have to pay the full sticker price if you get financial aid or they don’t fully account for your family’s finances (for financial aid) A student who officially withdraws from all courses at Sam Houston State University in a given semester or summer session may be eligible for a refund of tuition and the specified fees, based upon the courses in which the student is enrolled on the official date of withdrawal. Summer Dance Intensive Tuition - Single Room (all applies – increase in Room/Board) Tuition (Teachers, Studio fees, Chaperones) $900.00. The Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board calculates each year the nonresident tuition. This fee covers services at the University Health Center. . Class days are to be counted from the first class meeting of on-campus daytime courses as indicated in the Academic Calendar. Master’s Programs. . Undergraduate tuition and fees vary depending on your department, your residence status, your graduate level, and the courses you’re taking. A STUDENT WHO FAILS TO MAKE PAYMENT PRIOR TO THE END OF THE SEMESTER OR TERM MAY BE DENIED CREDIT FOR WORK DONE THAT SEMESTER OR TERM. The higher tuition rate may not exceed the rate charged to nonresident undergraduate students. . . . The Texas Education Code states that an institution of higher education, under specific conditions, may charge a resident undergraduate student a higher tuition rate than the rate charged to other resident undergraduate students. © Copyright Sam Houston State University | All rights reserved. This fee will be used to support Intercollegiate Athletic programs. Other charges are due at registration or within ten days after a bill is rendered by the University, or according to special payment instructions that may be listed on the bill or agreement. . Sports Fee: $0.00: Advisement Fee: $66.00: Intl. This fee is charged to students who are majoring in programs within the College of Business Administration. If you’d like to get a personal estimated cost RaiseMe partners with universities to offer students scholarships for their achievements during high school and college. . For clarification of any matter relating to payment or refund of tuition, fees, charges, and deposits, contact the office or administrative unit from which the charge or refund originated. A student enrolled at Sam Houston State University may receive a refund of tuition and fees as a result of dropping courses or resigning from the University as indicated in the following schedules. View the university’s response to COVID-19. Library Fee: Board action authorizes a library fee of $5 per semester credit hour for academic years 2014-15 and 2015-16. . . Want to see your personalized net cost after financial aid and scholarships? Sam Houston State University, College of Business Administration For more than 135 years, Sam Houston State University has been preparing students for meaningful lives of achievement. . . . The fee provides admission to athletic events at Sam Houston State under the auspices of the Department of Athletics. . Each returned item is subject to a $25 check processing fee. is $45. . STATUATORY WARNING: A STUDENT WHO FAILS TO MAKE FULL PAYMENT OF TUITION AND MANDATORY FEES, INCLUDING ANY INCIDENTAL FEES, BY THE DUE DATE MAY BE PROHIBITED FROM REGISTERING FOR CLASSES UNTIL FULL PAYMENT IS MADE. . . They do not need to be repaid but you may have to reapply for them each year. . Student Center Fee: The student center fee is required at the rate of $100 per semester for academic year 2014-15 and academic year 2015-16 and is used to fund the Lowman Student Center programs and activities. Intercollegiate Athletic Fee: A fee of $20 per semester credit hour ($ 10 per summer semester credit hour) is charged for academic year 2020-21 and academic year 2021-22. The Newton Gresham Library uses this fund to purchase books, add electronic databases, and new journal subscriptions. . . . . Recreational Sports Fee: Legislative action authorizes a recreational sports fee not to exceed $100 per semester for academic year 2020-21 and academic year 2021-22. There is an additional processing fee of $30 for enrolling in an installment payment plan. . Please contact the Cashier’s Office for the most up-to-date financial information. NOTE: Class days are University class days, not the number of days an individual class meets. . The rate is currently $168 per semester credit hour. It may be used to purchase equipment for and/or construct, operate, maintain recreational sports facilities and programs. During a summer session, the tuition and fees are collectible in full. We’ve also included financial aid information to help . . Any financial aid, tuition waivers, grants or deferments will be used to reduce the amount owed by the student, with the remaining balance eligible for the installment payment plan. . The fee supports the Intramural Program, the Student Life Support Programs, and the Extramural Programs. Please review Explanation of Fees in this catalog. The Woodland Center Fee: Classes provided at The Woodlands Center have an additional fee of $75 per semester credit hour for academic year 2019-20 and for academic year 2020-21. $60 3 semester credit hours course . The Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board calculates each year the nonresident tuition. Course-related or program-related fees are examples of fees not included in the above estimates. Statutory Tuition: Resident students pay $50 tuition per semester credit hour during academic year 2020-21 and $50 tuition per semester credit hour during academic year 2021-22. .$101 (Student Center, Medical, and Recreational Sports Fees are waived, if only on-line courses are taken and the distance learning fee is charged for each credit hour taken.) The higher tuition rate may not exceed the rate charged to nonresident undergraduate students. . . . Tuition, fees, and charges are subject to change by action of the State Legislature or by action of the Board of Regents of The Texas State University System. The Texas Legislature has reserved the right to discontinue the installment payment plan. . The University may refund tuition and fees paid by a sponsor, donor or scholarship to the source rather than directly to the student who has withdrawn if the funds were made available to the University. If the student discontinues going to class without officially resigning from school, he/she will be subject to the grade of F.) Students who have been resigned are eligible for reinstatement upon redemption of such check(s), plus the resulting processing fee(s) and the payment of a reinstatement charge of $50. OneCard Service Fee: The OneCard Service Fee is $16 per semester for academic year 2014-15 and 2015-16. Should an account be litigated, the student will be responsible for all litigation expenses including attorney’s fees and court costs. . For more information concerning the rules and regulations for determining Texas residence classification, visit residency or contact: Residence Classification Officer Sam Houston State University Box 2418 Huntsville, Texas 77341-2418 (936) 294-1059, Huntsville, Texas 77341 . Osteopathic medical students are not permitted to drop individual courses that are a part of these blocks. Minimizing the number of courses taken by students results in financial savings to students, parents, and the state. The University reserves the right to refuse personal checks, including E_Checks and pinless debit, from any student who had any of the for mentioned items returned. . A returned item is defined as a payment tender returned to the University rightfully unpaid due to no fault of the bank or the University. . Nonresident students (out-of-state and international) pay $459 tuition per semester credit hour during academic year 2020-21 and $459 per semester credit hour during academic year 2021-22. . For clarification of any matter relating to payment or refund of tuition, fees, charges, and deposits, contact the office or administrative unit from which the charge or refund originated. . . . Room and Board (Single Room for two weeks) $550.00. College of Business Administration:  This fee is charged at a rate of $4 per semester credit hour for all enrolled credit hour for academic year 2020-21 and at a rate of $8 per semester credit hour for academic year 2021-22. . Contact Sam Houston State University to learn about their financial aid program Though Sam Houston State University does not offer Micro-Scholarships on RaiseMe, over 300 other colleges do. Tuition (Teachers, Studio fees, Chaperones) $900.00. What are Sam Houston State University | SHSU's Tuition and Fees?