This song is about Agent Orange, a chemical used by the US to defoliate the Vietnamese jungle during the Vietnam War.
Veterans Exposed to Agent Orange. A monthly update on our latest interviews, stories and added songs, Orange Crush was an orange flavored soft drink. lines stick out in particular-“follow me, don’t follow me/I’ve got my spine, Tons of people, mostly Vietnamese, got cancer, had horrendous birth defects, etc., some of those affected were US's own soldiers themselves as a result of the spraying. Because Agent Orange (and other Vietnam-era herbicides) contained dioxin in the form of TCDD, it had immediate and long-term effects. the song a sort of contradictory feel ( when compared to “we are agents of the likely refers to the American Government, while the ‘your’ likely refers to the Michael Stipe used his knowledge and experience generated through his father to write the song, and there has been much speculation about the meaning of the words. Department of Veterans Affairs. Over the years war stories have been told through movies, theater, books and even songs. And "spine" was amphetamine, possibly mixed with LSD, to make soldiers stay up for days. Short-term exposure to dioxin can cause darkening of the skin, liver problems and a severe acne-like skin disease called chloracne. The song tells of a soldier before he is heading off to Vietnam and meets his girlfriend for the last time. Orange Crush is a song by the Georgian rock band R.E.M, about the use of Agent Orange, an herbicide used to clear jungle during the Vietnam War. It’s super easy, we promise! matter-of-factly, yet later in the song this seems to be contradicted (“in a
Bruce Springsteen’s ‘Born in the USA’ is a prime example. SIGNED DENNIS Day. Dioxin was not intentionally added to Agent Orange; rather, dioxin is a byproduct that’s produced during the manufacturing of herbicides. The 1960s brought with it musicians who wanted to voice their opinions through their music, and particularly about their anger over the Vietnam War. He wrote in, Stipe sometimes introduced this in concert by singing the US Army jingle, "Be all that you can be, in the Army.".
Spectre orange. The conflict was intensified by the ongoing Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union. Veterans may have taken part in the actual spraying which involved airplanes, helicopters, in Vietnam river boats, trucks or backpacks. I’ve got my orange crush”-It has a sort of conversational tone to it, By that time, the settlement had risen to some $240 million including interest. ‘Charlie Don’t Surf’ is by UK band The Clash and was released in 1980. In addition to the massive environmental devastation of the U.S. defoliation program in Vietnam, that nation has reported that some 400,000 people were killed or maimed as a result of exposure to herbicides like Agent Orange. (Follow me, don't follow me) (Collar me, don't collar me) stop. Did you know? It was not commercially released in the U.S. despite reaching number one as a promotional single on both the Mainstream and Modern Rock Tracks (where, at the time, it had the record for longest stay at number one with eight weeks, beating U2).
This would open the door to lawsuits that would cost the government billions of dollars.”. More than 13 million gallons of Agent Orange was used in Vietnam, or almost two-thirds of the total amount of herbicides used during the entire Vietnam War. It didn't work, so he smoked a cigarette, which is when he realized his addictive personality could be a problem. Coming in, you’re home (We are agents of the free) High on the roof Questions regarding Agent Orange arose in the United States after an increasing number of returning Vietnam veterans and their families began to report a range of afflictions, including rashes and other skin irritations, miscarriages, psychological symptoms, type 2 diabetes, birth defects in children and cancers such as Hodgkin’s disease, prostate cancer and leukemia. The band kept the tempo of the song deliberately high in order to hide the meaning of the words. Some believe that the Orange in the title refers to the poison agents used by troops during the war to kill off crops so that the enemy would not be able to farm its land or grow crops to eat. “Orange Crush” is an anti-war song.
I knew it all, I knew every back road and every truck stop" The suit, which sought billions of dollars worth of damages, claimed that Agent Orange and its poisonous effects left a legacy of health problems and that its use constituted a violation of international law. "We would circle and we'd circle and we'd circle But if you see something that doesn't look right, click here to contact us!
In 2004, a group of Vietnamese citizens filed a class-action lawsuit against more than 30 chemical companies, including the same ones that settled with U.S. veterans in 1984. continued throughout the song. It was brashly critical of the US involvement in Vietnam and the title of the song came from the 1979 war epic, Apocalypse Now. threatened by outside, usually communist, forces) with the line “We are agents
During this process, crops and water sources used by the non-combatant native population of South Vietnam were also hit. suggest the truth of the Vietnam war, hidden from view of the public, was a lot The extent and patterns of usage of Agent Orange and other herbicides in Vietnam. Then this whirlybird that I headed for I had my goggles pulled off; singer of the band, yells into a bullhorn pointed in the microphone, along with National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences. Additionally, dioxin is linked to type 2 diabetes, immune system dysfunction, nerve disorders, muscular dysfunction, hormone disruption and heart disease.
