As a precautionary response to COVID-19, Ohio EPA is currently operating with most staff working remotely. Primary standards provide public health protection, including protecting the health of "sensitive" populations such as asthmatics, children, and the elderly. Conduct oversight of corrective action activities at hazardous waste treatment, storage and disposal facilities. Ohio’s public records law should not be confused with the Federal Freedom of Information Act, which applies to records held by federal agencies. Even though we work in association with Ikon, you are not required to use this service.
If you are working with our staff on a current project and you know the name of the employee you are working with, email them at or call them directly. The Agency website has contact information for every district, division, and office. Contact with another vendor to come to Northeast District to copy files. You will be billed five cents per copy, but as a courtesy, if you make fewer than 250 copies, you will not be billed.
| Laurie A. Stevenson, Director | Divisions and Offices | ADA and Nondiscrimination | Privacy Statement | Contact | Employee Login, NAAQS and Nonattainment - What Businesses Need to Know, NAAQS and Nonattainment - What Citizens Need to Know. State Designated Area Reports. The office's investigations span all of Ohio EPA's environmental programs. Inspect areas approved for land application of sludge. Services of the office include a toll-free hotline, on-site compliance and P2 assessments, workshops/training, plain-English publications library and assistance in completing permit application forms.
Review monthly monitoring reports required from each discharger to assess compliance with permit limitations. The division also oversees state and local planning for long-term solid waste management.
Report a Spill, Release or Environmental Crime Longitude: -084.184
Since all offices are closed, deliveries outside of U.S. Mail (FedEx, UPS) will likely be returned because the offices are closed and deliveries cannot be made. Units of measure for the standards are parts per million (ppm) by volume, parts per billion (ppb) by volume, and micrograms per cubic meter of air (µg/m3). OCAPP has staff located in both the central and district offices. We also encourage you to email your question or concern when possible. For large plans over 25 MB, entities should work with the reviewer/division to upload via LiquidFiles.
We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you in advance for your understanding. Non-emergency complaints Phone: (614) 644-3020 ~ Contact Us, Mailing Address: P.O.
Inspect facilities with Title V permits (large facilities) at least once every two years.
Provide technical assistance to support the development of locally driven water resource management plans that identify the causes of water resource impairment and methods for their control. Since all offices are closed, deliveries outside of U.S. Mail (FedEx, UPS) will likely be returned because the offices are closed and deliveries cannot be made. The AirData Air Quality Monitors app is a mapping application available on the web and on mobile devices that displays monitor locations and monitor-specific information. To access public records in NWDO, email Meghan Bingaman, call (419) 373-3084 or fax your request to (419) 352-8468. For all other calls, including complaints, questions, or concerns about environmental issues, contact the nearest district office to get to the right person faster.
For all other calls, including complaints, questions, or concerns about environmental issues, contact the nearest district office to get to the right person faster.
Russell Flagg – Assistant Chief The office works in partnership with other state and federal agencies to conduct investigations of activities that may criminally violate any of the state or federal environmental laws or regulations. Oversee construction of new and expanding solid waste disposal facilities and infectious waste treatment facilities to ensure compliance with permit requirements.
It also allows the querying and downloading of data daily and annual summary data. MAP LEGEND Level of Health Concern Good. making false statements to regulatory personnel. Ohio EPA will bill you for the balance once the copying has been completed.
Assist local entities with their applications for grants to address nonpoint source pollution issues. If you wish to send hard copies of documents to any of Ohio EPA’s district offices, the best method to ensure we receive these documents is to send them via U.S. Mail.
Within four business days after submitting a request, Ohio EPA will contact you to set up an appointment for the review.
Due to increased demand for file reviews, appointments are required to review district files.
Phone: (614) 644-3020 ~ Contact Us, Mailing Address: P.O.
Require and help public water systems take action to correct unsafe conditions. Review plans for proposed facilities that pretreat industrial discharges.
For all other calls, including complaints, questions, or concerns about environmental issues, contact the nearest district office to get to the right person faster.
Oversee solid waste, infectious waste and construction and demolition debris disposal programs managed by local health departments.
To find a local contact, refer to the county contact list. Ohio EPA is responsible for implementing the federal Safe Drinking Water Act and its amendments. This feature will improve efficiency; reduce costs; and greatly improve the public's ability to access to Ohio EPA's public records from anywhere without copying costs.
Ohio Environmental Protection Agency Phone: (614) 644-3020 ~ Contact Us.
Report a Spill, Release or Environmental Crime Provide technical assistance to municipalities, industry and the general public. These requests are completed as quickly as is reasonable given the scope of the request. Plans under 25 MB can be emailed. 401 East Fifth Street Maintain a library of publications written in plain English that explain regulatory requirements and pollution prevention opportunities. In order to reach us, please contact Ohio EPA’s main phone line at (614) 644-3020 or the main line for the division or office you are trying to reach. The Division of Air Pollution Control has adopted rules that ensure those standards are met throughout Ohio.. To protect Ohio’s air quality, Ohio EPA annually reviews approximately 750 requests for permits for new or modified air pollution sources, and 262 requests for renewal permits.