You can find our Community Guidelines in full here. Claim to fame: Being a backstabbing, DGAF-about-bearing-children-with-my-brother, power obsessive queen who will literally not stop at anything (including murdering hundreds of people at once) to stay on the Iron Throne. Who will survive? BuzzFeed News’ FinCEN Files investigation exposed massive financial corruption on a historic global scale. This is the first time that Death Battle has had a team battle, as Doctor Eggman and Doctor Wily both used their robots to fight alongside them.

We’d disliked Jaime since the start, but when his hand was chopped off he began to win us back.

But the most upsetting thing about Missandei’s demise is the fact that she’ll never be able to have her well-deserved happily-ever-after with Grey Worm. Lyanna Mormont shanking a giant right in the eye. Fans will soon find out when Game of Thrones season 8 kicks off in less than two weeks.

Claim to fame: Known in Westeros as the King Slayer for killing the Mad King (Aerys Targaryen) as a member of his own Kingsguard, his ego mania and brutal humbling with the loss of his sword hand led him down a path of redemption and back at Winterfell to fight, abandoning his treacherous sister in the process. For all the pre-series hype, the first two episodes of this final season have felt curiously flat at times, like the ocean retreating before a huge wave. In the season two opener we meet Stannis at Dragonstone, and then Joffrey orders a tremendous infanticide.

I don't know anything about Static , so I default to Miles wins.

Mid-seasoner. He’s known for cruelly murdering children, raping women, and being an all-around evil man and protector of the Lannisters. I count six named characters cooling, but maybe there are more.

Nancie Atwell Books, Mid-season doldrums, particularly acute in five, as Jaime and Bronn arrive in Dorne. Given a chance to return to real intrigue after the Battle of Winterfell, Benioff and Weiss showed they had lost their grip, with an incoherent episode that betrayed several key characters for the sake of obvious plot grinding.

Will Yoshi, the adorable eating machine, survive a battle with Killer Instinct's genetically engineered killer dinosaur, Riptor? FIRST Members get an exclusive creator's commentary on every Death Battle episode.

The Blackfish schooling Edmure at shooting fire arrows was another highlight. Most notable for Ygritte and Jon’s much-parodied love grotto scene, but also for the Hound’s duel with Bendric Dondarrion, which revealed his terror of fire. It was then that Melisandre turned into dust in the snow. See, I feel like it comes down to how much they take Bendis' absurd Venom Sting feats at face value. He finally finds Cersei in the castle at King’s Landing and they die together, in each other’s arms as it all crumbles and burns. Lots of grimness. Death Battle Season 3 Freelancer Amber; 14 videos; 22,656 views; Last updated on Dec 14, 2017; Play all Share.

What weapons will be used? Poor old Hodor. 2017 Under-20 World Cup Final, After discovering he had been sowing doubt about her ability to rule, Dany brings him out to the beach and has Drogon light him up. Don't know much about Static's abilities other than stuff shown on the show, but I still think that he'd be able to win. Who can you trust? — Daenerys, only to be exiled from her presence when she discovers his past treachery. Jaime and Bronn plan to go to Dorne, Arya arrives in Braavos. Clearly they had not watched enough Sean Bean films. Krystie Yandoli is an entertainment reporter for BuzzFeed News and is based in New York. Death Battle!

The grand finale provoked much gnashing of teeth and hot air, not all of it from Drogon. Midseasoner. She’s been writing for Screen Rant since 2014 and has appeared on the Total Geekall podcast.

Who will survive? Find episode on: Stream the best of Disney, Pixar, Marvel, Star Wars, National Geographic and more for $6.99/mo.

Claim to fame: A former spy for King Robert's spymaster in King's Landing tasked with keeping tabs on the Targaryen exiles, Jorah eventually grows to respect — and possibly fall in love with? How we feel about it: Cersei was one of those characters who you loved to hate because she was just so good at being evil and conniving. Can you remember a time before Game of Thrones?

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