Accurately create diagrams for crash reports, crime and fire investigations, and pre-incident planning. Simply click on a question to expand the answer. You may only clear your own land. Optimized for use in burn-down and desiccation applications. Accidental/incidental injury to wildlife is not a focus of compliance enforcement, consistent with the NSW Office of the Director of Public Prosecution’s guidelines.

a lake, a wetland, a lagoon, a saltmarsh and any collection of still water, whether perennial or intermittent and whether natural or a natural body of water artificially modified, and whether or not it also forms part of a river or estuary. You can clear vegetation near the external walls of a building containing habitable rooms such as a home, tourist or visitor accommodation, caravans that are in caravan parks, and manufactured homes installed in manufactured home estates. No. If this is the case, then you will need their consent to prune the trees on their side. The conditions in the 10/50 Code have been put in place to assist landowners in the management of vegetation, however, operating in accordance with the 10/50 Code including these conditions does not absolve the landowner from their responsibility for landslip and erosion issues. You may contact your local NSW RFS District Office if you are seeking advice regarding your land and bush fire hazard management. Any land that is dedicated or reserved, or acquired for the purpose of dedication or reservation under the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974. If you witness any displaced, orphaned or injured wildlife you should contact the Office of Environment and Heritage, or licensed fauna rehabilitation group for assistance. Public submissions closed on 14 November 2014. Quick Links. See FAQ below 'How do I know which exclusions apply to my land?'. Tree removal does not require a trade licence in Australia. An interim occupation certificate is not considered a lawful authority for occupancy for the purpose of the 10/50 Code. Victoria is divided into nine Fire Districts based on council boundaries.

Currently, Alcohol Free Zones (Streets) and Alcohol Prohibited Areas (Parks) allow for confiscation and disposal of alcohol, and a $200 fine if judged to be obstructing the Police. Yes. Sydney CBD Safety Sub Plan. The following Critically Endangered Ecological Communities. For more information refer to the Frequently Asked Question below – 'Are there any conditions when pruning trees?'. Did you ever collect all those state quarters? “An exclusion zone is still in place. You will need to do this before you commence any pruning of the tree. No. However, clearing can only be done if you are the landowner or you have the approval of the landowner. Fire Zone Map. The Tool is provided by the NSW Rural Fire Service (NSW RFS). Are there any conditions when pruning trees? Your network provider can advise you regarding your environmental approval options under the Electricity Supply Act 1995. Eg: Say, there are 15 fire sprinkler zone with fire rated wall and fire rated curtain in a underground parking structure (Basement), and we have demarked only 03 smoke zone with smoke management system considered. If there is a hazard reduction burn planned for your area, take the following steps: For health information relating to smoke from bush fires and hazard reduction burning, visit the NSW Health website or the Asthma Foundation. Sitemap |  You should retain a copy of your online tool search output for your records as evidence the 10/50 rules were applicable to your clearing on the day you undertook the clearing. The bush fire prone land online mapping tool ("Tool") has been created using NSW Local Council’s bush fire prone maps and is designed to identify if your property is designated as bush fire prone. The tool contains the latest information on areas covered by the rule. No. If your land has the potential for any od the following listed matters, then the online tool will identify this in your search results. No clearing is allowed under the 10/50 Code if your land parcel has been identified by the online tool as being wholly or partially within areas mapped in the online tool as containing local heritage listed on councils Local Environment Plans. The NSW RFS provides extensive information and resources to assist people interested in preparing their homes and families against the risk of bush fires. The NSW Rural Fire Service has issued a “catastrophic” fire danger rating for the Greater Sydney, Greater Hunter and Illawarra/Shoalhaven areas on Tuesday, November 12. Victoria is divided into nine Fire Districts based on council boundaries. The Sydney CBD Safety Sub Plan (pdf) has been prepared as a sub plan to the New South Wales State Emergency Management Plan (EMPLAN) to detail the control and coordination arrangements for aspects of the preparation for, response to, and immediate recovery from an emergency incident occurring at Sydney CBD.. Last updated September 2019. FARO 3D metrology and vision technology for industrial automation and system integration, The World’s Smartest 3D Measurement Platform. FARO’s 3D Documentation Software for terrestrial and handheld Scanners.

If you have any ideas on how we can improve, we'd love to hear them. The rules for lawful occupancy will vary depending on when the building was approved. Thanks for your feedback. You cannot use the 10/50 Code as an exemption from, or to obtain approval for, burning vegetation. You may prune branches within 10 metres of your building where those branches are overhanging your land from a tree on your neighbour's land, however you will need to comply with a range of conditions. This is because structures such as decks are required to be made of non-combustible material to be considered exempt development. You may not clear trees or other vegetation under the 10/50 Code if your land has been identified by the online tool as containing critical habitat, critically endangered plants or one of the listed critically endangered ecological communities listed below. any watercourse, whether perennial or intermittent and whether comprising a natural channel or a natural channel artificially modified, and. No. If you believe there is a bush fire hazard on neighbouring land that is not being addressed then you can make a bush fire hazard complaint by contacting your local NSW RFS District Office.