We are currently writing 2 newer projects (I'm not the one actively developing them but contribute occasionally) in Aurelia. Some of my points may be misleading because I actively roam Vue reddits and blogs, and from my musings there is less activity on the Aurelia side of things.
Good luck! @EisenbergEffect, could You add some comments here regarding strengths of Aurelia? about angular 2 : hard to start and code not flexible , but easy to maintenance if your backend is bigger than front and you want industrialize project its a best option for you , it has poor performance compare to vue and aurelia but not so much but the hard dicipline of it really tie your hand but help you in large scale group project. Thanks! One could use JSX to render any tree-like thing, but mostly we use it to create HTML.
I know that Vue provides its own class component feature (https://github.com/vuejs/vue-class-component) but it really pales in comparison. We've been going back and forth on this for a couple weeks. One of the things about Aurelia is that it is finding a lot of fans within large organizations where developers aren't necessarily able to talk about what they're using due to various corporate rules. I'm looking for feedback from the community as to your preference, and as to whether my arguments make sense business/developer wise.
I didn't get many replies, but one thing that couple of people outlined, was. Aurelia VS Google Tag Manager.
Haha funny that you mention React. Or, you could use React, and have no framework at all.
I personally think that Aurelia is also quite pleasurable to code with, but I'm biased. Let’s start Aurelia vs Angular (2 & 1) comparison with Routing Composition-1) ... How is Aurelia.js compare to Vue.js? I find your points not right, I am not saying bullshit, because I still respect them. the lack of ES6/ES7 support. After that, have some discussions about what you like and don't like, but do it with an open mind.
You mentioned that you're not too familiar with Aurelia yet so I would really encourage you to read more about it.
Especially if someone would like to take the charge of creating the initial PR that we could work off of. Composablity is trivial by design, and correctness is very easy to achieve. Hey there, I'm the Community Lead for the Aurelia Framework. All of this being said, let me just add this. Regarding ES6. If there's anything I can answer from the Vue end, please don't hesitate to let me know.
From my own side, I'd add couple of things for Aurelia that came to my mind right now: @atsu85 Do you use VS Code? It sucks, but it is what it is. Aurelia is not the most... cohesive... but it's clean and elegant. It might be that they are equal or Aurelia is easier in more complex scenarios (or that Vue does maintain this edge). to your account. That being said, it is a bit simpler to use our decorators, but even those are standards compliant with the upcoming ES201x feature of decorators as specified here:http://tc39.github.io/proposal-decorators/. I would argue that the same is true for Aurelia, though our community isn't necessarily as vocal as it is for competitive frameworks, such as Vue. Unfortunately members of business will not allow us time to do a rewrite due to the scale and time that would be necessary to rewrite (its a sizeably large application and would take significant effort). Aurelia is definitely worth the detour. TLDR: Functions are better than frameworks. As a developer, this is a huge plus because I can re-use my JavaScript knowledge without having to learn a lot of the specific nuances and details that a framework requires. vue is good but fow websites and small scale panel . It seems that Vue is a one-man effort, and depending a project on a framework having a bus factor of one is not acceptable imo.
For instance, from what I've gathered, React is very portable - web and mobile devices run the the same code more or less. How mature is the tooling for this? Thanks. so for project you want work more than 4 year dont use it . I just did a quick search, and I see that both Aurelia and Vue have decent representation there, though Vue's question count is ~6,700 vs ~4,500 for Aurelia. Vue is likely a bit more used than Aurelia, but both Frameworks are growing. GitHub is home to over 50 million developers working together to host and review code, manage projects, and build software together. If you have the money I would really recommend the "Learning Aurelia" book (https://www.packtpub.com/web-development/learning-aurelia) which I think is better written than the official docs. lately I've been having an argument with my lead on a choice of Framework for a large existing product. Aurelia is really a hugh library difficult to understand and apply without knowledge in MVVM.
