To wish someone a wish

[23], The music for Journey to Joke-a-lot was composed and produced by Canadian musician Ian Thomas; Jane Siberry wrote and performed the opening track, "With All Your Heart". With hearts and rainbows everywhere We’ve got a job and it’s tough to do After they reluctantly agree to try the carousel, it goes out of control and sends them into the sky before crashing down. And the AMV turned out good too! We want you to know La, la, la, la Others like me And maybe I can help you make your dreams come true, Brightheart Raccoon I’m Wish Bear! Taking a seat on a bumper car, he embarks on a long ride which leads him to Joke-a-lot, a town where humour is dominant ("In the Land of Joke-a-Lot"). We are the Care Bears He then announces that he will go home, but Sir Funnybone wants him to stay as king. Caring fills the world with so much fun I wish I know wishing makes Care-a-lot… We care a lot! They care a lot about you! Nothing can stop us, we can’t go wrong [6], In 1987, the Care Bear characters appeared in, "Licensed kids music in tune with the times", The Care Bears in the Land Without Feelings,, American children's animated fantasy films, Universal Pictures direct-to-video animated films, Album articles lacking alt text for covers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 6 October 2020, at 12:45. Lend a hand, share a smile

His fellow Care Bears come by for a look; one of them, Funshine, loves telling jokes and making the other Care Bears laugh. Instead, the real one—a "smiley mouth"—was at the back of Gig's ears. If there’s something I want

", "Unpacks-A-Magic!" We develop multi-platform entertainment franchises across all media channels, and extensive consumer merchandising programs that immerse children and adults in the brands they love. Who can make you laugh out loud? Stephanie Beard as Wish Bear from the ‘The Care Bears’ Big Wish’ movie singing ‘I Wish’. It just takes two After they crash into the Royal Palace, Funshine is delighted to see them, but the Bears are a bit puzzled over what he has become. Doesn’t anybody see? That’s what I do

Unknown to the Bear, a rat named Sir Funnybone is using him that way in order to possess an important object called the Royal Sceptre. Welcome to the Care Bears Wiki, the encyclopedia for information related to the Care Bears franchise, originally created by American Greetings and currently owned by Cloudco Entertainment. Journey to Joke-a-lot was produced at Toronto's Nelvana studio,[5] and also at Sparx Animation,[4] under the working title The Care Bears in King Funshine the Great. He plans to take command of the sceptre, now in the hands of a slow, elderly alligator called Grand Duke Giggle. We are the Care Bears I make it disappear They say that I’m different, I’m special, it’s true I wish there were others like me Funnybone actually placed the car within the woods so that he could begin to gain his own power; he tells that to his henchmen, a trio of houseflies named Phido, Cleon, and Bidel. I’m ready for a party anytime, anyplace. [18] In the midst of Joke-a-lot's success, Lions Gate Home Entertainment released another computer-animated film with the Care Bears, Big Wish Movie, on October 18, 2005. All Rights Reserved. For what a wish can create? To think that you might feel like sharing too Who will always see you through? ", "I Wonder", "Packs-A-Magic! We can be tough, yes we can take it Five of them— Tenderheart, Grumpy, Wish, Cheer and Share volunteer, while Laugh-a-Lot, Love-a-Lot, Friend, Good Luck, Bedtime, and Champ stay home to get ready for the fair. Directed by Mike Fallows and written by Jeffrey Alan Schecter, this was the fourth film to star the Care Bears and their first in 17 years. The Funshine Bear! Home >> Artists starting with T >> The Care Bears' Big Wish Movie Lyrics >> I Wish The Care Bears' Big Wish Movie - I Wish Lyrics. To the Care Bear song, Share 1, 2, 3 Or Birthday Bear! "[20] Bruce Kluger of Parenting commented likewise: "The computer animation might not be as quaint as the pen-and-ink of the 1980s version, but the new songs and brisk pace make this one a keeper for a new generation. Funshine wants to look, but Funnybone tells him that a coronation is about to take place. You can call Cheer Bear anytime you’re sad Does anybody like me? Do your part and put your heart in A wish is the best The caring never stops

