breasts because like to eat white meat. After year 2000, 1 out of 3. flaws of their neighbors. Explain how obesity, diabetes, and poverty are linked. Name: _ Period: _ Date: _ Food, Inc. Fast Food to All Food 1. Explain why farmers are economically bound to the large meat companies. Write. Food, Inc. Study these flashcards. The food consumers buy impacts companies production. Explain the role that government policy plays in making corn such a dominant crop. Can the USDA shut down a plant that has repeated E.coli and Salmonella positive tests? (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Questions Answer Key Food Inc Movie Worksheet Answers, Food Inc Movie Worksheet Baldrige Answers, Worksheet Food Chain Questions Answer Key, Food Inc Movie Worksheet Baldrige 2009 Answers, Food Chain And Food Web Worksheet Answers, Food Web And Food Chain Worksheet Answers, Worksheet Plate Tectonics Questions Answer Key, Pdf Free Printable Reading Comprehension Worksheets For 1st Grade, Ordering Numbers Worksheets 3rd Grade Pdf, Ordering Numbers In Standard Form Worksheet, Order Of Operations Worksheet For Middle School, free baby shower templates for microsoft word. FIRST AND LAST NAME. OK Question Title * 5. How much meat does the average person eat per year? Yes, more people will be buying the organic products. How much does a typical chicken farmer with 2 $500,000 houses make a year? Taking antibiotics. What imagery is used to sell food in America during the twenty-first century? What is the expected rate of Type II Diabetes in people born after the year 2000? What change would Kevin's Law, if passed, make to the meat processing industry? Why do they do fewer food safety inspections? Quicker, low wages, and workers were easier to replace. TEAM NAME SPELLED OUT. The food system is based on a very small number of crops, run by a very small number of companies. Why? are too fearful and incapable to inquire and question them about it. Competition in the companies. What happens to a farmer who tries to save his own seeds? How much influence should the government have over business? List them. Monsanto is getting rid of them. After year 2000, 1 out of 3. During the documentary, the farmer Joel Salatin said, “If we put glass walls on all the mega-processing facilities, we would have a different food system in this country.”. Magnolia Pictures and … What problem has emerged as a result of feeding corn to cattle instead? that sells groceries at a low affordable price and so it seems pretty There has been a noticeable increase in the frequency of food recalls in the last several years. About 80% of the beef supply is controlled by only four companies. Can the USDA shut down a plant that has repeated E.Coli and Salmonella positive tests? There aren't as many health inspections. What were the results of the bacterial contamination tests that were performed as comparison? are given antibiotics so they do not catch illnesess or fall sick, just to keep schoolhouserox. You have to pay for repercussions, medical costs, and environmental costs. How many days does it take giving a cow grass instead of corn for the cow to shed 80% of E.Coli? animals, and the lack of consideration for the community. Food Inc. If pollen from a GMO field blows into and pollinated a non-GMO field, does Monsanto have a legal claim? What does Carole do to try to mitigate these health problems? the consumers to know the contents in the food as it may create fear and panic Reminder. larger growth so that there is more product to sell and therefore, more profit Food Inc. Questions&Answers. OK Question Title * 2. Corn is cheaper to produce. In minorities, 1 out of 2. Jon_Lafayette3. Unhealthy and sugary items. People in the government are also in the food industry. List them. Describe how both the industrialized food system and the government regulatory agencies are behind this problem. Roundup-Ready soybeans helps the plants grow and resists death of plants. They cannot The food consumers buy impacts companies production. How are the names of brands and labels placed on meat and dairy products in the supermarket misleading? _____________ and how many days does it take now? They are heavily subsidized. questions to deepen students’ understanding of the topics presented in Food, Inc. You may select questions from throughout the guide that you feel will further your course objectives or best engage your students. FDA funding was cut. Resume Examples. pastoral farms 2. Explain. ethylene gas. to make. Kevin Kowalcyk died in 2001 of hemolytic-uremic syndrome caused by eating ground beef contaminated with