This decision is to kill pheasants that are blinded by the icy winter and are helpless in order to harvest them or to let them go. We can assume that the story's setting takes place in a rural area surrounded by farmland. The pheasants were helpless because of the ice storm and were unable to protect them self. They covered all the helpless pheasants.” The two groups of characters show different psychological traits that made them do different tasks. The boys suffered in the ice storm with no jackets in order to help the pheasants while their fathers the farmers were killing the pheasants only thinking about themselves. The town is undergoing a vicious ice storm, “Tree branches glistened like glass. This flash fiction story shows the readers that if you are brave enough to be the first to do something, you can start a revolution. As the other boys did the same, they followed within a path that they knew was caring, kind, and morally just. The theme in this flash fiction piece consists of the idea that perhaps not all humans are inherently cruel, the boys exemplify this by using their coats to thaw and nurture the pheasants. The young boys know what it is like to be helpless; they were able to put themselves in the pheasant’s shoes. For example, during the ice storm when times were extremely hard the farmers wanted to go out and kill the innocent pheasants to use as food. Privacy This action demonstrated the boy's emotions towards the pheasants and how human nature caused the boys to develop a sense of maturity within themselves. Perhaps Heynes was trying to suggest that human beings are savages. Supply the missing lines to each of the dialogs. For example, when the boys are first introduced, they are characterized as violent and mean. Instead they saved it, but indirectly saving this creature made them happy because they new they saved lives. Describe and
Then it took one of them to put his coat around two pheasants to keep them warm in order to survive. Consideration by the Bigger Better and Stronger Eventually, all the others boys did the same to help save the birds. The gothic horror novel, 'Frankenstein', was written by Mary Shelley
For the next two years, he was a labor worker and wrote poetry (Sullivan). The family must make the best of what they have in order to survive. People take advantage of the wintery weather by skiing and playing in it and others avoid it completely from within the comfort of their heated homes. This shows that not all humans are bad... some need a little inspiration. “The pheasants pulled their heads down between their wings. After realizing what he had done, the other boys decided to do the same thing with no hesitation. He revealed that some farmers go ice-skating down the gravel roads holding clubs, to harvest(therefore willingly hurt) the innocent, helpless pheasants. The theme that is being portrayed is the human concept of sympathy. With flash fiction that isn’t the case. The author uses this line to show that any other person would not even stop to think; that any other person would immediately attack. Once they realize they need to figure out a solution a person brainstorms ideas and chooses the best idea to fix the problem. This is what the boys did in the passage, simply looking at each other and hoping they come up with the solution first. 2. alliteration- Used for poetic effect, a repetition of the initial sounds of several words in a group. Human nature is for the powerful to prey on the weak in their greatest time of weakness to gain advantages for themselves. Though they should've taken their safety into consideration. The ice covered everything and if the boys didn't help the blinded pheasants they probably would have died. In the story, “What Happened During the Ice storm” the author uses a mysterious, bittersweet tone, “They stood over the pheasants, turning their own heads, looking at each other each expecting the other to do something” (Heynen 1). In the short story “What Happened during the Ice Storm” by Jim Heynen, it is demonstrated that different people act differently during challenging situations. The pheasants were out in the freezing rain, suffering, not knowing what they should do. The boys looked at one another, unsure of what to do first. account for the major differences and similarities between the
When the boys first came across the struggling pheasants, they thought about pouncing on it and killing it. When we read stories in class, I am almost afraid to share what I read because I might have interpreted it wrong. They were lead to believe that they must be cruel. “What Happened During the Ice Storm” is at a superficial level a story about boys who, during an ice storm head outside to kill some pheasants for their supper, instead they feel sorry for the cold, frozen birds, and lend them their coats. Nextly, the boy sacrifices his coat in order to catch the pheasants. continued their dreams, and went to college, but after a semester he dropped out. The flash fiction work “What Happened During the Ice Storm’, by Jim Heynen you here the story of a town that has just being hit by an ice storm. It showed the boys where frightened, and not yet grown up enough to take a life. ''What Happened During the Ice Storm'' describes an intense ice storm that hits a farming community, probably somewhere in America. The pheasants did not fly away because their wings were frozen.? In the flash fiction story, "What Happened During the Ice Storm" by Jim Heynen, it shows the difference between older people and younger people. Which, as one may know, is a must if you want to catch any prey, like Jack and the boars on the island, or Kino and the thief in the cave. As a result, the other boys followed suit, covering all the pheasants that were huddled in the ditch. “He covered two of the crouching pheasants with his coat, rounding the back over them like a shell. Later he says that little boys go to the pheasants and he never mentions them having clubs. The farmers go to harvest, or kill, the pheasants. To catch these creatures would give them the idea that theory they did the impossible. How does Heynen use the literary tool IMAGERY in the story? The young boys are looking for the pheasants, but they also try to have some fun while they do it. This flash fiction story also showed the good and caring side of people. Heynen decides to characterize them in a different way. There comes a time when you have to be the first to make an action, and that's exactly what the boy did when he "covered two of the crouching pheasants with his coat", making the decision that he would save them rather than harvest them like the farmers have done. To pounce on a pheasant, or to yell bang!”, but for the farmers the winters are a time of struggle since they cannot grow their crops as a food source they are lucky that the pheasants are frozen so that they have a food source for the winter. To pounce on a What Happened During the Ice Storm (1).pdf - \"What Happened During the Ice Storm JIM HEYNEN From You Know What Is Right Student Reader 2021 Coliege. However, putting these lines in the story makes the reader notice how the boys took the time to stop and think The last metaphor is pheasants looked like unborn birds glazed in egg white. 8 quotes from The Ice Storm: ‘The past was so past it hurt.’ “Words are the oldest information storage and retrieval system ever devised. this really shows what people have the ability to do in difficult situations. These boys did not know what to do in this situation and turned to others to come up with a solution first.
This act of kindness may be heroic in their eyes and the elders may look like savages for harvesting them, but it is an act of survival that will cost them their lives. If they were to sell their livestock during the storm, it would only freeze before there was a chance to harvest the animals. He shows that during challenging situations that involve an internal conflict or a black and white decision, that humans may choose white, meaning they are naturally good, moral, and caring towards their fellow creatures. But in fact the young can be much more gentle than adults, most likely because there virtue hasn’t been tampered with. In this story, the freezing rain played a role in their actions. When the boys saw the pheasants they obviously had the intensions to kill and eat the pheasants. Tree branches glistened like Furthermore, if the first boy had started to attack the pheasant the other boys would have done the same. This book Logical Reasoning by Bradley H. Dowden is licensed under a Creative Commons AttributionNonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. In the beginning of the story the ice was a beautiful thing and everyone enjoyed it, but soon you can see how the storm leads to horrible things. In this case it was use there jacket to cover the bird from the falling frozen rain. Their initial reaction was to help the defenseless pheasants by risking their own lives to help warm the pheasants. pheasant, or to yell Bang! The author illustrates how the roles of adults and children can be mistaken. The children did not gain anything in return for the thing they did (at least nothing in a physical sense). In the story, the young boys save a group of pheasants from the cold by using their jackets. Unlike when the farmers saw the pheasants, when the boys saw five or six pheasants, they slid their feet slowly towards them, trying not to crack the ice, but also trying not to startle the animals. The farmers are no longer innocent and they do not have an appreciation for nature. Even though older adults chose the wrong decision to harvest these pheasants, these boys who seem to be younger in age, and more dependent on their families, put themselves in the pheasants perspective. Whenever a challenging situation comes most people look for another human to come up with the answer first.