So that’s as wide as we look at stories. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. But, just think – what would happen if I told myself a positive story instead? And the stories we allow others to tell us about ourselves matter as well. So, how do we break free of the stories we are telling ourselves and what, in reality, are these stories? It is imperative that we learn to create a new story about who we are. We tell ourselves stories. What is social anxiety and where can you receive treatment for it in Chicago, Illinois and Iowa? Too often, as adults we miss this fact. ( Log Out / Is it possible to change our negative stories to a positive one? This is the problem with the stories we tell ourselves. I can’t achieve that lifelong goal, I’m just not wired that way. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. I can’t declutter my home, I’m just a messy person. Your email address will not be published. It is hard to let go of these stories and sometimes they have become so ingrained in us that we have lost sight of the truth that is right in front of us – it’s just a fictional story. My stories go a little something like this: “I’m not good enough. Or we get so used to the same stories over and over again, we forget that we get to write our own. Once we accept that they are just stories we tell ourselves, then we can truly begin to heal. and the infinite world, and that’s our mythology. I have told myself many stories over the past years. Your email address will not be published. The thing is, that’s exactly what they are, stories. A story is the relationship that you develop between who you are, or who you potentially are, and the infinite world, and that’s our mythology. Together, we can master your story. We can then learn how to live our new stories and use them to create a better and healthier alternative. So, how can we go about changing our stories to a more positive one? The stories I tell myself are negative, which is what happens more often than not. Give a Man a Mask and He'll Tell You the Truth? I’m a horrible mother. ( Log Out / Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. I can’t be stable, my entire family is dysfunctional. In this universe, and this existence, where we live with this duality of whether we exist or not and who are we, the stories we tell ourselves are the stories that define the potentialities of our existence. These “stories” are not necessarily true, but they are the ones we have constructed and sadly, come to believe. In life, no one impacts our stories but ourselves. and if there are no stories, we don’t exist. We must make an entire mind change, and the above steps can help to push us into the right direction. So, I will go further, and I say, “I tell a story, and therefore I exist.” I exist because there are stories, and if there are no stories, we don’t exist. When mental health issues arise, it is because the stories we have created about ourselves are clashing with reality or it is because we have come to believe in these destructive stories, no matter how untrue they may be. Here are five thoughts on how to change your story, to create a more positive outlook, and to start mastering the life you truly want: Taking the negative stories we tell ourselves and making them positive is only the beginning to a long road of nurturing our mental health. Each moment of our life is a chapter in the story we are living, and some of these chapters are good, and others are bad. But do you see a recurring theme here? We have the control, and through consistent practice, we can master the story. Create a free website or blog at Your email address will not be published. In life, no one impacts our stories but ourselves. The stories we tell ourselves matter. The Invisible Famine in The Parable of the Prodigal Son. In life, we tend to create stories about “who we are”. I’m a recovering alcoholic. We create stories to define our existence. We humans have a tendency to resort to storytelling in order to cope with the stressors in our lives. The way we react to a situation, the way we talk to ourselves, and the way we are with others are all our decisions to be made. How do we learn how to utilize the stories we have created to master our lives? Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. Change ), the stories we tell ourselves are the stories. There are millions of versions of these stories, and a million more stories that can be told about who we are. We become trapped in the fictional story we have created and it causes us distress, feelings of anxiousness, and even depression. Instead of shedding a negative light on ourselves, we need to look for a positive spin. I’m too fat.” I know these stories are common, and many others have experienced the same ones. I’m a Borderline. These stories have turned into our truths, and that is often why good mental health is so hard to achieve. It’s easier to tell a negative story than a positive one, but what would that look like if we were to put a positive spin on a negative story? ( Log Out / As humans, we tend to focus on the bad stories and become trapped in those. …we are the stories we tell ourselves. Required fields are marked *. It’s even harder to put a positive spin on our stories. Oftentimes, these stories can be embellished and the person telling the story begins to live the story, even if it’s not true. The four basic characters: the Victim, the Spectator, the Villain, and the Hero, Quarantine Binge: Netflix’s “Into the Night”. We create stories to define our existence. Most of the time, they are negative and that impacts our mental health greatly. We are the stories we tell ourselves. These stories and the effects they have are so important that there is now a new study in psychological research called “narrative psychology“. If you still feel like you are telling yourself disempowering stories, or need help to redefine your story, create a new one, or for someone to talk to because you are feeling down, please contact us or call us on 8888701775 and talk to one of our therapists about it. Search. These stories can come in all sorts of chapters, but vary from “being ugly” to “I’m not good enough,” and so much more. We tell our stories, and a person without a story does not exist... everybody, has a story that they follow. ( Log Out / If we must tell ourselves a story, it should be a positive one. In the realm of mental health, it’s about changing our perspective from negative to positive. and a person without a story does not exist. In this universe, and this existence, where we live with this duality of whether we exist or not and who are we, the stories we tell ourselves are the stories that define the potentialities of our existence.