This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. The winner is a mysterious sorcerer named Vaati who, big surprise, breaks open the chest and releases monsters into the world. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies.

The idea is to reach the founts of wisdom before the sorcerer can rise from the dead to claim his knowledge. Sentences are more than just strings of words. 10 examples of sentences “sorcerer”. 11 6 Tsui-Goab, in the opinion of his worshippers, as we have seen, is a deified dead sorcerer, whose name means Wounded Knee, the sorcerer having been injured in the knee by an enemy. Aladdin dispatched this evil sorcerer as well. Chirac played the sorcerer's apprentice by making the main axis of his campaign law and order, a longstanding theme of the FN. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone was released in the UK and Europe as Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, J.K. Rowling's original title. You can get unlimited health at the beginning of Sorcerer's Stone if you enter a code in at the main menu. His diocesan would scarcely have approved of such overtures to a person already widely believed to be a sorcerer. All Rights Reserved. So she ran along over their heads until she had left them far behind and below and had come to the city and the House of the Sorcerer. Use “soda fountain” in a sentence | “soda fountain” sentence examples, Use “sorrowing” in a sentence | “sorrowing” sentence examples. Surely the giant Sorcerer is not afraid of four more upstart pipsqueaks. Illius the Sorcerer is a descendant from an ancient line of knights.

3. His best son was Conductor (1767) out of a mare by Snap; Conductor was the sire of Trumpator (1782), whose two sons, Sorcerer (1790) and Paynator (1791), transmit the blood of the Godolphin down to modern times. Sorcerer and witch doctor, gr So with regard to the idea that Vaudois comes from Vaudes, a sorcerer, it would be more correct to say that the term sorcerer was one applied by the inhabitants of the plains to those who were Vaudois, or hill-men, under the notion that the inhabitants of such localities practised sorcery.. 2. Sorcerer took refuge behind the mirrors. Sentences are everywhere. Tahn-te the sorcerer shall be under your feet! Chirac played the sorcerer 's apprentice by making the main axis of his campaign law and order, a longstanding theme of the FN. Plot Outline: It's 1892 and Sutekh is after a 3,000 year old Egyptian sorcerer 's secret of life. These instruments are the sorcerers and the witches. 2. His remarks throw some light on the early character of priesthood as well as kingship. "

1. They were the sorcerers of the place. When the fire was lit, the sorcerer threw a powder on the flames and said a magic charm. A lot of the imagination of the book is lost in the translation to the screen and only the most forgiving of fans will love Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone in its theatrical form. Example sentences with the word sorcerers.sorcerers example sentences. " These sorcerer's masks can be carved out of wood or created as a painted design applied directly onto the face of the wearer. In Yunnan and Guizhou, sorcerer's masks are used for the act of god welcoming. How to use “sorcerer” in a sentence. They all escaped ashore, but the sorcerer was missing. Working among them as the founder of the Mission of the Martyrs, he incurred their enmity, was tortured as a sorcerer, and finally killed at Ossernenon, near Auriesville, N.Y. The visual aspect of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone is simply stunning. That’s why Wu ( sorcerer ) and Wu ( dance ) were always connected. Aladdin dispatched this evil sorcerer as well. He calls the people to repentance, and he enforces the call by proclaiming the approach of Yahweh in judgment against Lhe sorcerers, the adulterers, the false swearers, the oppressors of the poor, the orphan and the stranger. Born from the loves of Bacchus and Circe, he is "much like his father, but his mother more" - a sorcerer, like her, who gives to travellers a magic draught that changes their human face into the "brutal form of some wild beast," and, hiding from them their own foul disfigurement, makes them forget all the pure ties of life, "to roll with pleasure in a sensual sty.". The sorcerer 's stone Leading the push is Steve MacPherson, Head of Technical Operations in MPC 's film division. Sorcerer was the sire of Soothsayer (1808), Comus (1809), and Smolensko (181o). When the old-fashioned way doesn`t work, the Mayor summons a powerful sorcerer who does the job for them. 15. However, it contains only one independent clause. 26. 5 Among the Mayas of Central America sorcerers could transform themselves " into dogs, pigs and other animals; their glance was death to a victim " (Bancroft, ii. For Sorcerer, who sat listening at his foxhole, the war had become a state of mind. Derk is a 'simple man', as sorcerers go, who likes his house and his animals - he has also created flying pigs and talking horses. I am greater than any thorn-covered sorcerer that every grew in your garden. For without are dogs, and sorcerers and whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie. Sentence with the word Sorcerer. By the time he had attached a handle to this sword he was having much trouble to breathe, as the charm of the Sorcerer was beginning to take effect. Read More. Just as good a Wizard as you are a Sorcerer. The sorcerer told him that his son had left him long ago. Plot Outline: It 's 1892 and Sutekh is after a 3,000 year old Egyptian sorcerer 's secret of life. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. Sorcerer thought he could get away with murder. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. The older incantations, associated with Ea, were re-edited so as to give to Marduk the supreme power over demons, witches and sorcerers; the hymns and lamentations composed for the cult of Bel, Shamash and of Adad were transformed into paeans and appeals to Marduk, while the ancient myths arising in the various religious and political centres underwent a similar process of adaptation to changed conditions, and as a consequence their original meaning was obscured by the endeavour to assign all mighty deeds and acts, originally symbolical of the change of seasons or of occurrences in nature, to the patron deity of Babylon - the supreme head of the entire Babylonian pantheon. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Examples of sorcerers in a sentence: 1. The Torah advises against becoming "a sorcerer, soothsayer or engager of witchcraft". Though animals, these gods have human passions and character, and possess the usual magical powers attributed to sorcerers. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. The chief god of the Hottentots is a being named Tsuni-Goam, who is universally regarded by his worshippers as a deceased sorcerer. In time, the wicked sorcerer returned to Persia to claim the lamp and tricked the princess into giving it to him. Well now you, too, can become a sophisticated sorcerer! Sentence types can also be combined. A game of hot and cold to find a sorcerers stone would be a fun Harry Potter game.