There’s just something about the band and how their for lack of better word “craziness” feeds off of each other. Frank – Frank is another weird one. Werner: I’m a German you idiot. He also has a brother and a sister, Oliver and Miriam. So that makes him a pioneer, but also an outsider because it was very controversial. Daniel Brühl is going to be in Captain America 3. Two things I have to mention, it was strange hearing him call Bucky by his actual first name James, weird because of course he played Niki Lauda in Rush, his rival and sort of friend being James Hunt. Find more prominent pieces of photo at – best visual art database. Of course my favourite moment was the scene in German, and the pedant in me enjoying correcting the slight but important (at least to me) translation error. Au secours, les beaux-parents débarquent! Too much social time and having to adjust to being in a strange place at the same time means I can’t sleep. But personally I don’t mind that so much, the film was about Lauda and Hunt’s rivalry and racing, and a film can’t always cover everything that happens. To contrast with Daniel, I only took down the Rush poster when I needed the space for a banner of Jogi und die Mannschaft. So there hasn’t been the time because I was so involved with stuff back in Berlin or in Spain. It was just born, I think, 20 years before that. Or a vampire who refuses to do his share of the dishes and leaves blood encrusted dishes around the place. Sur son insistance, Katrin apprend d'abord un métier « convenable » : travailleuse qualifiée en télécommunications (téléphoniste). This is just one day and night and I’m already going crazy. Nevetheless Landa is the one I have written pages and pages about, in fact I have so many notes on him and my interpretation of his character that I think it’s best to give him a post of his own so that he doesn’t steal this post like he stole the film. One of them wanting to go to a party dressed as Blade for example. He’s a big fan of Barcelona because he was born there but he grew up in Cologne strangely enough. I loved his blunt “I don’t care what you think” style. The difference was that it was centered around one film, Rush whereas with CW I collected pretty much anything I could find. Yes, very much so. Even though he wasn’t my predominant special interest at the time (technically CW was) not long after Rush came out, I began assembling the beginnings of a collection. Daniel Brühl previously worked with William Hurt in The Countess. Rush is  just perfection, it doesn’t get anything wrong. Tagged Bruno Ganz, Daniel Brühl, Films, Frank, In Order of Disappearance, James Hunt, Niki Lauda, Peter Capaldi, Rush, Stalingrad, Stellan Skarsgard, What We Do in the Shadows. If that’s the case I’d rather it be at the hands of Captain America or one of the heroes, pretty much anyone but Von Strucker. I think I would spend a lot of time there while my wife is doing psychotherapy. Maybe I do really have too many films. Today just could not get any better, an interview with Jogi, a new picture of Hansi and to round things off Daniel Brühl was part of the pre-match show for the final as well. I can’t really explain how or why it worked, I’ve seen the film three times (twice at the cinema) and each time it has defied any real explanation. I couldn’t decide about my fourth favourite, at first I put The Rover here, then I changed it to Rush. It wasn’t until September 2013 with the release of Rush that I really began to appreciate him. You are no longer the sole German who could do no wrong in my eyes. There are plenty more but I haven’t seen it in a while, that moments there sticks in my mind, I really liked that and think about it often. Daniel Brühl is recounting one of those outer-body experiences actors get working on a Marvel movie. The Bundesliga has a long winter break, which could mean plenty of time for a film marathon. I also like how speaking or not speaking a particular language, or rather speaking it correctly is an important part of the story. I now know how to start and have a few ideas for later on as well. It’s not just about the number of films I watched, it’s about the fact that I think about films less. We’re pink for Breast Cancer Awareness Month! It’s enjoyable for film buffs and casual fans alike, if you get the references it just adds to the fun and if you don’t it doesn’t detract from the overall enjoyment of the film. Daniel cannot put a step wrong as far as I am concerned. Now I am rambling, it’s not a good mix at all. Eleven days into November I’ve watched eight matches and only four films. I’m not particularly looking forward to seeing either of those, the former especially since I don’t like romantic type films. And I’m very happy that she’s going to join me for the premiere because she’s as curious to see the show as I am. I wouldn’t go through the usual steps of really liking him, making everything about him and then turning against him when I got sick of him. Just in case things couldn’t get any better, the segment included a scene from his new film “Ich und Kaminski” from which there is a picture of him. He has the rare distinction that I have liked every film of his I have seen so far, even The Fifth Estate. Although I’m sure I would be having trouble sleeping anyway right now thanks to the end of Civil War, I can’t believe they froze Bucky. Son interprétation dans le film Bürgschaft für ein Jahr (Caution pour un an), de Herrmann Zschoche, alors qu'elle était encore étudiante, lui vaut l'Ours d'argent à la Berlinale de 1982, à Berlin-Ouest. I hope I can find the two German TV shows that he was in that look interesting, it would be great to watch something where he’s one of the main characters. Aldo: You speak pretty good English for a German. I honestly don’t have a single thing to criticise, there isn’t anything I think could have been done better or improved in any way.