Yes No. 2. 1 of 23. D. 2. 2. Tuning: D A D G B E. Author z3r0element07 [a] 602. Here is how you can contribute to Whatsername Tab: Terms Bm. tabs.ultimate-guitar.com/g/green_day/whatsername_guitar_pro.htm, www.ultimate-guitar.com/pro/?artist=Green+Day&song=Whatsername&utm_source=911tabs&utm_medium=Song&utm_campaign=List, tabs.ultimate-guitar.com/g/green_day/whatsername_solo_tab.htm, tabs.ultimate-guitar.com/g/green_day/whatsername_ver2_btab.htm, tabs.ultimate-guitar.com/g/green_day/whatsername_btab.htm, tabs.ultimate-guitar.com/g/green_day/whatsername_ver7_tab.htm, tabs.ultimate-guitar.com/g/green_day/whatsername_ver5_tab.htm, tabs.ultimate-guitar.com/g/green_day/whatsername_ver2_guitar_pro.htm, tabs.ultimate-guitar.com/g/green_day/whatsername_drum_tab.htm, www.guitartabs.cc/tabs/g/green_day/whatsername_crd_ver_4.html, tabs.ultimate-guitar.com/g/green_day/whatsername_crd.htm, tabs.ultimate-guitar.com/g/green_day/whatsername_ver2_power_tab.htm, www.guitartabs.cc/tabs/g/green_day/whatsername_tab.html, tabs.ultimate-guitar.com/g/green_day/whatsername_ver4_tab.htm, www.e-chords.com/tabs/green-day/whatsername, www.guitarprotabs.org/download/Green_Day/Whatsername_(Version_2)_20831.php, tabs.ultimate-guitar.com/g/green_day/whatsername_ver8_tab.htm, tabs.ultimate-guitar.com/g/green_day/whatsername_tab.htm, tabs.ultimate-guitar.com/g/green_day/whatsername_ver2_tab.htm, tabs.ultimate-guitar.com/g/green_day/whatsername_ver3_btab.htm, tabs.ultimate-guitar.com/g/green_day/whatsername_ver3_tab.htm, tabs.ultimate-guitar.com/g/green_day/whatsername_ver6_tab.htm, tabs.ultimate-guitar.com/g/green_day/whatsername_power_tab.htm, tabs.ultimate-guitar.com/g/green_day/whatsername_ver3_guitar_pro.htm, tabs.ultimate-guitar.com/g/green_day/whatsername_ver4_guitar_pro.htm, tabs.ultimate-guitar.com/g/green_day/whatsername_ver5_guitar_pro.htm, tabs.ultimate-guitar.com/g/green_day/whatsername_ver9_tab.htm, www.guitaretab.com/g/green-day/52711.html, www.guitartabs.cc/tabs/g/green_day/whatsername_btab_ver_4.html, www.guitartabs.cc/tabs/g/green_day/whatsername_btab_ver_3.html, www.guitartabs.cc/tabs/g/green_day/whatsername_btab_ver_2.html. |
1. WHATSHERNAME. With your help, we can build a collection of accurate tabs for every imaginable song out there.
Are these strumming patterns correct? Whatsername tab by Green Day with chords drawings, easy version, 12 key variations and much more.
Submit your corrections for everyone to enjoy! 2fr. Whatsername Drum Tab by Green Day with free online tab player. Whatsername Bass Tab by Green Day with free online tab player. Submit corrections to Whatsername Tab via Submit New Revision button. API Contact/Support, Follow us: ... 1 versão de Tab de baixo exibições contribuições. Choose and determine which version of Whatsername chords and tabs by Green Day you can play. 1 of 16. Aprenda a tocar a cifra de Whatsername (Green Day) no Cifra Club. Choose and determine which version of Whatsername chords and tabs by Green Day you can play.
Green Day - Whatsername. Recommended by The Wall Street Journal Huge selection of 500,000 tabs. No abusive ads You can now report bad ads if you suffer from sound/video ads.
