Open the profile page of the person you would like to stay updated about, and click the bell next to the ‘’Follow’’ button in their description section. Quora can offer you a lot of business benefits depending on the aspect from which you are looking. It is because not only your followers see your answers but the whole community. Pinning an answer is commonly done when the writer believes to have a very useful answer, worth reading or because that same answer went really well with either views or upvotes. But you do. Don’t worry, you won’t have to pay a penny. I’m good. Targetting questions will require you to click the button ‘’Choose Question’’ below. Using Quora Asking and answering questions, following topics/users, reporting content, sending messages. Press the three dots under the question on your profile and choose the option to “Pin to profile’’. Sometimes, I do expect some ups and downs in my life. The bell should read ‘’Notify Me’’ and that should be your go-to option for important people. Just keep reading. No matter what the subject, questions have been asked and answered on Quora. What I most often do is answer questions that have a range between 200K — 3M views. What separates Quora from the rest of the Internet is the quality of the answers. Due to me using this platform for several different reasons, I felt like sharing all of the tips and tricks I came to find out about Quora. You can use this information and write an essay or an article and target a certain group of people and satisfy their interest. After you enter your ads management panel, click on the ‘’Create Campaign’’ on the top right, under your profile picture. Actually, every experienced FB marketer that I have listened have said that some of their FB ads account have been banned. Note: Regardless of the previously mentioned, I strongly suggest staying away from overly viewed questions. In cases when you find some interesting people, establish online friendships or simply would like to see everything one person does, you can easily do that by notifying yourself. Believe me, you did not know you need this. Start a Facebook group, How a CMO Can Build an Effective Marketing Analytics System. Changing your profile photo, resetting the account password, notifications settings. Perfect — Answer relevant questions regarding your industry, educate and spread awareness about your product. First is that Quora attracts experts on topics. Please be careful about the information you are leaving, as this is not a trick for you to lose money. The ‘’Spaces’’ zone is a collection of communities around Quora. When clicking to answer a question, you need to choose the photo icon and select your wanted image. Logically, if you use to answer a question that has 100 views, the chances of someone big seeing your answer are slim to none. This way you won’t miss any of their posts or questions, which will give you the opportunity to stay an active member in their community. You must be wondering what the hell I am talking about. Following, click on the ‘’Cancel Changes’’ just in case not a single problem to occur. It is all due to some answers being very educational, long worded specific and well put together. Pretty good; I’m well; I’m OK. Not too bad. To many, Quora is everything but not a platform that cares about followings. Each of the collections and communities shares the same tastes and interests. Others also can ask you questions, and as we mentioned before they can be found in your ‘’Answer’’ sector of the main top bar menu. But that’s why Quora is a place where you can easily find what you are searching for. And the answer "fine" is just "small talk". You never know who is reading or following the answers. Find big questions. Your answers will get little interest and you will only waste your time posting them. Which are the right questions? Therefore, keep this in mind the next time you answer some question in your expertise. Then, enter a keyword/s and start exploring through the questions. Reply only to the questions you know how to answer. Here are my personal views on "small talk": 1. Easy — you will need to answer more read or followed questions. Asking and answering questions, following topics/users, reporting content, sending messages. I could really go for a massage. The question’s reviews can give you a clear idea of how many people are interested in a particular topic. Almost impossible, right? Well, this is the biggest trick you will ever find out about Quora. Just come up with a campaign name and create the campaign. The creation of your blog can be done by choosing the ‘’Blogs’’ segment found in your basic bar menu (with clicking on your profile picture). Very well, thanks; I’m hanging in there. This is a small step that will make a huge difference. Vous pouvez modifier vos choix à tout moment dans vos paramètres de vie privée. There are people making solid money because of their marketing and promotional tactics they use on Quora. Attaching a picture is simple and pretty straightforward. How to pick them? Click on your profile picture and choose the ‘’Ads Manager’’. Nothing. Right after this, start creating your own blog. Do you have a product? Just the same old same old; Yeah, all right. Don’t try to build authority in a new field you have no business playing in. It will immediately display you have zero blogs. 