known for its screams. Urzael - Adria - Malthael Banshee, the cries of this mythical creature predict death. Skeleton -
[1] The term undead refers to all creatures or entities that function normally despite having terminated life functions. Undead Abomination: An Eldritch Abomination that is undead in nature.
Only their spirits persist in an Undead form. The forces of the Undead are divided into the armies of the Vampire Counts, and of the Tomb Kings.
Risen Dead - Destructible -
Sand Shark - In Chinese folklore, the jiangshi is similar to a vampire.
Rockworm -, Generally are unaffected by mind affecting spells, like. The dead do not rest easy in the Warhammer world, and while not commonplace, the undead are an accepted reality.
Clickable - Like most other Undead creatures, vampires are immortal beings.
We always hope that through additional research we can find even more information and artwork on these captivating beings. They have complex emotions and plans, and they can often blend into a population of living people without detection. Ghom - They are usually physically attractive, but if you look closely, you might be unsettled by their pale skin, sharp teeth, and shadowy, color-changing eyes. The masses of the undead such as Skeletons and Zombies almost completely lack a will of their own and are dependent on powerful sorcerers for direction. It will even sometimes Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat.
For example, Bram Stoker’s Dracula, a classic Undead character, is well dressed, smooth spoken, and at times indistinguishable from a living person. • Kraken Soldier, • Mephisto's Handmaidens 5 Headed Dracolich Abomineator Abumi Guchi Aeacus Agony Ancient Doomknight (Monster) Ancient Mummy Andrew Angler Trobble (Monster) Angry Undead Giant Angry Zombie …
This grants rangers a +2 to their damage rolls on undead creatures at level 1, which increases by 2 with every fifth Ranger level. Undead are proficient with shields if they are proficient with any form of armor. They are actively decomposing and, not surprisingly, their movement and thought process is clumsy. Types of undead There are some Undead who either used universally by many Undead creature with necromantic abilities, or can exist without a master, wandering the land. The list below offers what we could find and short description. V Vampire - Sneaky types that like to drain your life force after turning invisible. (These are the Undead found specifically within Vampire/necromancer led armies). Like zombies, mummies aren’t slowed down by physical injury. The mummy’s path into the realm of the Undead is by far the most complicated. It emerges from the corpses of babies - the deceased offspring of unwed parents or unbaptised children. Occasionally, a ghost might hang around for a more peaceful reason. various ways but mostly as having the body of a dog or fox with large hind legs
The demonic undead belong to the realm of influence of Mephisto, who specializes in perverting the dead into macabre creations of undeath. A great deal of undead comes in incorporeal forms, such as Wraiths.
They have all the cunning and complex desires of a living creature, and many of them are even in possession of their souls. This is not the case according to the lore in other sources where Forsaken share all the characteristics of standard Undead. Treasure Goblins: Treasure Goblin -- Blood Thief -- Odious Collector -- Gem Hoarder -- Malevolent Tormentor -- Rainbow Goblin, Strong CC (Limit 1): Knockback -- Nightmarish -- Vortex -- Jailer They might want to pass along a message to the living, so that their deaths can be avenged, or they might be so shocked by their own grisly end that they are unprepared to accept death. like that of a kangaroo. Zoltun Kulle - b Vampire bat- Flimsy bloodsucking vermin that pose no real threat. All Rights Reserved,, Read more about this type of undead in the. Khazra - Undead creatures lacking any physical forms comprise another type of undead called ethereal undead. Undead not indicated as wearing armor are not proficient with armor. In the form of a canine â it is an omen for A living person becomes Undead when they are bitten by a vampire.
There are also truly powerful skeletal undead, like King Leoric, which is infused by the power of his tormented soul in addition to dark magic. Medium undead lawful evil Akikage : 7 40 ft. Although their cries may be eerie, Banshees are benevolent creatures. The undead are former mortals who have died and become trapped between life and death. Of all the Undead creatures, vampires bear the strongest resemblance to the living. Proficient with whatever type of armor (light, medium, or heavy) it is described as wearing, as well as all lighter types. Tank - Wood Wraith -, Ancient Guardian - Armorer's Bane - Arsect the Venomous - Burrow Bile - Buras the Impaler - Chiltara - Dreadclaw the Leaper - Erach - Firestarter - Gharbad - Ghas - Glidewing - Graveljaw the Devourer - Hellscream - Hrugowl the Defiant - Krelm the Flagitious - Leodesh the Stalker - Logrut the Warrior - Lorzak the Powerful - Mange - Melmak the Swift - Monstrous Dune Thresher - Moontooth Dreadshark - Nalghban the Foul - The Old Man - Qurash the Reviled - Rathlin the Widowmaker - Reggrel the Despised - Rockmaw - Sarkoth - Scar Talon - Shaitan the Broodmother - Sicklefang - Skehlinrath - Venimite - Zhelobb the Venomous, Armored Destroyer - Dark Berserker - Deceiver - Fallen - Ghoul - Hellion - Thrall, Ashangu - Battlerage the Plagued - Beyatt - Boneslag the Berserker - Bramok the Overlord - Goz'turr the Torturer - Hemit the Feared - Mundunogo - Ningish - Razorclaw - Shatterbone - Ssthrass - Tortured Soul - Treefist Woodhead - Wargiant, Brigand - Dark Cultist - Dark Summoner - Dark Vessel, Brakan - Dargon - Cadhul the Deathcaller - Crassus the Tormentor - Cultist Grand Inquisitor - Fuad - Gavin the Thief - Hurax - Jezeb the Conjuror - Jondar - Krailen the Wicked - Lloigor the Crazed - Nigel Cutthroat - Percepeus - Rad'noj - Sarella the Vile - Theodyn Deathsinger - Urik the Seer - Urzel Mordreg, Accursed - Quill Fiend - Many Forsaken NPCs are also considered humanoid. They can appear in shadowy or translucent shapes, and they can use the energy of their restless spirits to cause temperature changes or flickering lights. In the Grand Creature Type Update these were changed to creature type Horror and Wraith, respectively.
