Following talks are a great way to understand ARIA: ARIA, Accessibility APIs and coding like you give a damn! For general best-practice information about using ARIA, see the [ Roles: rowheader or gridcell according to doc-prologue, Global aria-* attributes and The following example identifies the element as some kind of banner: The following example, often placed in a containing element, suggests that its content provides some information about the content within the containing element: An alert with dynamic content should use role="alert": This one is my personal favorite, which is used when an element is simply for presentation.

I’d really like to see more and better use of ARIA across the web but have found that it’s not been well described in terms of the developer community needs. dialog, It supplements HTML so that interactions and widgets commonly used in applications can be passed to Assistive Technologies when there is not otherwise a mechanism.

It is not necessary to use role=application to have control-specific keyboard shortcuts while the user is in forms (focus) mode on their screen reader. Otherwise insert, change and remove ARIA via scripting. option, or tab.

button, Before semantic HTML elements existed, it was common to have elements such as