E. coli O157:H7. There would be more protection for the consumer. Essay: Preferential Hiring in the United States of America, Free The Children: NGO, History, Projects, Energy Content of Food Lab Report Answers, Billy Elliot: Conflict of Parenting & Pursuit of Personal Desire, Effect of Salt Concentration on Osmosis in Potato Cells Lab Answers, Sandra Cisneros’ Eleven: Summary & Analysis, Iron Pillar, New Delhi: Location, Inscription, Analysis, Dulce Et Decorum Est by Wilfred Owen: Poem Analysis, The Manhunt by Simon Armitage: Poem Analysis, Effect of Color of Light on the Rate of Photosynthesis: Lab Explained, Johannes Vermeer’s Girl With A Pearl Earring: Analysis, The Provisional Government and its Downfall. "Unsanitary" because it's open to the air. FIRST AND LAST NAME OF YOUR HEARTSMARTS AMBASSADOR. There aren't as many health inspections. What additive is used in some meat fillers to prevent E. coli contamination? Moreover, Their diet is changed to allow faster and What are some of the health issues faced by the chickens as a result of their accelerated growth and confined living conditions? Explain how consumers can “vote with their wallet” on issues raised in this documentary. When you are obese there is large chance of getting diabetes. contamination, the farmer must prove that he did not violate Monsanto’s They are Key Concepts: Terms in this set (42) How many products are found in the average US supermarket? They are slaughtered almost twice as fast Investigated for patent infringement. Doesn't let people criticize the food system. Corn is cheaper to produce. Cattle and other ruminants have evolved to eat grass. FIRST AND LAST NAME OF YOUR HEARTSMARTS AMBASSADOR. Unfortunately for You have to pay for repercussions, medical costs, and environmental costs. Explain whether this is a good or bad thing. They control more than 80% of the market. b. What ripens conventional green tomatoes before you buy them? Organic foods Labs even say that these types of farms are way cleaner than factories. ORGANIzATION The guide is organized around the nine chapters of the film. According to this film, how would one characterize the typical producer of food in America? Test. cannot process or metabolize so fast. How much corn used to be harvested per acre? At Smithfield in Tarheel, NC, how many pigs are killed per day? potentially impact the consumers’ health, as well as continue the manipulative because of increasing population resulting in higher demand. In minorities? Gravity. Tutor and Freelance Writer. List two ways that chickens are physically different now that in the 1950s, before the green revolution. all other foods like such, that are categorized as subsidized foods use corn continue their regular processes without being questioned, as they know these workers What ripens conventional green tomatoes before you buy them? There would be more protection for the consumer. This 2009 documentary by Eric Schlosser covers many of the unseen consequences of the industrialized agriculture system. There has been little debate over the idea of patenting and controlling specific strains of food crops. Junk foods like What specific changes do you think would happen if there was a greater amount of transparency within our food system? What U.S. president took on the beef trust? Roundup is pesticide. Investigators from Monsanto will prosecute the farmer. People in the government are also in the food industry. National Beef, and Swift are the top four companies controlling the beef World Geography Test (Food, inc) 14 terms. It allows them to power produce corn. FDA funding was cut. (used to be slaughtered in 70 days, now it takes only 48  days to raise and kill them). have a high or considerable price tag on their organic goods in order for the Start studying Food Inc Movie Questions. ob_start_detecteda,#logo h1 a,#logo h2 a,.menu li.current-menu-item a,.menu li.current_page_item a,.menu li a:hover,.rhtitle.rhdefaultcolored,span.nmbr{color:#171717}.widget-heading,.post-entry blockquote p,.block-heading,.show-search #searchform input#s{border-color:#171717}#top-search a,.post-share .fa-comments,.pagination a:hover, ul a:hover,.menu ul ul a:hover,.post-share a i:hover,.post-pagination a:hover{background:#171717}body{background:#fff}.rll-youtube-player,[data-lazy-src]{display:none!important}. How much meat does the average person eat per year? other slaughterhouses are aware of their injustly behavior and treatment to the Those are the ones that are heavily subsidized. Living in own filth. In minorities, 1 out of 2. 90% of products contain either ________ or _________.