Like ghosts, banshees do not have a concrete Undead form. Category:Undead Type
The difference is their power and capabilities of spreading disease easier. Skeleton King - Morlu Caster - Perhaps the biggest difference between mummies and zombies are the impulses that drive them. Once bitten, you might transform immediately into a vampire, or might transform only when you die. The classifications of monsters in Diablo III are: . Although liches could never stand up to vampires in a beauty contest, they are among the most advanced of the Undead creatures.
Undead are an ideal choice for the Ranger feat, Favored Enemy. appear near cemeteries in the form of a child crying to be baptized.
Utility, • Black Hand Mage Caster - Undead - Wowpedia - Your wiki guide to the World of Warcraft This undead creatures list is dedicated to all of the undead monsters that we just could not dig up enough information or artwork on to dedicate an entire page to at this time. They might appear as beautiful pale women, hags, or washing women, but they aren’t bound to these bodies.
The banshee warns the family, with her piercing, mournful cry, when one of its members is going to die. Bosses -
Forsaken were classified as undead in Beta, but it proved to be too problematic with PvP balance.
For game balance, the Forsaken are registered as humanoids because, in a PvP setting, they would be massacred with Exorcism, Holy Wrath, Turn Undead, and Shackle Undead, but they would also be immune to other CC such as Polymorph and Fear. Ghost -
Ghouls are some sort of reanimated corpse but nothing like slow shambling zombies; the ghouls are fast and uncanny, running hunched over in a bestial, almost quadrupedal style. Zombies don’t die of natural causes, and destroying them is no easy task. The Undead are mythological creatures, usually monstrous, who exhibit characteristics of living beings after they are deceased. They seem somewhat intelligent in that they can also wield weapons, such as swords. The dead can also be easily raised and commanded by certain ruthless individuals who study and use Necromancy, a specialized form of magic. The undead have appeared all throughout Azeroth, most commonly in nature as revenants or wraiths. Cydaea -
Diablo - Izual - Rakanoth They would be followed, years later, by the Twilight series and its endless spin offs, which ushered Undead creatures into the spotlight as beautiful, romantic, and misunderstood heroes. Undead not indicated as wearing armor are not proficient with armor. Scavenger - Belial This undead creatures list is dedicated to all of the undead monsters that we just could not dig up enough information or artwork on to dedicate an entire page to at this time. See also. Powerful magicians who desire immortality may enter an Undead state by transforming themselves into liches. Fan-made monsters • Brutal Beast Defensive (Limit 1): Avenger(C) -- Health Link(C) -- Horde(B) -- Illusionist -- Missile Dampening(B) -- Shielding Proficient with whatever type of armor (light, medium, or heavy) it is described as wearing, as well as all lighter types. Fandom Apps Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. The Varcolac or Vircolac is a wolf-like spirit creature that can grow large enough in size to be able to swallow the moon and cause eclipses. D&D Beyond These are nocturnal hunters risen from the dead, but instead of sucking blood, they suck qi (or life force) from their victims. These undead beings are some of the creepiest and scariest creatures found in mythology and are often part of well known urban legends. Siegebreaker Assault Beast -
They are not easily shaken from the families they serve, nor do the families try to drive banshees away.
Please help us by finding, confirming, and inserting official sources at the proper places. They eat, and they defend themselves if attacked.
Undead enemies vary in appearance, abilities and strength, but share a few key characteristics: they resist Dark and Poison spells, but are vulnerable to healing magic, Fire and Holy.
In fact, they often have an air of wisdom and sophistication; they might be hundreds of years old and have amassed great wealth and knowledge over the years.
Type Alignment Adamantine Skeleton : 6 30 ft.
They have retained only the most primitive survival instincts from the days when they were alive. Azmodan Skeleton Mage -
Ghosts are unusual among the Undead in that their bodies are not animate.