You are logged in as a CMS user. Images, Resource: Images, Resource: The maps also indicate widths and names of streets, property boundaries, building use, and house and block numbers. Sanborn maps are thus an unrivaled source of information about the structure and use of buildings in American cities. Images, View 37 1897 - Oct 1950. The Sanborn map collection consists of a uniform series of large-scale maps, dating from 1867 to the 1950s and depicting the commercial, industrial, and residential sections of some twelve thousand cities and towns in the United States, Canada, and Mexico. Images, View 3 View 7 Insurance map of Boston. Images. Geography and Map Reading Room, Guide to the Collections. Resource: Images. Browse the Sonoma County Library's Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps on microfilm, in print, and online -- your Sonoma County Library card provides access to FIMo -- Fire Insurance Maps Online. View 3 Images, Resource: View 35 Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps -- California, Sonoma County History & Genealogy Library. Images, Resource: For more information about the Sanborn maps, see Sanborn  Fire Insurance Maps -- California. Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps -- California (microfilm reel 67), If you haven't received an email within 24 hours, please contact, Browse the Sonoma County Library's Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps on microfilm, in print, and online -- your Sonoma County Library card provides access to FIM, For more information about the Sanborn maps, see, ANNEX MICROFILM 912 SANBORN REEL 1: CLEMENTS/CORNING, Clovis (1929-1932 includes Las Palmas and Melvin), Colusa (see also Colusa Milling Company (no SCL holdings)), ANNEX MICROFILM 912 SANBORN REEL 2: FONTANA/FRESNO, ANNEX MICROFILM 912 SANBORN REEL 3: GARVANZA/GOLETA, Germantown (for later editions see Artois (no SCL holdings)), Glendale (see also Montrose (no SCL holdings)), Grangeville (see also Hanford (no SCL holdings)), ANNEX MICROFILM 912 SANBORN REEL 4: GONZALES/HEMET, Hawthorne (see also Redondo Beach & Inglewood (no SCL holdings)), Hayward (some editions called Haywards; see also Eden Landing (no SCL holdings)), Los Angeles (see also Culver City, Gardena & Lankershim), ANNEX MICROFILM 912 SANBORN REEL 5: LOS ANGELES, ANNEX MICROFILM 912 SANBORN REEL 6: OAKLAND/ORANGE, Ocean View (San Francisco; see also San Francisco), Orange (includes McPherson and Villa Park), ANNEX MICROFILM 912 SANBORN REEL 7: PASADENA/PINOLE; MICROFILM 912 SANBORN REEL 7: PASADENA/PINOLE (Petaluma), ANNEX R MICROFILM 912 SANBORN PETALUMA 1907, MICROFILM 912 SANBORN PETALUMA 1910/1919 [Petaluma – negative]; MICROFILM 912 SANBORN PETALUMA 1910/1919 [Petaluma – positive], 9 sheets (sheets 7, 10-12, 18, 29-30, 34, 38), ANNEX MICROFILM 912 SANBORN REEL 7: PASADENA/PINOLE; ANNEX R MICROFILM 912 SANBORN PETALUMA 1910/1919 [positive]; MICROFILM 912 SANBORN REEL 7: PASADENA/PINOLE (Petaluma); MICROFILM 912 SANBORN PETALUMA 1910/1919 [Petaluma – negative], 10 sheets (sheets 5, 7, 10-12, 18, 29-30, 34, 38), Piedmont (see Oakland (only 1950 in SCL)), ANNEX MICROFILM 912 SANBORN REEL 8: SANTA MONICA/SAWTELLE, 32 sheets (with: Map of Crawford Court, Santa Rosa, 1922), 1957 (1908 with corrections: 1937, 1945, 1954 and 1957), Sawtelle (for later editions see West Los Angeles (no SCL holdings); includes part of Los Angeles, 1921-), ANNEX MICROFILM 912 SANBORN REEL 9: SCOTIA/STIRLING CITY, Sisson (for later editions, see Mount Shasta City (no SCL holdings)), South Gate (see also Downey (no SCL holdings) and Los Angeles), South Pasadena (see Pasadena (only 1917 in SCL)), South Riverside ( for later editions see Corona), South San Francisco (for earlier editions, see Baden (no SCL holdings)), Stege (see also Richmond (no SCL holdings)), ANNEX MICROFILM 912 SANBORN REEL 10: UKIAH/VINA, Upland (for earlier editions see Ontario), Valley Home (see Clyde (no SCL holdings)), Ventura (for earlier editions see San Buenaventura (no SCL holdings)), Vernon - Central Manufacturing District, Inc., (see also Los Angeles), Victorville (1927-1943 include Oro Grande), 8 sheets (sheets 2-8 incorrectly dated "Feb. 1923, ANNEX MICROFILM 912 SANBORN REEL 11: WILLIAMS/ZAMORA, IWRDB -- The International Wine Research Database, Guide to Historical Newspapers on Microfilm, Historical Maps at the History and Genealogy Library, Sonoma County Winemaker Oral Histories at the Wine Library, Sanborn  Fire Insurance Maps -- California, Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps -- California, Sanborn fire insurance map of Petaluma, 1910/1919.