If there’s 1 thing in this life I’ve learned, it’s that anything is possible. They were all armed. While this was going on, Simms had retreated to the next step, and there drew his pistol, not having his shotgun in hand then. Wyatt and his deputies had gone after the robbers, for that matter, and had arrested a Clanton hanger-on named Luther King who, under pressure, had confessed to taking part in the crime. The four main railroad lines that connected Missouri to Chicago and St. Louis had formed a pool to keep shipping rates high, and Edwards had repeatedly attacked the railroad interests in his editorials. Sadie Marcus described the skeletal Holliday as having a continuous cough and standing on “unsteady legs.”. For this he was obliged to flee to old Mexico, taking one of the boats down the river. Then Billy Thompson, a homicidal maniac and hopeless alcoholic, turned his gun on Sheriff Whitney, who prior to this had been a drinking companion and friend to the two brothers. Leading the cowboy mob was a man named Ed Morrison, whom Wyatt had humiliated in Wichita, Kansas, and a man named Tobe Driskill. He does not wholly pass away with the coming of the law, but his home is essentially in a new and undeveloped condition of society. Later, in a court testimony, Earp revealed that 18-year-old Billy Clanton, Ike’s younger brother, met him and spoke to him insolently, asking if he had any other horse to “lose”. His intelligence made him a “natural” at gambling and this quickly became his means of support, where he was both an active participant, as well as a poker and Faro dealer. Corral. He was bad. Also, in the heat of summer, 1881, a fire swept the business district of Tombstone and the citizens blamed Marshall Ben Sippy for not controlling the looting that followed; Virgil Earp, the senior deputy, was appointed a marshal, a move that antagonized the already-hostile Clantons. Shortly after his arrival in Denver, Doc was arrested by a man named Perry Mallan. Billy Breakenridge, who had served as deputy sheriff under Behan and was close to Clanton, published his account, as did Josephine Earp, Wyatt’s common-law wife. Finally, settling down in Denver, he assumed the name of Tom Mackey, while dealing Faro at Babbitt’s House. Wyatt visited the largest saloon in town, Shanssey’s asking about Rudabaugh. While in Dodge City, Wyatt met a saloon girl named Celia Anne Blalock, whom he affectionately called “Mattie.” Though the two never married, they lived as husband and wife. While waiting for the three men in the bank to come out, Jim was wounded in the shoulder by Wheeler.