Bored watching the same stuff over and over again? Choose the location of the shoot with Victoria. But you know what? © Pick Victoria. The creepiness of The Dark Room was worthy of Twin Peaks, which Life Is Strange has referenced almost as much as Deadly Premonition did. Here it’s just you and a choice between two different hamburgers. Being trapped in the retro zone of Max’s nightmares and tortured by her subconscious was an effective detour into horror, lightened by a set of surreal text messages received from sources as unlikely as one character’s dog. When Nathan pulls out the gun and fires the shot, all you can do is look at the floor and cry. Lake County Film Festival Film Spotlight: Love is Not Love, directed by Stephen Keep Mills. Without his salary, the couple can no longer afford their New York apartment and are forced to ask their friends and family for shelter, resulting in their separation. Normally, I don’t mind ambiguity—it can often make for a great ending—but in this case, ambiguity didn’t do much for the game. Few games have the guts to tackle some of the stuff Life is Strange did. Fighting with Chloe, refusing to ditch school to take a photo, and calling Chloe stupid in the junkyard. It feels cheap, as if the writers felt obliged to put it in for half the players but didn’t care enough to make it seem real, or even explain what actually happens to the townspeople. My heart still aches thinking about it all—I’m so attached to the characters! If the way Max’s powers work didn’t dictate the final choice it wouldn’t be so annoying that their nature is left ambiguous, but since it does that’s infuriating. Make Rachel feel like you think she’s perfect, ask about all of the graffiti around campus, and tell her that she can’t be everyone’s muse on Thursday. Something felt off about episode five from the get-go: I was unlucky enough to be hit by a bug that cut all the audio from cutscenes. Everything you need to know about and expect during, the most important election of our lifetimes, Nintendo Switch - Animal Crossing: New Horizons Edition, I liked a lot about that section of the game. It feels like an ending that got actual effort put into it making it! That would still require a massive time jump! When she first asks you to skip school, agree. If you sacrifice Arcadia Bay instead (“choose the bae over the Bay” as Tumblr jokers put it) there’s a single scene of the two survivors driving through the ruined town while a song from earlier is replayed and then that’s it. Throughout the rest of the episode, Max has long, drawn out conversations with major characters—and every single one feels overtly like the game is trying to tie up loose ends. Spider-Man learns that with great power comes great responsibility; the X-Men decide to protect a world that hates and fears them. She was willing to do it.