We won't share this comment without your permission. He is partially covered in blood. War Horse is rated PG-13 by the MPAA for intense sequences of war violence. An animal is entangled in wire. Parents need to know that Steven Spielberg's adaptation of the English children's book and hit Broadway show, War Horse, depicts war in a realistic manner that's too intense for younger kids. | Searching for streaming and purchasing options ... Common Sense is a nonprofit organization. Parents need to know that Steven Spielberg's adaptation of the English children's book and hit Broadway show, War Horse, depicts war in a realistic manner that's too intense for younger kids. One man gets wounded in the leg. | Yet looking through the unbiased eyes of this horse conscripted to service, audiences will find sacrifices made by men and beasts fighting for their country’s cause. Parents: Set preferences and get age-appropriate recommendations with Common Sense Media Plus. Eventually, Albie is old enough to enlist and hopes to find his beloved Joey again. Characters talk about people who have been killed. Common Sense Media, a nonprofit organization, earns a small affiliate fee from Amazon or iTunes when you use our links to make a purchase.

A German soldier tries to save his younger brother from fighting, even if by doing so he endangers himself. British slang/insults like "barmy," "bugger," "bloody," "daft," "stupid git," "old sod," "fool of a father," and the like. Joey experi-ences the harsh realities of war …

A goose chases people. The two belong together, and Joey is committed not only to serving his country but to finding his beloved horse again.
This movie is based on the children’s book War Horse, by Michael Morpugo. Then one day in a match of one-upmanship fueled by alcohol, Albert’s father Ted buys a young horse at auction. Sexual Content: A horse kicks a man and knocks him over. How does it make the story more realistic? Repeated intense scenes of war violence include shooting, stabbings and charging of soldiers. Once the horse is fully grown, we see the three men take him into the village to be sold at the horse auction. Language: Joey is transformed from a farm horse into a cavalry horse and travels with the soldiers to the battlegrounds of Europe. We learn that Emilie's parents died in the war. Kerry Bennett is interested in media from both a journalist and parent perspective.

Violence: Others are gassed. Along with authoring articles for several family-oriented publications, she has written for Parent Previews for over 15 years.
(He runs so fast that their tangles cause him to flip over, landing hard and painfully.) A French grandfather and his sick, precocious granddaughter have a beautiful relationship that's combative but close. Characters say "bastard" and "hell" twice each, along with British crudities "bloody" (two or three times), "bugger" (at least four times) and "git" (once). © Common Sense Media. What compels Ted to up his bid against his landlord at the horse auction? Albert’s father, who needs money, sells Joey to the army. Most of the disturbing war scenes are in the movie's second half. One soldier is told to stay behind and shoot anyone who retreats back to his home trench. Dead and injured humans and animals are shown.

There are also messages about war -- both that it's an honor to serve your nation but that it's a tragedy to have to die for it. As a parent who has taken her 13 and 11 year olds to several controversial... very violent scenes with the horse in the barb wire, very intense not for little one's eyes. (Two soldiers are shot for leaving their posts.).

A harrowing and Beauty-ful version of the book. Your purchase helps us remain independent and ad-free. Young adult males make brief sexually suggestive comments. Whiskey and other alcoholic beverages make sporadic appearances elsewhere too. Get full reviews, ratings, and advice delivered weekly to your inbox. The MPAA rated War Horse PG-13 for intense sequences of war violence. Based on a fictionalized children’s book by Michael Morpugo, the battle depictions are much more graphic and intense than anything described in the novel. | Animals are worked until nearly dead and then shot. Your privacy is important to us. Profanity.

The cast is a virtual who's-who of rising English talent -- up-and-comer Irvine (making his feature debut), the always terrific Benedict Cumberbatch, and Thor breakout star Hiddleston as the earnest captain who buys Joey -- along with veteran supporting actors led by Emily Watson, who shines as Albert's wise, hardworking mother, who always knows what to say. In the meantime, Joey sees the confrontation from behind both enemy lines where he and the audience meet good and bad soldiers on either side. Families can talk about War Horse's violence. Taglines