The city hospital is located north of the city center. Call 994 0171 570-72 for an appointment. Lankaran district was established as an administrative territorial unit on August 8, 1930. You will find several species of birds and animals in Hirkan National Park on Lankaran travel. The area of the State Reservation is 88,360 hectares. This is a nice play for males to drink tea, play dominoes, and catch up on the local gossip or talk about the best things to see in the area. Lankaran (Lenkoran, Lənkəran) is a raion of Azerbaijan. The tomb stones are contrasted by engravings and a footprint. All Intra-City buses depart and return from the Big Bazaar in Lankaran city. There are also natural hot springs in Lankaran pushing just hot water to the surface for bathing. The fauna in the national park is not so rich, but one can meet interesting rare species there. There are no hostels in Southern Azerbaijan. After the execution of Babek at the hands of the Arabs, the occupiers demolished the castle, but remnants of the castle can still be seen. axundov azƏr xƏlİl oĞlu. It is surrounded by the Astara, Masalli and Lerik rayons. 117 likes. 3 and 4 Digah-Shilavar Route: Big Bazaar, School #5, Shilavar, Digah, Hanifa Abdullayev Street (Turkish Lyceum), Sattarkhan Street, Koroglu Street (near the Gala Hotel), Big Bazaar. Here exist tomb stones the height of which reaches 1m 40cm. There is also an old lighthouse and a prison among things to see in Lankaran travel. Lankaran is one of the oldest settlements in Azerbaijan. It’s capital city Astara is the southernmost city is Azerbaijan as well. If you desire anything exotic (e.g. Gujarat: The State got its name from the Gujara, the place where the Gujjars stayed, who managed the territory during the 700's and 800's. It surrounds but does not include the city of Lankaran, which is technically a separate administrative region. Zanbil is a weaved basket that comes in different sizes. Lankaran is also known for Parrotia persica, or ironwood. This is also reflected in the food and cuisine of the state. Lənkəran (ook geschreven als Lankaran) is een district in Azerbeidzjan.Lənkəran telt 162.400 inwoners (01-01-2012) op een oppervlakte van 1540 km²; de bevolkingsdichtheid is 105 inwoners per km². Discover the cuisine and gastronomy of Lankaran District. To know more about tender related information, log on to BidAssist, and get all the detailed and regular e-tender Gujarat alerts on your fingertips. Talish women traditionally wear colorful clothes (red is a favorite) and Jorab knitted socks are worn in the cold season. Prices posted are updated but may increase again due to high inflation. Tea is sold in 100g and 0.5kg bags and prices range from 8-16 AZN per kilo. Between 1747 and 1813 Lankaran was the main city of the Talysh Khanate. As for birds, woodpeckers, Hirkan tits, and stone sparrows can be noted. The tomb of Seyid Khalifa is guarded by state as a historical cultural monument. Historically this region was dominated by, Copyright © 2020 Wide World Trips. All rights reserved. There are plenty of coastal places to visit in Lankaran located in Astara. Drinking in general is also taboo for women in the regions. Discover Latest Gujarat Lankaran District Central Hospital Tenders On BidAssist Find E-Tenders By Gujarat Lankaran District Central Hospital Online View Complete Gujarat Lankaran District Central Hospital Latest Tenders Details & Notices (NIT) For Free Get Gujarat Lankaran District … The region has a large area of national parks. This district also has natural hot-springs like Lankaran tourist attractions. Lankaran is the home of many people hailing from many religions and culture. Geography. Yardimly is squeezed towards the international border between Azerbaijan & Iran. The “Lavangi” Avtovagzal (Auto Station) services the transport to/from Baku for taxis, buses, and marshrutka. Gujarat has set a time period for Electricity Management. There are also mosques & mausoleums among places to visit in Lankaran located in Astara. 2-5 AZN. The city also shares the awe aspiring fire springs among Lankaran sightseeing with Astara as well as parts of the Hirkan National Park.