Or Stay Neutral and Keep Your Mouth Shut? Open Up, Sweetheart. Are You Running a Business…Or Running Yourself Into the Ground? If you love someone with a high strung personality, understand and nurture when you can, but don't jump at their beckoned call. And let’s face it: Stress is the one thing that really does make your butt look big. And no unshaved pits. An awkward girl walks into a Blogger Party... Five Books Twenties Career Girls should Read, An Ode to my first Migraine (& a recap of my trip so far), Things to consider while shopping for your Wedding Dress. Accept help when I need it and say “no” to obligations that add more stress than value. People with high strung personalities need to learn to cope with problems in a healthy way, and being empathetic and constantly helping them will only hinder them from being able to do it on their own. If you have shit you want to do in life, please for the love of jockstrap analogies, make it the priority. Their co-dependent abruptly cut down time spent with them (this should be done slowly for this reason). Reporting to you from 30,000 feet in the air (or something like that). "Speak your Mind even if your Voice Shakes". Try and keep yourself from getting agitated, and if you feel the onset of aggravation, walk away until you can regain your composure. The other day, folks from around the world met me on Twitter, like thieves in the night, and shared the answer to one simple question: What’s your #middlefingerproject? And I don’t even care if you feel bad about it. (BUT NICE TRY, THOUGH.) It's because I was bullied a lot in secondary school so I get really paranoid over stuff because I don't want a repeat of it. We order the second glass of wine. You won’t become a binge pooping jockstrap who frantically screams at innocent delivery men. Murder your reputation. And then what will become of me? In the world’s most non-threatening place on earth—the state of Vermont—and more unsure than ever. (Instead of viewing it as yet another task.) I’m not sure when email got to be such a pain in the ass, but it is—and especially when you get one with a disrespectful, belligerent attitude. I’ll get […]. People with type A personality get stressed out easily and are organized to the extreme spectrum of things. It’s FREAKING TERRIFYING how much we do on autopilot. 10 Questions You Should Probably Ask on a First Date. Then comes disdain. and mean it. ), 1. Drop your email in the box below & I’ll send you my newest column every week (no zombies, plenty of f-bombs). If you feel drained by the energy you put into the relationship, try limiting the time you spend with them. And then get on with your life.). When a high strung person gets anxiety about something, having someone understand why they are anxious can be enough to calm them and sort out the problem. Subscribe to The Middle Finger Project for new ideas about how to live a good life, and stay for the sarcasm about how not to. The Road to Wellness: 10 Tips for the healthiest, happiest you! Honey Facial (or Alien Placenta, whichever you prefer). Their body is usually exhausted from the immense amount of stress they were just under, and they will be more likely to stay calm and be receptive. And murder everything that feels like a heavy leaden weight on […], So, I’m standing there at this bakery in Costa Rica, trying not to order the things one orders at a bakery, because if I order bakery-like things from this bakery, I might as well give my stomach pooch full on permission to never, ever fucking go away. However, you need to be able to put up a mental-wall to their stress levels. Doing one thing that matters to you *requires you* to stop […], So there’s this tall, spiky, sassy-ass house plant on my balcony—the thing looks like a punk rocker troll, or maybe a pile of swords, planted upright. And then suddenly I looked up and I’m checking-in…instead of chickening out. If they come across as abrasive, it best to keep in mind that it is completely unintentional. She’s also in the midst of writing a book, and I’m proud to say that we’re represented by the same literary agency. If you interrupt someone with a high strung personality while they are working, they may become angry or visibly agitated, meaning that they may blow the situation out of proportion. Project VS Angel: 12 Fitness Tips I have Learned. High strung people are sensitive by nature and good-hearted. Pause before vocalizing a concern or complaint and ask myself which battles are worth it. Intellectual Fulfillment, Interior Design: Walk In Closet/Office Progress. [New Podcast ] Abortion, Guns, God & Pussies—And Is Civil War Inevitable? THIS CHANGES EVERYTHING.) Again, this will hinder their independence further. Feminine Vs. Feminist: Why we refuse to take Sexy seriously, "Let it Go": The Natural Human tendency for Self-Destruction, The Center of the Universe: Neighborhood tour. But that doesn’t make those thoughts right. At the very least? Don't let it exhaust you to the point where you are neglecting your mental health and well-being. I report them for spam. Go out of your way to make Someone's Day! It is important to stay calm with a high strung person, no matter what the situation is. (Though one girl did say she liked my butt. I love October: My Favorites throughout the Month <3, Le Tote vs. Islam & Terrorism: My History Degree at Work. Get over it. I’m Ash & I’ve been writing this column since 2009 to tens of thousands of people around the globe all about giving the finger to societal expectations (and probably your conservative Aunt Sarah). Try waiting until they are finished with whatever they were working on and have relieved some of their stress. Mostly because you don’t want a black eye, but also, because if you don’t you’ll never hit a home run. Stop picking at my fingers like an insane anxious weird person who always seems like they’re hiding something. 5 ways the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show is Empowering, 5 Lessons you Learn when you've had your Heartbroken, 5 ways to find Fulfillment when your Career isn't Satisfying. Stay to be polite. Murder your resume. , Trash Your Imposter Syndrome and Live the Unf*ckwithable Life You Deserve. The need for constant confirmation that they are doing well and are doing the right thing can be taxing on everyone that they are close with. If they don't, leave them be. Like, physically, their fucking fingers are falling off. Supporting […], So yesterday I’m all, “MUST START NEW YEAR WITH GOOD HABITS,” which obviously leads to drinking an entire bottle of wine AND taking a jog, in that order, because COMPROMISE. Oh, how apropos! It is actually, physically impossible for you to be everywhere and do everything and be everything to everyone with a plate of fucking cookies in your hand. If you can, gently remind them that you have an understanding of what they need, but you have other things going on in your life as well, and can't always be at their disposal. You opted in to get my emails. Like celebrity gossip magazines. No zombies, promise. There you have it, 14 tips on how deal with someone with a high strung personality. While we hope you never had to end the relationship, it is always important to consider your mental well-being first. (Not useful at immigration.) NO, NOT ANOTHER ONEEEE! PRECISELY LIKE CELEBRITY GOSSIP MAGAZINES.