Since then, Rhonda Byrne has released various books and movies and has invested heavily in real estate.

She named it the documentary "The Secret.".

Her next book, The Secret: Dare to Dream will release in 2020. To add to the injury, her father, Ronald Izon, died in 2004. She took this new-found wisdom to make her film “The Secret” and wrote a book with the same title as well. The book was also endorsed by celebrities such as Ellen Degeneres and Oprah. It is estimated The Secret grossed some $300 million internationally. The book motivated her, and she continued reading various self-help books. She followed her mother's footsteps and is an author by profession. She wrote several sequels to the book, including The Power, The Magic and Hero, as well as other books that relate to The Secret. She has one half-sibling. She truly thought that this was a secret that had the power to change the courses of many lives for the better. It was in 2004 when Rhonda was having an emotional breakdown for personal and professional reasons alike that she discovered the secret behind her film and book “The Secret”.

Rhonda Byrne is an author of many best-selling self-help books.

The book was a worldwide bestseller available in 50 languages, with over 20 million copies in print. By combining innovative scientific theory with ancient knowledge and mysticism, this book truly offers the reader a superior outlook on how they can be the masters of their own lives. The platinum blonde girl has held various positions in the company, including Senior Editor and Executive Producer.

Rhonda Byrne is an Australian television and film producer in addition to being the mastermind behind the highly acclaimed self-help novel and film “The Secret”. She felt that she had unearthed a law that is relevant to each and every aspect of our lives, a law that is undying and eternal; the “Law of Attraction”. The second book in the series The Power was released in 2010, third The Magic on 2012 and fourth Hero in 2013. Rhonda was also featured in Time Magazine’s list of 100 people who shape the world.

Rhonda found the presence of the very same law amongst all these successful people, even though they were successful in fields that were poles apart.

The combination of all these factors also negatively affected her mental health.

Her latest book is How The Secret Changed My Life that released in 2016.

The moment she came to this insight she just knew she had to dedicate her time to sharing and circulating this knowledge with everyone, deeming it to be her obligation to the world. In 2007, Forbes revealed that Rhonda Byrne earned $12 million that year. She also writes scripts for TV series and Documentaries.

She also says that the “The Secret” was strongly influenced by Wallace Wattles novel “The Science of Getting Rich” that she borrowed from her daughter. Rhonda Byrne's second marriage also was not sucessful. It was published in the summer of 2010. It pleads both readers and viewers to recognize and grasp how they have power over their own lives. At that time, only her one film and book were released. Rhonda Byrne is an American author who is known for her book series, The Secret.

Visit Marriedwiki for more celebrity Biographies and Articles!!! Later, she produced a documentary based on that book.The book also has a sequel named The Power.

Hayley Byrne is the second daughter of Rhonda Byrne who was born from her second marriage. Rhonda feels that “The Secret” aims to make people realize that they all have a potential and a purpose in life.

Skye Byrne is the eldest daughter of author Rhonda Byrne. Also, she has multiple properties across California and the country. The Power talks about all the insight she has gained ever since the release of “The Secret”.