In 1920, Hubble observed that the distance between galaxies was increasing everywhere in the universe. Hebridean Sky - Antarctica Express Air-Cruise Reverse from USD 4,995 : Departing Ending Duration ; 02 Jan 2021: 08 Jan 2021: 7: Enquire Now . And from there it just got worse. McConnell mum on mangled face and hands, NFL stars join in as social media explodes over Daniel Jones trip, Who won the final debate? Shop now. On one hand, the XR lacks the high-resolution screen and dual-lens camera on the XS. Gorham says he and his team are still analyzing their data and working to prepare a formal paper, which he believes will be a significant step forward. Time goes backwards in … He covers politics, business and entertainment. Researchers working in Antarctica have been trying to understand the behavior of a mysterious new particle, that could hint at the existence of a mirror universe where time flows backwards. Baxter Dmitry is a writer at Your News Wire. Terms of Use Caught in the act! Privacy Notice In addition to that, the space is inverted, and there is an abundance of antimatter as opposed to matter. Of course, if there are any inhabitants of a possible parallel universe, they’d consider us the backward ones. The Big Bang Theory is a cosmological model, a theory used to describe the beginning and the evolution of our universe, based on observations - including the cosmic background radiation (pictured), which is a like a fossil of radiation emitted during the beginning of the universe, when it was hot and dense. Your California Privacy Rights I’m going from here to the Middle East, and then I go from there.] CPT is Charge, Parity, and Time reversal symmetry. • 1 night with breakfast in Punta Arenas at the Cabo de Hornos Hotel or similar, with a welcome dinner including drinks on Day 1. Subsequently the longest trip made on the ice was 148 kms. That means the high-energy particles can only be detected coming “down” from space, but the team’s ANITA detected heavier particles, so-called tau neutrinos, which come “up” out of the Earth. Of course, if there are any inhabitants of a possible parallel universe, they’d consider us the backward ones. Most laws of physics make no distinction between the future and the past. The Cruiser was fitted with large, tread-less tires, such smooth wheels ideal for moving through a swamp but completely inadequate for driving across snow. We see accents pop up from time to time in Reverse Speech. Principal ANITA investigator Peter Gorham, an experimental particle physicist at the University of Hawaii, suggested that the only way the tau neutrino could behave that way is if it changed into a different type of particle before passing through the Earth and then back again. There is a fascinating gallery tracking the journey of the Cruiser in this great article by The Atlantic. Normal atoms are made up of positively-charged nuclei orbited by negatively-charged electrons. For example, let an equation describe the collision and rebound of two identical billiard balls. “We’re left with the most exciting or most boring possibilities,” said Ibrahim Safa, who also worked on the experiment. However when it came time to put in the work the cruiser was left spinning its wheels (quite literally). People have been captivated by news about a possible parallel... Post was not sent - check your email addresses! Things didn’t quite go to plan upon arrival either, the weight of the giant vehicle collapsing the massive timber ramp built to move it from boat to ice. The experts used a giant balloon to carry NASA’s Antarctic Impulsive Transient Antenna, or ANITA, high above Antarctica, where the frigid, dry air provided the perfect environment with little to no radio noise to distort its findings. Israeli beauty-tech firm Pollogen has launched its Geneo Personal device, which stimulates oxygen from beneath the skin's surface to give you a clearer, fresher face within minutes. Low-energy, subatomic neutrinos with a mass close to zero can pass completely through Earth, but higher-energy objects are stopped by the solid matter of our planet, according to the report. Over the last week a concerning report from Halley Bay has been making newspapers…, A select group of educators, scientists and students got a chance to step aboard Korean icebreaker the RV Araon late in…, On the ice an intriguing art installation gives us a look into the world of tomorrow – and possibly inspires…, © 2020 International Antartic Centre | Privacy | Terms and Conditions, All aboard: IAC team join scientists onboard Korean icebreaker, Future imperfect: Art and science combine in Antarctica. Apple's new iPhone XS and XS Max go on sale on Friday - and the biggest handset Apple has ever made is also its best (and possibly unsurprisingly, its most expensive). In a scenario straight out of “The Twilight Zone,” a group of NASA scientists working on an experiment in Antarctica have detected evidence of a parallel universe — where the rules of physics… In 1964, Wilson and Penzias discovered the cosmic background radiation, which is a like a fossil of radiation emitted during the beginning of the universe, when it was hot and dense. To start with, it couldn’t move. Google Pixel 5 review: A good camera, terrible speakers and excellent battery life make the £599 'flagship'... Are you smarter than Amazon's AI? We may have spotted a parallel universe going backwards in time | New Scientist, iPad Pro review: Apple takes the tablet to new heights (at a price), The small smart display with big potential: Google Home Hub review, 'Good enough for most people': iPhone XR review, The Pixel 3 outsmarts the iPhone (IF you trust Google with all your information), Bigger and better in every way: Apple's XS really does take the iPhone to the Max, The $250 beauty device that works like 'Photoshop for your face', iOS 12 review: The update that really will improve your iPhone, Naim Atom: The hifi that will change the way you listen to music, The $1,000 wireless speaker that really IS worth the price: Naim Mu-so Qb review, The hi-tech $2,000 spin bike that really could change your life, The best all in one wireless speaker you'll ever hear: Naim Mu-so review. On this trip from Chicago to the Boston Army Wharf the steering system would be damaged and the Cruiser would drive off a bridge and into a stream, where it would be stuck for three days. “We’re left with the most exciting or most boring possibilities,” said Ibrahim Safa, who also worked on the experiment. That new universe would have formed during the Big Bang at the same point as our own, but moving in the opposite direction through time, contracting rather instead of expanding, and comprised primarily of antimatter rather than matter . The underlying principle of CPT symmetry is that any physical process remains the same if time is reversed. According to this theory, the still mysterious 'right-handed' neutrinos' observed in Antarctica weren't just new particles, but pilgrims from an entirely new universe. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. 'We don’t know how to represent it yet, but we’ve got something,' he said. Google is late to the game with its Home Hub, but the low price and AI features make it a great choice for controlling your home, showing pictures and even helping run your life. Artificial 'mini-lungs' grown in a lab allow scientists to watch how the coronavirus infects human cells in... Tesla raises the price of its 'Full Self-Driving' system to $10K the same week that experts call it... Stay-at-home orders do NOT stop the spread of coronavirus: Major study finds restrictions barely change the... Herby fraud: One in four samples of sage contain the leaves of other plants, study finds. Teen equestrian kills self near stable after mom tells her to ride slower, What's wrong with Mitch? Researchers conducting an experiment in Antarctica discovered particles from a universe that was born during the same Big Bang the created the one we live in, according to NewScientist. While high energy particles are typically deflected or distorted by the Earth's atmosphere and surface, low energy particles could potentially pass all the way through. AI seems to permeate every part of its software, from the ability to answer calls for you to being able to almost perfectly predict your morning commute. One major question is that other researchers working in Antarctica haven't captured readings of these mysterious 'right-handed neutrinos' that Gorham and his team documented. It's a radical idea with a number of significant technical discrepancies still to be resolved. The fuel was needed not just for the Cruiser but also for the 5-passenger Beechcraft biplane that was winched into place on the top pad of the vehicle.