Recommended by The Wall Street Journal
Vote up (down) error reports that look useful (not useful) to you using arrow buttons to the left of error reports. G. 3. 1 of 18. 50+ videos Play all Mix - Whatsername with tabs for 2 guitars (drop D) and bass (standard) YouTube Green Day - Whatsername (Lyrics on Screen) - Duration: 4:07.
Have a better version of Whatsername Tab in Guitar Pro format? Last updated on 04.17.2015 };
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Privacy 2 w/ Distortion)(Let All Chords Ring), E|-3---------2--------------------------------|, B|-3---------3-------------------------2------|, G|-0---------2---------3---------4-----2------|, D|-0---------0---------4---------4-----2------|, A|-2-------------------4---------2-----0------|, E|-3-------------------2----------------------|, e|------------------------------------------------------|, B|-----2h3---3-----2h3---3-----2h3----------------------|, G|---2---------2-----------2---------4444444444444444---|, D|-0-------0-----0-----0-----0-------4444444444444444---|, A|-----------------------------------2222222222222222---|, D|------------------------------------------------------|, e|-------------------------------------------------------------------|, B|-------------------------------------------------------------------|, G|-191919-18-19191919-19-18-1918-14-1515151515-18-15-1616-18161819~--|, D|--x-x-x--x--x-x-x-x--x--x--x-x--x--x-x-x-x-x--x--x--x-x--x-x-x-x---|, A|-171717-16-17171717-17-16-1716-12-1313131313-16-13-1414-16141617---|, E|-------------------------------------------------------------------|, B|------------------------------------------|, G|-----------77777777------------77777777---|, D|-55555555--77777777--77777777--77777777---|, A|-55555555--55555555--77777777--55555555---|, D|-55555555------------77777777-------------|, G|-------------7777--------------4444--2222---|, D|-5555--------7777--------4444--4444--2222---|, A|-5555--------5555--------4444--2222--0000---|, D|-5555--------------------4444---------------|, Ending: (Gtr.
Recommended by The Wall Street Journal Improve your playing via easy step-by-step video lessons! Just Added Tabs
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If this error continues, please. 2 contributors total, last edit on Apr 29, 2018. 3. |
4. Whatsername Lyrics: Thought I ran into you down on the street / Then it turned out to only be a dream / I made a point to burn all of the photographs / She went away and then I took a different path WHATSHERNAME©1967 PEPAMAR Music Corp Stookey/Dixon/Kniss- Neworld Media Music Publishers ASCAP div_id: "cf_async_" + Math.floor((Math.random() * 999999999))
Printing is not available on your current plan. Just be on page with bad ads and submit it to us via form below. Tonebridge.
artist: "Green Day",
Songsterr tab archive is collaboratively built and maintained by your fellow music lovers.
Get the best Whatsername Drum tab by Green Day @ 911Tabs.Com - tabs search engine.
Year: 2004 - 1. 1 of 27. JMEllenSKMusic 2,383,050 views
Music Theory Learn the tabs while listening to its mp3. 1 w/ Distortion and Palm Muting), E|-------------------------------------5----|, B|-3--------5/7----3----0----2----3----3----|, G|------------------------------------------|, D|------------------------------------------|, A|------------------------------------------|, E|------------------------------------------|, (Gtr. We'll get snapshot of this page, ads identifiers and will analyze it.
Whatsername tab by Green Day.
fresh tabs top tabs lessons submit videos subscribe share tweet A. Can't play "Whatsername"? | We have an official Whatsername tab made by UG professional guitarists.
Last updated on 04.17.2015 Whatsername Tab by Green Day with free online tab player. Chords. 4. Download Pdf. and Guitar Ukulele Piano new. Download Pdf. | We have an official Whatsername tab made by UG professional guitarists. One accurate version. Whatsername Tab by Green Day Learn to play guitar by chord and tabs and use our crd diagrams, transpose the key and more. How to Read Guitar Tab Anyone can submit error reports, contribute new tabs and make changes to existing ones.
/* TFP - E-chords - Below */ 2. Guitar, bass and drum tabs & chords with free online tab player.