Interestingly, I have had some people with great motion complain about the extra joint creating an awkward motion. Good luck. Zuidam JM, Dees EE, Selles RW, Hovius SE. Evaluation and Management of Preaxial Polydactyly. NIH My grandfather, father, I, and my daughter all have both thumbs like this and have no problems whatsoever. Epub 2018 Sep 17.
Simple theme.
J Hand Surg Eur Vol.
7. But if you notice challenges, the knuckle removal can shorten the thumb and, for some, will improve function. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Are triphalangeal thumb-polysyndactyly syndrome (TPTPS) and tibial hemimelia-polysyndactyly-triphalangeal thumb syndrome (THPTTS) identical? These triphalangeal thumbs can be divided into opposable and nonopposable thumbs. The effect of the epiphyseal growth plate on the length of the first metacarpal in triphalangeal thumb. I believe she had a Huber transfer which is a muscle transfer in which the abductor digiti minimi is transfered to power the thumb. However, function is usually excellent.Finally, I usually wait until at least one year of age and often 18 months. |
Isolated bilateral triphalangeal thumb with delta phalanx: a case report. I cannot give you a complete answer without more information regarding xrays and your specific anomaly. NLM J Hand Surg Am. Struthers published the first case in 1863. The normal thumb has two bones- 2 "phalanges"- which makes it different from the three bones of the fingers.
The hand in radiologic diagnosis, with gamuts and pattern profiles. | Get the latest research from NIH: 2000 Jul 17;93(2):126-31. doi: 10.1002/1096-8628(20000717)93:2<126::aid-ajmg9>;2-s. Dijkman RR, van Nieuwenhoven CA, Hovius SE, Hülsemann W. Handchir Mikrochir Plast Chir. If you are functioning well and don't have other issues, I would not recommend surgery.
Poznanski AK. W.B.
In the following 30 years, 10 cases only were reported, 11 and up till 1916 Stieve, reviewing all the literature, could collect only 39 cases.
In 3 of the affected persons, Swanson and Brown (1962) found polydactyly. There is a long list of associations 1-6: ADVERTISEMENT: Supporters see fewers/no ads, Please Note: You can also scroll through stacks with your mouse wheel or the keyboard arrow keys. The occurrence of three phalanges in the human thumb is a very rare deformity. Mundlos S, Horn D. Limb Malformations: An Atlas of Genetic Disorders of Limb Development. Some 'adult' hand surgeons might be helpful for you but ideally there would be a hand surgeon who takes care of both adults and kids born with birth anomalies. 9. Powered by. I've just seen this article. (1995) ISBN:0683080466. I am sorry this has been a burden for you. 2013;5 (1): 20-3. Triphalangeal thumb: clinical features and treatment. Cost for surgery is impossible to predict as it is based on so many factors including insurance, hospital, etc. Good luck. J Hand Surg Am. There is a really small triangular bone between the main 2 thumb bones. The thumb often appears long and fingerlike, and can sometimes be in the same plane as the other fingers. Different types of triphalangeal thumb affect different people differently. Triphalangeal thumb (TPT) is a congenital malformation where the thumb has three phalanges instead of two. Thank you for your time! Poznanski AK, Garn SM, Holt JF: The thumb in the congenital malformation syndromes.