2. Do you have a blog? And here I am, exposing it so we can all benefit. Quora is a place where professionals and self-thought people are united. What is Quora, how to get started, main policies and guidelines. Oh gosh, all kinds of stuff! Regardless of the reason, choose an answer you take pride in because it indeed is the first thing your followers see on your profile. Nothing much. If a question has more than a million views than it’s clearly a topic that arises quite a lot of interest. As where "how are you" is referring to the present. Quora is based on words, sentences, and thoughts, people are writing their answers numerous times a day. The number of pictures you can use is not limited. One of the most important parts of the SEO is keyword research. For this purpose, you will need to create an Ads Campaign. You … Be careful with the use of images. Come up with an appropriate name regarding the topic/s you are going to talk on, develop a suitable blog URL and a short description for your blog. The benefits of using Quora are limitless. Details play such a huge role in this part. Another thing for which you can use Quora in your advance is for content marketing. Not a lot. It is the most typical mistake not to pay attention to the question statistics.Some users use Quora for promotional purposes, personal branding and marketing, thus they do not have a chance to do so if they do not get to the wider public. 50 ways to respond to the question “how are you”. Every user can pin only one answer of theirs. Nos partenaires et nous-mêmes stockerons et/ou utiliserons des informations concernant votre appareil, par l’intermédiaire de cookies et de technologies similaires, afin d’afficher des annonces et des contenus personnalisés, de mesurer les audiences et les contenus, d’obtenir des informations sur les audiences et à des fins de développement de produit. I’m alive. Then — click on your campaign and proceed towards clicking the ‘’Create Ads Set’’. Yahoo fait partie de Verizon Media. Additional information to help you understand and control your privacy choices on Quora. What I mean here is don’t try to milk Quora. My life have been going the same as usual for a while. I have already created an ads campaign called ‘’Business’’, so you can name yours as you please. When it comes to keyword research, it’s important to pay attention to keyword traffic and competition. Quora team members such as the ones presented above, ask questions as well, and if you give a good answer to them, you have a chance to be published on some of their partners’ websites. Informations sur votre appareil et sur votre connexion Internet, y compris votre adresse IP, Navigation et recherche lors de l’utilisation des sites Web et applications Verizon Media. As you can see, you are able to target topics, questions, audience, interest and broad. The Quora users can participate in spaces they choose to follow. Many FB marketers have said that their FB ads accounts have been banned. The more followers and views the question has, the bigger your chances of more people seeing your answer are. Clicking on the three dots below the question shown on your profile page. Oh, just the usual. Actually, "how have you been" is referring to the past tense. The updates of these spaces are presented in the followers’ feeds. Like you, but better. In the same row, you will find the ‘’Create Blog’’ opportunity which you will need to choose. It's stupid, It's a freakin' waste of breath. Seems obvious, right? I’ve been better. Choose the ‘’Ask Question’’ above their feed and feel free to enter your question. Question statistics are inside the question, on the right side of the display, a few scrolls down. This Is What Actually Creates Viral Content, Not Talking for 11 Years Straight Made My Marketing Knowledge Way Stronger, How to Create a Brand Ambassador Program for More Growth and Trust, How to Never Approach Someone on LinkedIn, Why We Hate New Brand Names (Until We Don’t), Want to understand your customers better? Alongside the capability to ask and answer questions, each Quora user is able to create their own blog. The way the question is asked can help you to think of the title of your next article. Do you have a website? Each question on Quora has its stats published. Editing, deleting, and sharing content, personalizing your feed, using Bookmarks, and more. I’m fine. Découvrez comment nous utilisons vos informations dans notre Politique relative à la vie privée et notre Politique relative aux cookies. Caution: Don’t just close this tab but carefully leave this page by scrolling down and selecting the ‘’Cancel’’ option. Numerous researches have so far shown that people are visual beings, so in many marketing campaigns is used more visual material than text.