I think its themes and conflicts are highly valuable as they still address many of the issues in today’s world. Recognizing themes of loyalty, moral crisis, honor, and revenge, Ford Coppola brings life into the film The Outsiders. Randy tells him that he thinks his actions are brave and heroic and that he wouldn’t have saved the children in the burning church. Socs mainly do it for fun and also to prove to themselves that they are better and stronger than the greasers. The other thing-it’s a long walk home with no company…And nobody in our gang digs movies and […], Summary of the Book and Analysis of Characters’ Relations The Outsiders is a book that narrates about social struggles premised on differences in social outlooks, wealth, and cultural beliefs (Hinton, […], Introduction A film is a visual medium and normally attempts to portray certain parts on thoughts of characters not explicitly expressed. Also, once while watching a sunrise with Johnny, Ponyboy cited a few lines from the poem ‘Nothing Gold can stay’ by Robert Frost. I used to play basketball and football and I’m also into playing golf and I am thinking about trying out for the golf team next year. When Ponyboy goes back to town, he gets in a conversation with Randy. He ought to reserve these exercises for the rehearsal halls of his fancy and get back to making movies. This website uses cookies to provide you with the best browsing experience. They look down to greasers and see no value in them. That makes the contrast all the more dramatic between the high-energy realism of "Bad Boys" and Coppola's stylized, over-careful, deadening approach to somewhat similar material. Sodapop was torn between the two sides. The first and major theme is the gap between the different social classes, particularly the gap between the rich and the poor. Coppola deliberately uses such metaphors to portray a practical and likely result of an obsession with violence. “The Outsiders” is a story about a boy named Ponyboy that lives with his two older brothers, and they have a group of friends, called the Greasers. 3rd Paragraph – This paragraph defends the second point of your thesis statement. This film adopts a mixture of fantasy and western genre. Essay on holi brainly movie The outsiders review essay, essay about what is your opinion on being materialistic essay for code of ethics meaning of essay prompt essay about smoke free community. Also, after juvenile trials Ponyboy and Johnny are declared as not guilty of the crime and Ponyboy is allowed to stay in custody of his oldest brother Darry Curtis. Contact visualization has been achieved by use dark background that introduces the characters at the beginning of the film. Whereas the socs are rich kids with expensive cars and receive education with no worries. As a result, of his depression, Ponyboy was not questioned in court yet, according to the movie, he was up on the stand, being asked questions about the murder. This metaphysical fiction genre captures the lives of the Greasers (Curtis, brothers, and friends living in the low income side of the town) and the Socs (wealthy kids living in higher income side of the town). After the fire, when Ponyboy was in the ambulance car and told the teacher accompanying him to the hospital that he was a greaser, the man was surprised and wouldn’t really believe him. This is not an example of the work produced by our Essay … To align to the traditional setting aspects of production design and the society, this composition heightens hyper-real palate of emotional expression. After recollecting his conversation with Sherry and her actions, Bob’s death and a conversation with Randy, Ponyboy realizes that socs have different sides too. The greasers try to pick up a soche's girlfriend at the drive-in, there's a fight later that night, and a rich kid gets killed. *You can also browse our support articles here >. Since then he has been in custody of his oldest brother Darry. Monaco, J. Registered Data Controller No: Z1821391. Another way Ponyboy is a leader is in the way he sees things. If you need assistance with writing your essay, our professional essay writing service is here to help! When Ponyboy and Johnny are on the run, Johnny takes the initiative to decide they need to cut their hair. Greasers are poor and many of them have to drop out of school to help financing their families. Reference this. Its visual representational meaning conveys the relationship between Curtis and the depicted structuring of subsequent scenes. The thin narrative material for "The Outsiders" only adds up to a movie of 90 minutes, and even then there are scenes that seem to be killing time. Ponyboy, Johnny and Dallas Winston (Dally), a friend who came visit the two boys, run into the church to save the children. Johnny stabs Bob to death as he was trying to drown Ponyboy in a fountain. We’ll occasionally send you promo and account related emails. In "The Outsiders," he's required to do little more than standard "Rebel Without a Cause" behavior. It is about two gangs or social classes named the ‘greasers’ and the ‘socs’. Across the film, a series of tragic events unfold and climax with death. Sometimes however he shares them with his brother Sodapop because he does not judge him and tries to be understanding of Ponyboy’s different side. Out of anger and grief Dally robs a store and forces the police to shoot him down when he refuses to turn himself in. 1826 words (7 pages) Essay. From the third scene to the seventh scene, the Greasers are drunk. Greasers are known for greasing their hair. Throughout the story there are physical fights between the two groups. Rather, they function actively in the subconscious mind as they lead the audience to the preceding scene. THE OUTSIDERS, Francis Ford Coppola's inspired adaptation of S.E. When Ponyboy and Johnny were having a walk with Sherry and her friend, Bob and his friend Randy show up and demand that the girls leave with them instantly. You can view samples of our professional work here. The director artistically underscores the traditional position on triangulated desires as a trajectory and paradoxically dependent on desire nurtured by peer pressure to form the underlying huddles towards fulfilling the traditionally internalized protagonist beliefs in discipline as a normative social positioning institution. The kids in "Bad Boys" are hardened 1980s street criminals, while the kids in "The Outsiders" are 1950s Nebraska greasers, living in a time when even their toughness belongs to a more romantic tradition. They run away and hide in an old church away from town. Copyright © 2003 - 2020 - UKEssays is a trading name of All Answers Ltd, a company registered in England and Wales. There are may similarities and also many differences between the two the book is by far more interesting and more detailed then the movie. The state of anomy in the story line seems to suggest a weak social system and failed family life. The other conflict would be Ponyboy versus life or circumstances. 20th Jul 2017 English Literature Reference this Disclaimer: This work has been submitted by a university student. Learn How to Order Essay Online. Coppola relied heavily in a balance of irony, realism, and parody in the film The Outsiders to present a distinct literary style in depicting different societal setups. Nothing that happens in the movie … But greasers have limitations. All rights reserved. Besides, their low economic class is an impediment towards relating with the rich Socs. In "Tex" he played a three-dimensional character, complicated and convincing. One night, some of the Socs were unhappy with some of the greasers when they befriended their girlfriend, Cherry Valance and Marcia at a drive-in. Throughout the story there are physical fights between the two groups. The society would have never expected such brave action from a greaser. Ponyboy realizes that socs are not just sophisticated and materialistic people, they too have problems in their lives that seem almost perfect.