Stop, Dobby. Hmm. PROFESSOR LOCKHART: Now, boys what good will it do? PROFESSOR SPROUT: Morning, everyone! MRS. WEASLEY: Oh, Harry! of wizard, Malfoy. Hermione! (Ding-dong!) DOBBY: You shall not harm Harry Potter! everywhere would one day fear to speak, when I became the greatest sorcerer Mr. Potter. PROFESSOR LOCKHART: Ah, yes, well, ha, that can sometimes happen, um, butuh, The monster in the Chamber of Secrets is a basilisk. RON: Whao! HARRY: What’s bad? I can only He's gonna have to take Hagrid. have to do would be to follow the spiders. In which Harry, Ron and Hermione are questioned about the petrified cat, Hermione asks about the Chamber of Secrets, they return to the scene of the crime, consult Moaning Myrtle, and puzzle about the mystery. ARAGOG: No! [21] In 1999, Booklist named Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets as one of its Editors' Choices,[22] and as one of its Top Ten Fantasy Novels for Youth. It is not for the die-hard action fan, the horror-only fans, or those that dislike a bit of magic, imagination, and fantasy. will return to their house common rooms by six o’clock every evening. Member of the Dark Force Defense League, and five-times winner of Witch RON: That’ll be a cheerful visit! DUMBLEDORE: Oh, yes. Take my hand! LEE JORDAN: Another goal for Slytherin! Say good-bye to your memories. TOM RIDDLE: Cistem aperio! RON (as CRABBE): Uhh… TOM RIDDLE: I can’t let you go. HERMIONE: ‘The Chamber of Secrets has been opened… enemies the heir… RON: The flying gear’s jammed! [16] According to Philip Nel, the early reviews gave unalloyed praise while the later ones included some criticisms, although they still agreed that the book was outstanding. Very bad business. LOCATION: Hogwarts – entrance to Dumbledore’s office - night No such chamber has been found. You first. MRS. WEASLEY: This morning. HARRY: You’re a fraud! ready. PROFESSOR MCGONAGALL: Well, that’s settled. Sir, your bird- there was nothing I could do- he- he just would have seen it. MRS. WEASLEY: Oh, no. MARCUS FLINT: Quidditch practice. Harry and the other Weasleys—Molly, Percy, and Ginny (who has a crush on Harry)—travel to Diagon Alley. The only sight of the four boys on screens failed to live up to expectations, though. And then again just— there, by that sink. Now! HARRY: Dobby, stop it! The monster was born in the castle. Huh… Aahh! SNAPE: Perhaps it would be prudent to first teach the students to block Please! She wouldn’t! HERMIONE: Oh, no! We now rank every flashback from the movies, from worst to best. A duelling club is started by Lockhart and Snape during which Harry learns he is a Parselmouth when a snake is conjured up by Malfoy. I- I suppose I- I had to see for myself if the HARRY: I spoke a different language? HARRY: What’s that for? RON: Stop! And you will not mess it up! Four Privet Drive – exterior - daytime DUMBLEDORE: You both realize, of course, that in the past few hours you have OTHER: Welcome back, Sir Nicholas! By possessing Ginny through his diary, Riddle had been continuing what he started, and unleashes the basilisk against Harry. expensive. father’s name? You heard me! HARRY: Hesha- Hassah. FILCH: My cat has been Petrified. You must have shown me real Dad loves Muggles, thinks they’re fascinating. It’s not SNAPE: Weasley’s wand causes devastation with the simplest spells. ARTHUR WEASLEY: I mean…that was very wrong, indeed, boys. HARRY: Stop! He hasn’t got a clue who he is! Meanwhile, "Moaning" Myrtle, a ghost that haunts a girls' bathroom provides a new clue, a diary left in her stall. PROFESSOR LOCKHART: So sorry- dozed off- what have I missed? confidence. If I could only let outonly let out for an hour or two. HARRY: Professor! That’s why I kept him upstairs! RELATED: 10 Things From Harry Potter That Kids These Days Won't Understand. DRACO: Crabbe, Goyle! Of HAGRID: Oh, It’s a- Flesh-Eatin’ Slug Repellent. Please, wake up! STATION GUARD: Oy! HARRY, RON: Aaahhh! RON: Enlighten me. Charms. Nothing. Well, come on. That’s been tampered HARRY: Ah! Come on Harry, time for a spot of breakfast. PERCY: Hello, Sir Nicholas! Petunia when the Masons arrive you will be…? fix that door! Harry: Dobby, ssh! ), force someone to wait until the other is done before they can read the book (sure, I enjoy breaking up fights! show you my capture of that brainless oaf, Hagrid, to gain your trust. TOM RIDDLE: Yes, Potter, the process is nearly complete. Saint Potter. We need you… now, more than ever. HARRY: Hermione’s answered that, too. It happened right here in this very HAGRID: Mad and hairy? RON: Um…Ron Weasley. Listen! Harry: Sorry. OTHERS: Yeah! Look out! empty! Aragog! LOCATION: Hogwarts – Hospital wing - daytime Audiences also see him murdering Lily and, consequently, we know right from the start what Harry is up against. Ronald Weasley! RON: Three guesses who. UNCLE VERNON: Come here! LUCIUS MALFOY: Busy time at the Ministry, Arthur, all those extra raids? SNAPE: Don’t move, Potter. SORTING HAT: Umm… PROFESSOR MCGONAGALL: Ginny Weasley. HERMIONE: Voice? And now he’s taught Draco how to do it. OTHER: Good to see you, Sir Nicholas! [32] Although Bronwyn Williams and Amy Zenger regard the diary as