Le radici sono rizomi in grado di aderire solo a substrati morbidi (sabbiosi, al contrario delle alghe che stratificano e crescono su substrati rocciosi). Le proprietà della posidonia sono difficili da elencare in quanto, ancora oggi, questa pianta marina è oggetto di studio: sono stati isolati oltre 51 sostanze naturali, inclusi fenoli, ester, flavonoli… la posidonia è oggetto di studio per la possibilità di poter estrarre sostanze con metodi fitochimici appropriati. This work was not only an overall representation of geographical questions according to current scientific knowledge, but it served to popularize his theories about the internal connections of the world, to show how all the forces had an effect on each other and how the interconnectedness applied also to human life, to the political just as to the personal spheres. Poseidonius, nicknamed “the Athlete,” was a native of Apamea in Syria and a pupil of the Greek Stoic philosopher Panaetius. Rivista Marittima Italiana, Organizzazione trofica nell'ecosistema a Posidonia, Indicatori biologici per le acque marine costiere, Recherches sur les herbiers de Phanérogams marines du littoral méditerraneen francais. Presenta proprietà antiossidanti e antifungine. Ancora oggi è considerata nu rimedio della nonna, il motivo? He noted, however, that Hipparchus had added some 26,000 stadia to Eratosthenes's estimate. [19][20][21] Some of Posidonius's arguments are contested by Josephus in Against Apion. As explained by Cleomedes, Posidonius observed Canopus on but never above the horizon at Rhodes, while at Alexandria he saw it ascend as far as 7½ degrees above the horizon (the meridian arc between the latitude of the two locales is actually 5 degrees 14 minutes).
The incidents concerning Posidonius's conflict and final break up with the Stoics are mentioned by Galen in his book On the Doctrines of Plato and Hippocrates. His studies were major investigations into their subjects, although not without errors. La pianta può raggiungere una lunghezza di 140 – 150 cm, la parte inferiore della posidonia oceanica è lignificato e può raggiungere una lunghezza di 15 cm. Le cosiddette olive di mare costituiscono il frutto di questa pianta. Posidonius in his writings on meteorology followed Aristotle. Following the basic doctrine of Stoicism about a rationally directed universe, he focused on human nature. Wilhelm Capelle [de] (Neue Jahrbücher, 1905), traced most of the doctrines of De Mundo, to Poseidonius, a popular philosophic treatise based on two works of Poseidonius. After he had established himself in Rhodes, Posidonius made one or more journeys traveling throughout the Roman world and even beyond its boundaries to conduct scientific research. Secondo la Parte IV del Testo Unico Ambientale, le foglie di Posidonia sulla spiaggia sono considerate rifiuti solidi e devono essere rimosse. His vast body of work exists today only in fragments.
He recorded observations on both earthquakes and volcanoes, including accounts of the eruptions of the volcanoes in the Aeolian Islands, north of Sicily.
Il motivo? Posidonius's orrery, according to Cicero, exhibited the diurnal motions of the Sun, Moon, and the five known planets.[13]. La posidonia oceanica forma dei prati sottomarini enormi che hanno un importanza ecologica notevole. Posidonius probably died in Rome or Rhodes in about 51 BCE. Posidonius's writings on the Jews were probably the source of Diodorus Siculus's account of the siege of Jerusalem and possibly also for Strabo's. a. Eratosthenes (240 B.C.)
– 1. Pubblicato da Anna De Simone il 27 Luglio 2018, © 2020 IdeeGreen S.r.l. In this work, Posidonius detailed his theory of the effect on a people's character by the climate, which included his representation of the "geography of the races".
Along with other Greek intellectuals, Posidonius favored Rome as the stabilizing power in a turbulent world. Questo fatto non è casuale e sembra essere correlato a una delle esigenze della pianta: la pianta avrebbe bisogno di temperature estive molto alte e temperature autunnali miti con acque intorno ai 20 °C.
Writers such as Strabo and Seneca provide most of the information, from history, about his life. His history of the period 146 – 88 BCE is said to have filled 52 volumes. Posidonius (Greek: Ποσειδώνιος, Poseidonios, meaning "of Poseidon") "of Apameia" (ὁ Ἀπαμεύς) or "of Rhodes" (ὁ Ῥόδιος) (c. 135 BCE – c. 51 BCE), was a Greek[1] Stoic[2] philosopher, politician, astronomer, geographer, historian, mathematician, and teacher native to Apamea, Syria. All his works, from scientific to historical, were inseparably philosophical. He also estimated that the boundary between the clouds and the heavens lies about 40 stadia above the Earth. Forma delle praterie … For Posidonius "history" extended beyond the earth into the sky; humanity was not isolated each in its own political history, but was a part of the cosmos. A century later, Seneca referred to Posidonius as one of those who had made the largest contribution to philosophy. Other Romans who visited Posidonius in Rhodes were Velleius, Cotta, and Lucilius. àliga) s. f. [lat. Le foglie sono state usate, in passato, come isolante edilizio nella realizzazione dei tetti. Cicero in his De Finibus closely followed Posidonius's presentation of Panaetius's ethical teachings. Posidonius did not follow Polybius's more detached and factual style, for Posidonius saw events as caused by human psychology; while he understood human passions and follies, he did not pardon or excuse them in his historical writing, using his narrative skill in fact to enlist the readers' approval or condemnation. [9] These three categories for him were, in Stoic fashion, inseparable and interdependent parts of an organic, natural whole. In Hispania, on the Atlantic coast at Gades (the modern Cadiz), Posidonius could observe tides much higher than in his native Mediterranean.
Posidonius is a lunar impact crater that is located on the north-eastern edge of Mare Serenitatis, to the south of Lacus Somniorum.
At one time, scholars perceived Posidonius's influence in almost every subsequent writer, whether warranted or not. [9][10] His philosophical grand vision was that the universe itself was similarly interconnected, as if an organism, through cosmic "sympathy", in all respects from the development of the physical world to the history of humanity. Il Meridione d’Italia è fortunato perché in queste località la fruttificazione è più comune. Note that the lava which flooded the crater reached its rim and is clearly …
In his Histories, Posidonius continued the World History of Polybius. Appartenente alla scuola stoica, fu considerato il più grande filosofo della sua epoca, tanto che, per l'ampiezza degli studi, fu soprannominato "Atleta".