Prior to joining the Department of Finance, Mr. Rochon worked for three years at the Conference Board of Canada. Ms. Nadeau is a Director of ENGIE where she is the Chair of the Audit Committee and a member of the Strategy, Investment and Technology Committee. He also received a Master of Business Administration, Finance Specialization (Summa Cum Laude) from the International University of Monaco in 2001, and received his designation as Queen’s Counsel in 2009. Through direct oversight of several very public and controversial natural resource, public health, community and environmental issues in these sectors, Sandra is recognized for her unique capabilities in bridging the extractive sector to external stakeholders - in government, civil society and at community level. Mr. Campbell established Hammer Equipment Sales Limited in 1993 when he bought Case Construction equipment dealerships in Edmonton and Calgary, Alberta. T2G 3A4. | Site design by Dorey Design Group. A report concluding the results of that meeting are available below. He has extensive experience in the energy sector in Canada, having provided executive leadership in the areas of finance, regulatory affairs, marketing, business development, strategy development and human resources. Jefferson TerraceLake Oswego, Oregon 97035, #mc_embed_signup{clear:left; font:16px Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif; width: 100%;} Robert K. Mackay is an independent businessman. Great value instore and online. An event every month that begins at 6:30pm on day First of the month, repeating indefinitely, An event every month that begins at 7:00pm on day Second of the month, repeating until December 14, 2020, An event every month that begins at 7:00pm on day Second of the month, repeating until July 6, 2021, An informational community meeting regarding changes with our HOA assessments took place on February 25, 2019. Mr. Campbell has been a successful entrepreneur for approximately 40 years, owning and operating businesses in a variety of fields, including automobile dealerships, scrap metal sales and heavy equipment services such as trucking, contracting and rentals, sand and gravel hauling, asphalt paving and road salt operations. All Board members are volunteers who receive no compensation for their work. Mr. Ganden has a long history in the heavy equipment business, serving as the Chief Financial Officer of Hammer Equipment Sales Limited since October 23, 2007 and, prior thereto, was the Corporate Controller at Hammer Equipment Sales Limited for five years. Mr. Marshall has also been a Director of Fortis Inc. and its subsidiaries including Fortis BC, Fortis Alberta, Fortis Ontario, Belize Electric, Maritime Electric, Caribbean Utilities and CH Energy Group. In 2005 he became President of RBA, a position he held until his retirement from RBA in the fall of 2013. Ms. Koval was an Adjunct Professor at the University of Toronto Law School and she currently serves on its Environmental Finance Advisory Council. Bill sits on the Compensation, Governance and Nominating Committee. Mr. Swaffield holds a BA and MA in Engineering Science from Oxford University and is a Chartered Engineer (UK). During his 28-year tenure at RBA, he held numerous management positions all closely involved in RBA's global expansion into overseas markets throughout Europe, the Middle East, Asia and Australia. As a wholly-owned subsidiary of CDEV, we will be governed by an independent Board of Directors. /* Add your own Mailchimp form style overrides in your site stylesheet or in this style block. She is also a Director of Metro, where she chairs the Governance and Nominating Committee and is a member of the Human Resources Committee.
Terms of office vary by position, and elections are held every October to fill vacancies. Home › Who We Are › Board of Directors William Downe (Chair) William Downe spent a long and distinguished career with BMO Financial Group, starting with Bank of Montreal in 1983 and holding a variety of senior management positions in Canada and the United States.
You can sign up for additional alert options at any time. Mr. Ganden has also completed the ICD-Rotman Directors Education Program. Mr. Ganden attended the University of Lethbridge and received his Bachelor of Management in 1997. Mr. Crawford graduated from the University of Calgary in 1976 with a Bachelor of Commerce, and received his Chartered Accountant designation in 1979. Mr. Emerson was previously Deputy Minister of Finance, Secretary to Treasury Board, and Deputy Minister to the Premier and Secretary to Cabinet in the B.C. Mr. Downe is a Member of the Order of Canada. Her career includes leadership positions in business management, engineering, operations, HSE, project management and the global oversight of large functional organizations in the oil and gas sector, manufacturing, and mining industries. He holds a Bachelor's degree in History from McGill University and a Master's degree in Economics from the University of Toronto. You must click the activation link in order to complete your subscription. Any director may be removed without cause by a majority vote of the members of the association at a properly called meeting. By providing your email address below, you are providing consent to Rocky Mountain Dealership to send you the requested Investor Email Alert updates. Sandra Stash is a Petroleum Engineer with more than 35 years of international executive leadership and board experience. Your vote is crucial! Ganden, C.A., was appointed President and Chief Executive Officer of the Corporation on February 2, 2015. Ms. Hilton is a recognized Indigenous business leader and senior advisor with an international Master's Degree in Business Management (MBA) from the University of Hertfordshire, England. Bruce Aunger * Chairman Gil Clausen President & CEO, Director Michele Buchignani * Director Al Cloke * Director Mr. Ferguson has been an Independent Director at the Toronto-Dominion Bank since March 2015. Mr. Calla has served on the boards of FortisBC, Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation, Partnerships BC and the Nicola Valley Institute of Technology. During her tenure as Chair of the Council, she travelled the world, outreaching to its 100 Member committees, meeting with Heads of State and Energy Ministers and speaking on global energy issues. Ms. Hilton currently serves as Director on the McGill University Institute for the Study of Canada and the National Canadian Community Economic Development Network. Stan Marshall is President and CEO of Nalcor Energy. Marie-Jose Nadeau is a Corporate Director and an expert in energy. Scott A. Tannas is the Founder, Vice-Chairman and former CEO of Western Financial Group Inc., a diversified financial services organization headquartered in Alberta.