Aurelia team members have done training and consulting for multiple Fortune 100 and Fortune 500 companies that are using Aurelia to great success. What is going to create the best application, with the best workflow. i work on a enterprise project for a international Publication and start a new panel for our need and im already work with vue angular and jquery and react . for really small components that don't require too much logic I think its nice having all the view/functional logic in one place. We’ll occasionally send you account related emails. library and tools have separate file so you dont need to load feature you dont need and update library or use other external library is easy . I didn't get many replies, but one thing that couple of people outlined, was. VueJS is around 40kb, most competitors start at 150kb.
1 VueJS is leading in most countries, including United States, China, Russia, Germany and 158 other countries. Related to "ES6/7 support", for me TypeScript is very important because of compile-time checks and IDE support (refactoring and autocomplete). What I will say is that looking to Stack Overflow is probably a decent gauge of a framework's usage. I asked from Aurelia chat about Aurelia vs Vue. I really don't personally have anything bad to say about Vue. Learn more, We use analytics cookies to understand how you use our websites so we can make them better, e.g.
It's gaining minor adoption among enthusiasts. Of course I am biased here, but as a member of the Aurelia team, it kind of goes with the job description. From ExtJS to Angular to Ember, you are limited by the opinions and implementations of the framework designers. the problem in aurelia is the framework is poor in tools and external library and sometimes really hard to find guid for problems and its getting better every day .
I couldn't agree more on the business risk, and making a decision like this is a business risk/challenge which is why we are taking time to hash out the end solution.
2 Aurelia hasn't got a lead over VueJS in any country. I also recommand Learning Aurelia book that covers the doc with more real life samples. React is simple - it defines an idea - view = f(data) - with a lifecycle, and that is where it ends.
I work on an existing legacy product written with thousands of lines of jQuery and have argued in favor of adding/replacing old code with a modern framework. For more information, see our Privacy Statement. React vs Vue vs Angular vs Aurelia vs Svelte vs … Of course, questions like that can’t be fully objective and that’s the trick.
Me and another Dev have argued in favor of React for projects but its 2 vs 6 who don't like it so its a no-go. We use essential cookies to perform essential website functions, e.g. @EisenbergEffect Excellent!
aurelia is less popular than Vue.js.
Sign in @chrisvfritz, here is link to the "Vue vs Aurelia" (that came out on top of the search results for me).
These frameworks just keep popping up every single day. Including Computers Electronics & Technology, Science & Education, Finance, Arts & Entertainment and 20 other categories. Seer says: December 4, 2016 at 11:51 AM .
Aurelia was carefully crafted to be as unobtrusive as possible which means that most of the code you write is just plain JavaScript with a very thin Aurelia layer that allows the framework to do its thing. its good but i really hate that Aurelia : aurelia is really close to pure js and it work like a native js solution you have pure js class and a separate html page that connected in a framework so you can connect any js to any page you can use shared js and dependency injection for both css , js and even external html and you can lazy load them easily in your project .
If you're doing a rewrite do a rewrite, don't try and do it progressively. It has large and growing community support.
I keed, I keed.
This is a very valid point, but surely one of those four frameworks offers a better option than adding to the pile? Adding a small VueJS widget to 1-5 pages for some new features or a major feature upgrade is insanely cheap and easy by comparison. Hi there.
Difference between Aurelia and Angular. Hey there! Also they do offer paid support from Durandal like you mentioned and even though you don't plan on using it, it's always nice to know it's there should you ever need it.
I have previous experience in Vue from personal projects and a small amount Aurelia experience. You can always update your selection by clicking Cookie Preferences at the bottom of the page. Take Redux, for example. Vue in particular does a pretty good job of isolating functionality, but then you're not getting much value out of it, are you?
How easy can each be ported to iOS or Android?
I have (almost) no experience with Vue and I'm still reading the docs to find out more, but probably @EisenbergEffect and @jdanyow can introduce some strengths of Aurelia to figure it out. We do not pay and have no plans to pay for consulting/training/support from Durandal for using Aurelia so I see no upside to being an early adopter or not. I have done work recently for a client who is integrating Aurelia in to a Web Forms application due to various time-based restrictions and are meeting with a surprising amount of success. Complete rewrites are EXPENSIVE. @ferrygr Just FYI, Vue's definitely not a one-man effort these days. VueJS is leading in most countries, including United States, China, Russia, Germany and 158 other countries.