And to be honest, there may not even be an AI, it may just be Alice losing her mind in wonderland. That set them on a chase for a traumatic incident. Really top notch and quite gorgeously done from beginning to end. the books, I really want to take a close look at them. ), But the Mad Hatter transformation to carry the pathos and the weight of the worry around his family’s death? You make it a story about Alice trying to help the Mad Hatter out of course. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Tunney does fine with the material, which, as scripted by Jerry Rapp and Matthew Wilder, is not inordinately inspired. `Perhaps it would,’ Alice replied cautiously. This time, instead of logical beginning and endings, he’d tell her stories about time and the insanity of it breaking. You don't know where something's headed and maybe you don't even understand how your past has impacted you until something jars you into considering it, like therapy. She's married to one and she's the parent of three. The plot’s central mystery suffers from “Body Double” syndrome in that the movie has so few characters that the villain’s reveal can only elicit a shrug. It's also striking to learn the mask is a comfort blanket as well.Nelson: That's something I learned in the reading of episode five so I didn't understand it entirely until it was my character's reality in the moment. Exactly. Notify me of followup comments via e-mail. [Phone rings in the background] As a matter of fact that's one of my sons now. It was shaping up to be a remake marvel… or was it? It turns out that Wade was in New Jersey in 1985 when the giant squid hit Manhattan at the end of the graphic novel. With her as the leader of the show the rest of us simply couldn't be more lucky. As they set up shop, strangely unable to scare up the fellow from whom they bought the place, Ray discovers a “Private” office whose door is chained and bolted. Interview with The Devil All the Time Scribe Paulo Campos!! Initially it was annoying to have to balance a GoPro on my head but then I said to myself, Why not internalize this in a way that's helpful instead of letting it inhibit you. Like, over the top giddiness. I ingested that into Looking Glass and that was great, just in terms of an empowering aspect of the character to know that was literally filming other people. If Alice in Wonderland is a 6 on the 10 point trippy scale… Looking Glass is a fullon 27. Lot of issues. Unfortunately, that is not the 2018 Nicolas Cage movie I am reviewing right now. That sort of acting in reverse is so interesting and novel for me. So when acting with her it's just easy. Take for example this snippet from chapter 9, wherein Alice finds herself chatting with the Red Queen and the White Queen: ‘I daresay you’ve not had many lessons in manners yet?’, `Manners are not taught in lessons,’ said Alice. Did your collaboration with Damon as actor and creator have to do with you being from Tulsa?Nelson: Well, the original story Damon had was much more Oklahoma-centric. So I was delighted by what Damon wrote and, really, my contribution only went so far as the way I was playing the character and what that inspired in Damon and his writers.