With an average foot traffic of 3.5 million daily and over 5,000 tenant partners, SM Supermalls provides family fun experiences that make each day better for all.
Location Map J40/2353/2007, avand CUI RO 20986980, Cont IBAN: RO16 RZBR 0000 0600 1024 4372 (Raiffeisen Bank) Accesul si folosirea Site-ului fac obiectul prezentelor Termeni si Conditii (Termeni si Conditii) si legilor aplicabile. Mall Timings: Sun to Wed 10 am to 10 pm / Thu & Sat 10 am to 12 am / Fri 10 am to 12 pm & 2 pm to 12 am. 301-311, etaj 3, biroul nr. Store finder.
Guest Services. Site-ul centrului comercial Mega Mall, disponibil la adresa www.megamallbucuresti.ro, este detinut de catre Mega Mall Bucuresti S.R.L., societate de drept roman, cu sediul social in Bucuresti, str.
SM Supermalls is the biggest developer of world-class shopping centers with over 60 malls in the Philippines and seven in China. Contact Us. Prezentel… Barbu Vacarescu nr. Enter a location (for example: a post code, an address, a city, etc.) and we will show you the closest stores. 7, sector 2, Romania, inregistrata sub nr.