more like an instant messaging or chat room system, they agree about the dangers of relying too much on the written word, which can camouflage the author, and they highlight a comical example, Lockhart's self-promoting books. its 27th week atop the Daily Prophet bestseller list, he had no idea that he Are you going somewhere? RON: What’s that? Sprout has a very healthy growth of Mandrakes. The scene comes bottom of our list, though, because it adds very little to the story. HARRY: Uh…thanks Myrtle. Finally Harry asked if Hagrid knows who's opened the Chamber of Secrets. Lost- lost control of the trolley. Oh, fetch it will you Harry’s got himself a rogue Bludger! MRS. WEASLEY: You see? imagine what an awful loss that would be to the school. Harry, say something in Parseltongue! Wake up. We see Tom ask Slughorn about Horcruxes, only for the Hogwarts teacher to turn him away. helping me answer my fan mail. Come. The Lexicon's 20th Anniversary Canon Celebration! RON: How? RON: Can we panic now? RON: (Blech…) Brackium emendo! What’s the use in being a disgrace to the name of wizard if they don’t LOCATION: Hogwarts – moving staircases - night LUCIUS MALFOY: And you must be… Miss Granger. LOCATION: Hogwarts – flooded corridor – night Harry and Ron are halfway through transforming back into themselves, and actually look like two completely unknown students. Could you tell me what’s going on here? Come here… Don’t you Uncle Vernon: You just ruined the punch line of my Japanese golfer joke! Fawkes blinds the basilisk, allowing Harry to pull the Sword of Godric Gryffindor from the Sorting Hat and slay it, although he is poisoned in the process. HARRY: One, but it’s not powerful enough for all of them. zoo once. HARRY: Now remember, any sign of movement, close your eyes straightaway. The very person I was most anxious to meet. Spiders flee before it.’ Ron, PROFESSOR LOCKHART: The adventure ends here, boys. DUMBLEDORE: And now, Mr. Weasley, if you would, have an owl deliver these Bad Dobby! HARRY: Wood! you, it would be difficult. RON: Glad we’re out of there! choice. It also hints that all three would appear again by the time the credits roll up and indeed they do, with Voldemort rising to power with Wormtail’s help and Barty failing to keep his cover as the unhinged, albeit good-hearted, Alastair ‘Mad-Eye’ Moody. PROFESSOR MCGONAGALL: Well, naturally, the school had been searched many You mean the Chamber of Secrets has been opened before? That Karkaroff and Snape were once loyal to the Dark Lord, Crouch Jr is the one helping Voldemort now and that Neville’s parents tragically lost their minds due to their actions. And then, who should find it, but you? Now, as our Mandrakes Let’s go outside. Uncle Vernon: One more sound, and you’ll wish you’d never been born, boy! RON: Uhh-um… Welcome back, Hermione. HARRY: Be thankful it’s not your neck. PROFESSOR LOCKHART: An excellent idea to show them that, Professor Snape, but is likely the school will be closed. The two Fantastic Beasts films have done a good job of charting how the wizard, formerly friends with Hogwarts master Albus Dumbledore, is able to rise to power and spread such fear and terror across the planet. There’s a basilisk. The Harry Potter Lexicon is an unofficial Harry Potter fansite. haven’t been writing to me? Come on! It is here we are able to plainly see that Riddle, with his good looks and seemingly good intentions, has power within the school. Well, who would like to go first? RON: I’m fine! Aah! DUMBLEDORE: Voldemort. In which we are reminded of the happenings during Harry’s first year at Hogwarts, uncle Vernon has a very important dinner guest coming, dinner plans are made, and Harry’s birthday is forgotten again. Are you really? RON: Of course. What’s that? Dobby: Oh, oh yes, sir! HARRY: Wish you were here Hermione. In you go… That’s it. The diary belonged to Tom Riddle, a student who witnessed a fellow student’s death when the Chamber was opened. RON: Crabbe and Goyle must know. RON: It’s not much, but it’s home. HARRY: You wrote them! LOCATION: Hogwarts – Gryffindor common room - daytime LOCATION: Hogwarts – exterior – stormy night. Nothing. Tell me. I smell blood. Look at the time! Harry. PROFESSOR LOCKHART: On the count of three, cast your charms to disarm your DUMBLEDORE: Very well, then. HAGRID: Sorry I’m late! MRS. WEASLEY: The train will be leaving any moment! An excellent moment in a brilliant film. HERMIONE: No, they can’t. Right. HERMIONE: Even they aren’t that thick. Wait! Still, the power of the diary began to scare her. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets – 85,141 words LOCATION: Diagon Alley - daytime HARRY: Ron! No! Before Hagrid can answer there's a knock at the door and the boys throw on the invisibility cloak again. RON: Thanks for that. Petrified to their original state. With Dumbledore gone, there’ll be an attack a day! PROFESSOR LOCKHART: Good luck, Potter. This is for the Daily Prophet. HARRY: Well, maybe Ron’s right, Hermione. It’s alright, (gulp) The question is, here? LOCATION: Hogwarts – Great Hall – set up for Dueling Club - daytime And you? SIR NICHOLAS: Good evening! ghost- he couldn’t die again.