Use art software to design your own ‘Lost Thing’. 8 0 obj Can you rewrite part of it in the third person? 3 0 obj Use the title ‘The Lost Thing’ as the starting point for your own story. Registered in England - No: 09178280 VAT No: 199650845. This thread is locked.


Bradford, BD1 1NN, Resources for Facilitators of Schools Linking, Stories of the 28 Local Schools Linking Programmes.

11 0 obj

Make sure that learners do it based on what they think, without being influenced by their peers. <> endobj

Insert Icons missing in PowerPoint Split from this thread.

It encourages thinking about how we cope with not fitting in, as well as how we can be friends to someone who is not being included.

What will he do with it? Shaun Tan worked as part of a creative team to turn his book into an animation. � ) 2 ( R S � �4 �` � � �� � �. How did it make you feel? <> Design a new ‘Thing’ that might live in the place where the Lost Thing ended up. ���� JFIF ` ` ���Exif MM * $ � It encourages thinking about how we cope with not fitting in, as well as how we can be friends to someone who is not being included. endobj Think of some questions that you would like to ask him: Watch the animated version of the story.

A picture book that raises questions about ‘fitting in’, and the way we support or ignore people who join us.

What would it say? 5 0 obj How are they similar / different? endobj 9 0 obj Think of some questions that you would like to ask Shaun. Share the statement below with learners, and see how much they agree with it. The main Lost Thing symbolizes fun, hope,and uniqueness. The Lost Thing by Shaun Tan tells a story about a creature who is lost, and befriended and helped by the narrator of the story. Teaching Ideas Ltd. <> The viewing of ‘The Lost Thing’ provides a different perspective with music and sounds to the storyline. You could use Fist to Five (see box right) for this to allow everyone to participate. <>>> Windows 10 1803. Use publishing software to design a ‘Missing’ poster for the Lost Thing. Fist to five is a silent way for everyone to show their opinion about a statement or issue. Have you made a great resource? The Lost Things world is the opposite of this world.

Join our email newsletter to receive free updates! 3. A man finds a lost thing on the beach. Which do you prefer?

Design a bottle top to add to Shaun’s collection. What different parts / features does it have?

The story is written in the first person. A set of homework / home learning certificates that you can print and give to your children. Why? 1 0 obj

You can follow the question or vote as helpful, but you cannot reply to this thread. However, these two texts are also very different as they are completely different art forms. Watch the short film that is based on this story. Using the range from a clenched fist to all five fingers spread wide you can show how much you disagree or agree with something, and it allows everyone to participate, even the shy, and takes less time than a discussion. Web page addresses and e-mail addresses turn into links automatically. Ask learners to write their own story of a lost thing, based on one of the images that you show them. It is a useful book for exploring ideas around fitting in and not fitting in. Write a conversation between it and Shaun. endobj Create a video report about a sighting of a ‘Lost Thing’ on the beach. The Lost Thing has inspired a number of significant works in other creative fields including a live musical performance of the film’s soundtrack and a theatre production. Create a labelled diagram of the Lost Thing. endobj Write a newspaper article about the appearance of the Lost Thing. Optional Ideas: Collage/ mural – students draw their own “lost” thing on white paper using a black texta, students find environmental pictures from magazines/ newspapers to glue their “lost” thing on. endobj The image packs below include pictures of lots of different aspects of Stone Age life... people, families, cave paintings, homes, tools, weapons and prehistoric monuments. Discuss the question: why isn’t there an ending, let alone a happy ending, to The Lost Thing? Could you create some digital illustrations, animations or 3D models based this book (or another of your favourite books)? Shaun had a dilemma when he worries that he can’t keep the Lost Thing in the shed forever. 1. Two posters explaining all about suffixes and prefixes. KEY QUESTION: How can we support and include newcomers? Could you write some narration to accompany it? The film does many things to show these symbols. Then volunteers can explain their point of view, or the teacher could nominate individuals, as they’ve had the chance to think about their view already. Where does it belong?

�T�q�WW��$�0Cf���LC���E�}���&v�q]6�R�W��X9���J�jѓN�FZ�� ���1��T:�.�‹�vhc�f3��Ȥ?y��-r��6�L�te|7�%V\b ��_ Use art software to design your own ‘Lost Thing’. Which do you prefer? The audio talks about the book in this video.

Write a sequel in which Shaun meets the Lost Thing again.

It is a useful book for exploring ideas around fitting in and not fitting in.

The Lost Thing – Shaun Tan Teacher’s Guide 2009 Page 2 of 8 INTRODUCTION The Lost Thing is the first picture book that Shaun Tan has both written and illustrated, and the result is a wonderful, warm, humorous story that will be read and enjoyed by a wide range of

Share it here! MS Office Pro Plus 2016 x64. Design some puppets to use in a stage version of this story. In the following videos, the author talks about the development of the movie. This would be before you read the story to the group.2. There are 3 ways to separate the extra information, commas, brackets and dashes.

Interestingly, the flap copy manages to describe the theme in a metafictional kind of way: I guess you want to know what this book is about, just by reading this cover flap. x���Mk�@������&3����GŢ`�@�)1z0R���5��zYfv�gvf�.����t��1 �J��� gZ�E�wP�A:y�(a�(��d����^u��%0����eU"*��d_`�{XIҠ� ��'F��B�:x�m"-D�%�"ߞ.�Vz5�O+c�/k��vo��N��#��f�C�":"�D�㼽���dv"��^%w © Teaching Ideas 1998-2020 Lines and paragraphs break automatically. <> Margaret McMillan Tower

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How might he respond? Watch the trailer for the animation. “The Lost Thing” is an Australian postmodern picture book by Shaun Tan.

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Write a prequel to this story that explains where the Lost Thing came from. Could you write a playscript for the book (or a small part of it)? Use these videos as the starting point for learning in your classroom!

Imagine the Lost Thing could talk. Where did it come from? In the following videos, the author talks about the development of the movie. stream Stay up to date and receive our free email newsletter! complete sentence extra added information The Lost Thing, a strange red metal creature, was found on the beach. Create a video report about a sighting of a ‘Lost Thing’ on the beach.

%���� The story has been turned into a stage play. The Lost Thing was found on the beach. endobj 6 0 obj

stream Create your own illustrations of the place where Shaun takes the Lost Thing to. A simple game that children love to play during PE and class activities. Allowed HTML tags: