Major Payne: Slippery he says. [Cadet Williams as turns around and taps the deaf kid]. Two! Major Payne: From now on, you will not eat, sleep, blow your nose or dig in your butts without my say! I have 8 weeks to turn you gaggling maggots into a well-discipline unit. Major Payne: Then you hold it before I kick your ass back to Mayberry. Major Payne: One, tubby, tubby! Major Payne: 'Cause we feel good in a dress. Cadet Stone stands his ground, smirking, Major Payne tosses the grenade into some trees. Create meme - Major Payne Fastest and easy online meme generator, create meme, 100000+ templates, you can upload your own foto / picture Memes creating here sentiment_very_satisfied Templates by RichardBeck1. If you don't get across that rope. "major payne" Memes & GIFs. The best GIFs are on GIPHY. Cadet Alex Stone: Come one, he can't do it. So it's a pleasant surprise to discover that Major Payne is more entertaining than a barrel full of bad reviews would lead you to believe.
Basic man is cutting you discharge orders right now. Emily: Really? After motioning him to use the phone handle on his prison side the two face each other.]. Major Payne: Maybe what he need is for you to pop your titty out his mouth and let the boy grow up. See more ideas about Major payne meme, Major payne quotes, Military humor. Can you read lips? Major Payne: What could be more important than having my boys winning this here competition? Cadets: Got no worries, got no care. Three! Major Payne: I'm just a bald headed son of a bitch without hair. Lt. Col. at the Games: That's not enough. Major Payne: My Name is Major Benson Winifred Payne.
By clicking on "Submit" below, you are certifying the following statements: I state that I have a good faith belief that use of the work(s) in the manner complained of is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law. Maybe no one's responsible. [Major Payne has fired warning shots in the air from his pistol for their insubordination; he slowly lowers it]. Marine Private: AUGGGGH! Major Payne:[Lowering his pistol] I see what we have here is a failure to communicate.
I'm gonna put my foot so far up your ass, the water on my knee will quench your thirst. Kevin 'Tiger' Dunn: Major Payne wiped out the enemy with extreme prejudice! Was there ever a Ms. Payne?
Major Payne: What the hell was that you little freckle face cartoon? Major Payne: Cause we feel good in our dress. What beanstalk you fall from?
You think Charlie cares anything about slippery? Major Payne: Don't push the "maybes", baby. Cadet Dotson: Get your fat pork body over that... Major Payne: [to Dotson] You shut up. so technically it's more of a meme "captioner" than a meme maker. Major Payne: Got no worry, got no stress! “- Emily Walburn: How about you? Well if you don't answer me when I speak to you, I'm gonna put my foot in your ass, is that clear dummy?
Ain't you never been married? Welcome to the house of Payne! Major Payne: Fe-Fi-Fo-Fum. Major Payne: They're putting on a fashion show. Describe the issue in detail. We're doing our best to make sure our content is useful, accurate and safe.If by any chance you spot an inappropriate comment while navigating through our website please use this form to let us know, and we'll take care of it shortly. Don't you watch Oprah? you may have to first check "enable drag/drop" in the More Options section. If you're on a mobile device, Major Payne: I'm a bald-headed son of a bitch without hair. Two, tubby, tubby! See more ideas about Major payne meme, Major payne quotes, Military humor. Leave him alone, I can barely.
You terminate his command? You can move and resize the text boxes by dragging them around. By using iFunny you agree to our Privacy policy.
[Major Payne grabs drug lord's pistol with his other hand and points it at the butt of the drug lord].
You can insert popular or custom stickers and other images including scumbag hats, deal-with-it
Major Payne: Oh, that's my little incentive program. Animated meme templates will show up when you search in the Meme Generator above (try "party parrot"). I have eight weeks to turn you gaggle of maggots into a well-discipline cadet unit. I had a minor setback. 24 Oct. 2020. Major Payne: Any man that'd leave you outta be monkey-stomped and have his brains mailed back to his mother.
Major Payne: Oh, thank you now drop down and give me 25 more for speaking out of line! Wayans plays the role as if killing and warfare were the only joys in life, and when he finds himself cast adrift without a military commission, a scene that directly parodies Apocalypse Now lets you know that Wayans (who cowrote the script) is going to bring something new to this routine scenario.
Cadet Dotson: Let's go, let's go, giddyup, let's ride! Major Payne: I surprised you ain't dropped 'bout 12 puppies by now. Major Payne: He makes us squat when we piss. You'll get no sympathy from me. Major Payne: Used to be Samson, now I'm Ann. I'm gonna put my foot so far up your ass, the water on my knee will quench your thirst. Create meme - Major Payne Fastest and easy online meme generator, create meme, 100000+ templates, you can upload your own foto / picture Memes creating here sentiment_very_satisfied Templates Major Benson Winifred Payne: I never said family don't break up.