Herbicides were also sprayed from trucks and hand-sprayers around U.S. military bases. Since the song is anti-war, it stands to reason Report to the Secretary of the Department of Veterans Affairs on the Association Between Adverse Health Effects and Exposure to Agent Orange. Create an account with SongMeanings to post comments, submit lyrics, and more. 4.6 out of 5 stars 12. Like "orange crush" was a joint dipped in opium. Amphetamine was first synthesized and used militarily in the first World War (1916).
(Collar me, don't collar me)
Developing fetuses are particularly sensitive to dioxin, which is also linked to miscarriages, spina bifida and other problems with fetal brain and nervous system development. Dioxins are also created from trash incineration; burning gas, oil and coal; cigarette smoking and in different manufacturing processes such as bleaching. Inspired by his dear friend, "Seasons in the Sun" paid for Terry's boat, which led him away from music and into a battle with Canadian paper mills. The Monkees’ ‘Last Train to Clarksville’ is very upbeat and that was with the intention of the writers to conceal its true meaning. Thin the blood And I was remembering and I was just in a different county and all Orange Crush was an orange flavored soft drink but this song IS about Agent Orange, a chemical used by the US to defoliate the Vietnamese jungle during the Vietnam War. The extreme lyrical dissonance in the song meant that most people completely misinterpreted the song, including, The song does not refer to any single Vietnam-related experience for lead singer Michael Stipe, but simply that he lived in that era of American history. Another one came on the waves tonight As late as June 2011, debate continued over whether so-called "Blue Water Navy" veterans (those who served aboard deep-sea vessels during the Vietnam War) should receive the same Agent Orange-related benefits as other veterans who served on the ground or on inland waterways.
conflict (paved with blood). In addition, Vietnam claims half a million children have been born with serious birth defects, while as many 2 million people are suffering from cancer or other illness caused by Agent Orange. In 1988, Dr. James Clary, an Air Force researcher associated with Operation Ranch Hand, wrote to Senator Tom Daschle, “When we initiated the herbicide program in the 1960s, we were aware of the potential for damage due to dioxin contamination in the herbicide. Agent Orange Agent-Orange--stack-of-55-gallon-drums - Agent Orange - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia South Vietnam Vietnam Veterans Vietnam War Vietnam History … uglier and disturbing than most thought about the war. But I think your prof has her dates wrong. Five years later, in an out-of-court-settlement, seven large chemical companies that manufactured the herbicide agreed to pay $180 million in compensation to the veterans or their next of kin. the front man sings the second line in these lyric pairs. Orange Crush is a song That distinction goes to "Body Count," an early unreleased song that they played live many times. As the Vietnam War dragged on, with more than 500,000 U.S. troops in Vietnam by 1968, military analyst Daniel Ellsberg—who more.
Coming in fast, over me Agent Orange was the most widely used herbicide in Vietnam, and the most potent. US military personnel exposed to it developed cancer years later and some of their children had birth defects. Orange Crush was an orange flavored soft drink. In slush and orange crush in pocket and all tent paved with blood/nine inch howl/ brave the night), sarcastically mocking This massive bombardment was intended to put military pressure on North Vietnam’s more, Of the nearly 1 million Americans who served on active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces during the Vietnam War era (1964-75), many were or went on to become famous in diverse fields such as politics, entertainment, sports and journalism. The lead singer, Michael Stipe, explained that the song is about a young man from America who played football, leaving to go to war in Vietnam. that it’s against the foreign policy, especially because R.E.M seems to
I always thought it was about agent orange, the defoliant the US Army used in Vietnam. However, several Orange Agent Vietnam War Military Victims Retired Soldier T-Shirt. Wes Edwards takes us behind the scenes of videos he shot for Jason Aldean, Dierks Bentley and Chase Bryant. High on the roof
Mark Ronson's "Uptown Funk" was the first US chart-topper to include the word "funk" in the title. how is the song 'orange crush' by r.em. Even Ronald Reagan’s 1980s presidential campaign used the song as its anthem, but little did they realize that the song’s words tell the story of fierce fighting in Vietnam, while a war veteran back at home in the US is struggling to find a job, the CNN Edition reports. Thin the blood 32. The young Navy pilot John McCain, son of a more, The Pentagon Papers was the name given to a top-secret Department of Defense study of U.S. political and military involvement in Vietnam from 1945 to 1967.
The drill sergeant heard in the background during the middle is just an imitation by Stipe. I've had my fun and now it's time It was SOP (standard operating procedure) for US pilots in WWII to be dosed with amphetamines before missions.
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