Concerns have been raised that deals involving public money could be. This refers to an idiomatic word or phrase for which there is no word-for-word translation. You can't look at your cards until I have dealt all of them. 7 ans au lieu de 20. The deal isn't complete until the payment is made. You're not going to get out of here unless we make a deal. Hicimos un trato, ahora no puedes echarte atrás. Résultats: 210. What a deal! Después de horas de negociación, las dos partes firmaron un acuerdo.

", "they offered me £200 compensation — big deal! (cards) (de repartir) turno nm nombre masculino: Sustantivo de género exclusivamente masculino, que lleva los artículos el o un en singular, y los o unos en plural. Pas de publicités. ¡no hagas una montaña de un grano de arena! ¡Tres dólares por un par de calcetines? Our best salesman has closed 15 deals this quarter. Su búsqueda puede llevar a ejemplos con expresiones coloquiales. They are dealing in illegal drugs and they are dealing in, Without an agreement the deal will not go, The Mondeo is selling strongly despite being. Si vous rencontrez d'autres types de problèmes, nous vous recommandons de contacter l'assistance technique de DeepL. Votre traduction sera disponible dans ${seconds} secondes. Traduisez vos textes avec le service gratuit DeepL Traducteur. Livraison offerte dès 35€ d’achat. ; Give out as one's portion or share. Forgot Password? I am in a position to save you a good deal of time.

Plus efficace. un nuevo acuerdo salarial para los mineros; Mr Bush and John Major wanted a deal by January, this government does not make deals with terrorists, they offered to do a deal on the price of the house, Japan will have to do a deal with America on rice imports, you're not getting out of here until we make a deal, it's now known that the Reagan administration struck a deal with Iran, the informer managed to strike a deal with the police, la nueva política económica de los EE.UU. עברית . Hot deals of the day and your best deals right here on this channel! All the latest wordy news, linguistic insights, offers and competitions every month. He ended up in jail for dealing stolen merchandise. Qu'avez-vous apprécié lors de cette expérience ? Une nouvelle version de cette page est accessible.

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Translate Deal. Exemplos: el televisor, un piso.

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