Nothing. Frank has no official status. Clash of Cultures are always difficult. See you around! Frank's father is distant and spends most of his time in his study, which he keeps locked at all times.

I think the fore was suppose to show how misguided Franks superstion was, and also make it seem as if Frank was a unreliable narrator (like did he really kill three people when he was a kid or not). He's haunted by the memory of a dog attack during his youth, which resulted in the loss of his genitalia. Frank cannot accept himself as a woman, but in the oddity of her/his psyche it is because he/she thinks of themselves as ” good at killing” which would, in the strange logic of the ritualistic sex and death, crush the idea that women were weak and men the strong ones. Eric had been a brilliant medical student who went insane after witnessing a horrible incident occurring to a hospitalized child with profound birth defects—its skull was basically missing. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. The book was initially greeted with a mixture of acclaim and criticism, due to its gruesome depiction of violence.

He considers women to be, as he puts it, one of his greatest enemies: “My greatest enemies are women and the sea. “The Wasp Factory” bravely states, by the narrative mechanism of Franks ideology being crushed by his true identity, that we as humans always think we know where the line of femininity and masculinity are drawn, but in the end it is impossible to say how women are and men are and is a function of our cultures and our families. Frank is actually a woman who has just been secretly fed male hormones and has been nurtured as one of the gendered male clan. Franks father has experimented on Frank to see if he could change him/her into a male without him/her realizing it and so he/she has been told that his/her penis was bitten off by a dog when he/she was a toddler and therefore had nothing “down there”. Pretty well thought out world (naturally – Banks is a clever writer!). When Eric calls, Frank attempts to reason with his brother and figure out where he is hiding and his plans for making his way to the island, all the while keeping these calls a secret from his father and carrying out his own irrational agenda. The corpses of animals, such as mice that he has killed, are placed onto the poles for the purpose of attracting birds which will fly away and alert Frank of anybody approaching the island. All the killing, mutilation, lies, secrets, fears and anger were all for naught. Den här boken kommer jag absolut läsa en dag. “The Wasp Factory” was in parts quit gory, even if the gore was kind of strange and surrealsitic. However, maybe I should update and put a “spoler alert” in the title? These were Banks intentions and targets in the work of the Wasp Factory and he succeeded perfectly in reaching his goals! “The Wasp Factory” is a breath-taking reading experience, even if the story is disturbing. Tackar igen för din fin kommentar!

Why Eric has been doing this is later revealed in the book. He lives on a small island with his father, spending his time in the strangely personal ritualistic killing of animals and grandiose pleasures of seeking prophecies from his Wasp Factory. He also exhumed the skull of the dog that castrated him, and uses it as part of his rituals. The device is enclosed in glass and aligned with each number of the clock face is a corridor. //UT, I’m glad you liked my review! In the end, Frances finds Eric asleep on a hill. Banks decided to try a more mainstream novel in the hopes that it would be more readily accepted, and wrote about a psychopathic teenager living on a remote Scottish island.

He lives on an island (unnamed) off the cost of Scotland with his father, Angus. So sorry for late answer. ( Log Out /  Convention, freedom, thought, and a language (Marain is the Culture’s language) which has no prejudices (nor is inclined to them) informs the Culture. Banks points out that believing fanatically in the magical, the irrational, the unjustified and the illogical, without the application of thought, human reason and moral concern, can be that which is most dangerous for us and our societies. Banks, after “The Wasp Factory” has written several popular Science Fiction novels, along with his more “conventional fiction”, most notably these include The Culture Novels which deal with a future planetary society where machines have become conscience creatures and humans and machine-consciousnesses live side by side. [1] Following the success of The Wasp Factory, Banks began to write full-time. The Irish Times called it "a work of unparalleled depravity. , they did say they were about to spoil it and to scroll down if you didn’t want it to be spoilt. Between the ages of 6 and 9, Frank murders three relatives. "No Sartre, no Lessing, no Mailer: Frodo the hobbit beats them all",, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 19 October 2020, at 22:19. Since all humans are individuals what we are is human and not gender.