Stored in a vault within the voice-activated Royal Treasury, the sceptre holds the Royal Jewels of Joke-a-lot, which Funnybone says are "the source of the magic power behind all the fun" there; only the king is granted access. "[21] In July 2005, Rob Lowing of Sydney, Australia's The Sun-Herald gave it three stars out of five, and wrote: "Adults will find this computer-generated cartoon as sickly sweet as fairy floss but tiny tots will love the colourful blobs—oops, we mean the Care Bears. Care Bears care about you! ", "Caring Is Serious Business", "Which Way to Funshine? They miss Funshine and want him to return to Care-a-lot where he belongs. A soundtrack album, featuring the film's songs and some original tracks, was released by Madacy Kids on the same day as the film's debut.

"[4][20] All of the scenes have partially completed animation except the last one, "The Great Escape! There’s no reason to fret Something nice for your friends When the Care Bears come to Funnybone, he reveals his real name and homeland—Basil Ratbone, from the No Fun Atoll, whose inhabitants have lived through a "serious" modus operandi. [4], A writer for the Video Business magazine said of Journey to Joke-a-lot: "While [it] ain't no Shrek—the gold standard—the movie is still amusing enough to charm the target demographic of ages 2–5 and should do well with parents looking for harmless kiddie fare. I’ll bring you up! The Care Bears' Big Wish Movie was produced in October 18th, 2005, following the success of Journey to Joke-a-lot. One of the Bears, Grumpy, is working on a rainbow carousel for the upcoming Care Bear Fair. Now is the moment, start preparing Journey to Joke-a-lot premiered in the United States on October 5, 2004, through Lions Gate, and was subsequently released overseas through Universal Studios. I’m flying my colors so that everyone can see [4] Some weeks after the release of Joke-a-lot, Siberry performed "With All Your Heart" at the Alix Goolden Hall in Victoria, British Columbia; Adrian Chamberlain of that province's Times Colonist wrote that "[she] performed [the song] with absolute sincerity, even the jaunty refrain which is whistled.

The Care Bears live in a cloud-filled land known as Care-a-lot ("With All Your Heart"). Funnybone orders Phido, Cleon, and Bidel to steal it when Funshine is not looking. The ‘We are the Care Bears’ lyrics follow: We’re the Care Bears Care Bears TM & © 2020 Those Characters From Cleveland. Keep your chin up, don’t stop caring I’m the Wish Bear We care a lot and we will be strong, No feeling frightened, scared of failing After one of his jokes backfires against Grumpy, another of the Bears, Funshine runs away to find a place where others can appreciate his talents better. I can solve any problem thinking logically. Something nice for your friends When the day’s not so great You can change how it ends. La, la, la, la, la. Mar 13, 2015 - This is the best song EVER!

"[2] But MaryAnn Johanson of the Flick Filosopher called it a "horrifying attempt at children's entertainment", adding that "The cold CGI animation removes any vestige of coziness that might have been found in what is essentially a giant advertisement for itself." Not everyone sees it like this. "[28] In 2005, Ian Thomas was nominated for a Gemini Award for Best Original Score for an Animated Program or Series, for his work on the film. We are the Care Bears Who can lend a helping hand? Isn’t this a perfect way to introduce me? I spread a little sunshine! [4] A soundtrack album released by Madacy Entertainment's Madacy Kids label[25] features 13 tracks,[26] five of which were featured in the film:[27] "With All Your Heart", "Make 'Em Laugh", "In the Land of Joke-a-lot", "Here I Am a King" and "I Like My Friends a Lot". Because I care for you, It isn’t so hard I’ll be there when you get stuck! Everybody likes you! I’ll cheer you up and show I care!!