Film Terms Glossary : Cinematic Terms : Definition and Explanation: Example (if applicable) abby singer (shot) a nickname for the second-to-last production shot of the day; the name was attributed to famed American production manager and assistant film director Abby Singer between the 1950s-1980s; the last shot of the day is known as the martini shot For. example when a person’s head fills the whole screen. A shot filmed by suspending the camera above the ground and moving it in, In filmmaking a cut is when two strips of film are joined (or ‘spliced’). Unlike documentary film, actualities do not deliberately present an opinion on the action but rather, record whatever is taking place in front of the camera. fiction film that represents a version of real life.   Terms. This preview shows page 1 - 2 out of 4 pages. Having an awareness of these terms and concepts will help you better articulate your ideas and opinions in discussion and writing as well as helping to improve your film … Allusion: A direct or indirect reference – through an image or through dialogue. is a platform for academics to share research papers. A form of documentary film that shows actual places, people and events. A framing in which the scale of the object filmed is relatively large. Assessment 1_Service Mapping Blueprint .docx, University of California, Berkeley • FILM 25B, Copyright © 2020. together. In the finished film, a cut is the change between shots. Film Terms Glossary: Oftentimes, film-making terms are not clearly defined for the average person.In order to be knowledgeable about the movie-making art form and the techniques of cinema, one must understand the fundamental vocabulary and language of film studies. filmed from above, below, on the same level or horizontally. Glossary of film terms (1).pdf - Glossary \u2026 some useful terms for studying film Actuality film A form of documentary film that shows actual places, Glossary … some useful terms for studying film. succession, small changes in position give the illusion of movement. FILM LANGUAGE GLOSSARY This brief guide provides some of the key terminology for analysing film in the classroom. GLOSSARY: Film terminology Shot types Shot type Explanation and effect Establishing shot Places the characters and action in a context Long shot Shows the whole subject, with room to spare at the top and bottom of the frame Medium shot Shows the figure from the waist up Two shot Shows two people in medium-long shot to show conversations Allegory: An extended metaphor; taken in film terms to mean a suggestive resemblance or correspondence between a visible event or character in a film with other more significant or abstract levels of meaning outside of the film. Unlike documentary film, actualities do not deliberately present an opinion, on the action but rather, record whatever is taking place in front of the, Any process where artificial movement is created by photographing a series, of drawings, objects or computer images one by one. Course Hero, Inc. A transition between two shots during which the first image gradually.   Privacy The position of the camera in relation to the subject being filmed. Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. For example. GLOSSARY OF FILMOGRAPHIC TERMS INTRODUCTION The Glossary of Filmographic Terms was first published by FIAF in 1985 primarily as a tool intended to assist film catalogers in identifying credit terms appearing both on screen and in documentation sources. We have tutors online 24/7 who can help you get unstuck. Glossary … some useful terms for studying film Actuality film A form of documentary film that shows actual places, people and events. Prepared by … Stuck? Film Terms Glossary Cinematic Terms Definition and Explanation Example (if applicable) 180 degree rule a screen direction rule that camera operators must follow - an imaginary line on one side of the axis of action is made (e.g., between two principal actors in a scene), and the camera must not cross over that line - otherwise, there is a disappears while the second image gradually appears. When shown in.