shown the way to kindred spirits scattered wide through the world and through the centuries. Do not give in to why it would fail, but why it would succeed. — Herb Kelleher, Every morning I look in the mirror and remind myself: "No one owes you sh*t!" Author: Thomas Perez. Posted Nov 06, 2018 Even now, some people still take the Bible literally, and those are the ones wanting to fight a war against Islam.