Major Payne: There's got to be somebody who needs some killing. Major Payne: Killing is my business, and business is GOOOOOOOD! Major Payne: Aw, phooey! Cadet Alex Stone: What about family and unity and all that other bullshit you said? Is that OK with you Col.? Major Payne (1995) - Yarn is the best way to find video clips by quote. Major Payne: Got to earn my right to be called a man. Kevin 'Tiger' Dunn: [referring to all the other cadets, save Dotson] They won't let me go on a "Black Op," because I'm too little, and nobody ever lets you do anything when you're little. Cadet Alex Stone: But it's not a life or death situation. Tiger: Major Payne just terminated that Bad man with extreme prejudice! What are you crazy? India! Browse more character quotes from Major Payne (1995), Dotson and the other cadets run, clearing the assault course in several seconds in their attempt to escape. Cadet Williams: Payne's not here, he's in our a**!
I just had it comin'! 5,580 views, 2 upvotes. Seven twenty-three hour days of fun and adventure. Major Payne: Gonna have to change my name to Pimp-Daddy Payne! Two Mississippi. You're just not a soggy one. Major Payne: I don't like it. Major Payne: Do not attempt to challenge my authority. Any other font on your device can also be used. Major Payne: My Name is Major Benson Winifred Payne. Emily:[angry] I thought we had a little talk about this kind of negative re-enforcement. It's a free online image maker that allows you to add custom resizable text to images. I want you to read this book. Major Payne: Let's move it, you turds. Major Payne Quotes Major Payne Meme S Quote Movie Quotes Sick Meme Best Of 9gag Super Movie Twisted Humor Best Funny Pictures My sympathy location 447 points • 4 comments - My sympathy location - 9GAG has the best funny pics, gifs, videos, gaming, anime, manga, movie, tv, cosplay, sport, food, memes, cute, fail, wtf photos on the internet! Cadets: Got to earn my right to be called a man. “You'll get no sympathy from me! Major Payne: From now on, my little group of shaved scrotum sacks, you will walk like me, talk like me, eat like me, and until you win those games, you will be BALD like me. [Major Payne has shaved the children bald]. You want sympathy, look in the dictionary between shit and syphillis. What are the boys doing in those dresses? What you had was a nightmare.
Cadet Williams: Break it on down! by damnice.
Major Payne: Cause we feel good in our dress. Cadets: I'm a bald-headed son of a bitch without hair. [Starts to dance until Major Payne comes behind him]. The Little Rascals! Major Payne: You nasty little worm. Emily: Here. Kevin 'Tiger' Dunn: Major Payne! Did I give you permission to sneeze, Opie? I'm gonna make you boys strong!
[Major Payne has fired warning shots in the air from his pistol for their insubordination; he slowly lowers it] Major Payne: See what we have here is a failure to communicate. Killin'is my business, ladies, and business is good! [after a ruse to try and get rid of him, Major Payne forces the cadets to wear dresses and march with him]. “Killing is my business, and business is good!”, “You know there ain't no pets allowed on this premises, Mr. It's somethin' special. Col. Braggart: Lieutenant, I can only disqualify the cadet who started the disturbance. [Marine nods and Payne grabs the private's pinky finger].
Handicapped Man. I state that the information in this notification is accurate and, under penalty of perjury, that I am the owner of the exclusive right that is allegedly infringed, or an authorized agent for the owner. As of 0800, I am replacing Major Frankfurt as your commanding officer. [Major Payne is in jail when General Decker visits him. Easily move …
Major Payne: I didn't stutter, I said pop-your-titty-out-his-mouth AND STOP BABYING HIM. When I come back, I'll tell you what Bubba used as a penis! [walks up to his cadets] Major Payne: Do not attempt to challenge my authority. Complete the form below to notify iFunny of a claim relating to your intellectual property rights and content or some technical inconvenience with the service. WHAT? Who's responsible? How about you? Dr. Phillips: The green boys... they wear those green 'tings. Break it on down! Major payne Meme Generator The Fastest Meme Generator on the Planet. Cadets: He makes us squat when we piss. Major Payne: Got no worries, got no care. all the customizations, you can design many creative works including It's from my heart. Major Payne: If the Marines wanted me to have a wife, they would've issued me one!
Alex Stone: Because you are the one with the biggest tits! Cadet Alex Stone: Well it's not a life or death situation. Cadet Alex Stone: Come one, he can't do it. You can rotate, flip, and crop any templates you upload. What beanstalk you fall from? Major Payne: Hello cue balls! Note: Only personal attacks are removed, otherwise if it's just content you find offensive, you are free to browse other websites. Don't you feel dumb. Major Payne: You like the way I handled them white folks back there? From this moment, you are no longer turds. These boys have to earn their do... their hair-do that is. 26,896 views, 2 upvotes, 2 comments. Look at you. [He had peed down the front of his pants].
Major Payne: Negative. Please be specific. Do you know why you're here? Major Payne: Fe-Fi-Fo-Fum.
Major Payne: Let me tell you something ass-eyes, let me tell you ALL something: war has made me very PARANOID! Major Payne: I'm just a bald headed son of a bitch without hair. WHAT? Cadets: Butt's so tight he can't pass gas!