Rob, a record store owner and compulsive list maker, recounts his top five breakups, including the one in progress. Ich empfehle es auch unbedingt, sich diesen Film nach einer Trennung anzusehen. I don’t know what they were, probably Chiclets? He was very sweet and very nice, but quiet. I will grab a bottle of wine and watch the film which is practically autobiographical in my case " highly recommended ". Das gilt natürlich auch für die Liebe. Es passiert einfach zu wenig. (Originaltitel - High Fidelity) 2000 TOUCHSTONE. Christopher Nolan, Mit The film is very British, though in this film, set in Chicago. This for me is John Cusack's best film, and you could say this film put Jack Black on the map, and what I love about this film is the soundtrack, it is just brilliant. Why in the name of all things beautiful, would I be able to search for this movie in ENGLISH, but then having only GERMAN as an audio choice. Leider ist ein Problem beim Speichern Ihrer Cookie-Einstellungen aufgetreten. Rentals are not eligible. Comedy, Drama, Music. Der Kultfilm für alle Kinder der 80er Jahre. He would say little dry things now and then, but he wasn’t that talkative. Go to hell, Amazon, you're really beginning to piss me me off royally. I am on the verge of cancelling my Amazon Prime account. Doch Laura schafft es nicht mal auf seine ewigen Top-Five der unvergesslichen Trennungen. DVD and "Video Bonus" editions of the movie contain scenes cut from the theatrical release. For an enhanced browsing experience, get the IMDb app on your smartphone or tablet. Der Artikel ist in folgender Variante leider nicht verfügbar. So when I see some of those interviews I think, "You ungrateful little twat." [But] I am proud of it. Momentanes Problem beim Laden dieses Menüs. We were all friends, and we had just put together a pretty serious soundtrack for Grosse Point so we’d sort of been through that process before. Auf diese äußerst amüsante Tour nimmt Regisseur Stephen Frears uns mit. Not wearing her hair pink to work anymore, you know. It was the end of the '90s before 9/11, all kind of blissful ignorance, and we were in this amazing bubble of independent music, just going to parties and bars and seeing all these amazing bands. In celebration of the 'High Fidelity's' 20th anniversary, John Cusack, Iben Hjejle, and Todd Louiso look back at the modern cult classic. Und ja, es kann passieren, dass bei diesem Film die Männer weinen und dann die Frauen daneben sitzen und sich denken "Wtf, was geht da ab?". Ihre zuletzt angesehenen Artikel und besonderen Empfehlungen. Hornby's book comes to life fantastically with John Cusack taking the lead roll with great humour and timing as main character Rob. Robs Ausweg aus der Krise: Er stellt die Top Five seiner fehlgeschlagenen Beziehungen auf. Man fühlt sich merkwürdig Wohl danach und es steiger sich gar nach dem zweiten Mal. Eine kongeniale Verfilmung von Nick Hornbys Bestseller „High Fidelity“ gelang dem Briten Stephan Frears. I’ve gotten so many letters and emails from both men and women saying, “Oh, this is our first date film, we loved it so much!" | Spritzig, witzig, lebensecht: Top-Regisseur Stephen Frears inszeniert in dieser charmanten Komödie das Lebensgefühl einer ganzen Generation. CUSACK: The ending is Barry singing “Let’s Get It On” — or it might have been different in the book, it might have been “Sexual Healing”? We were giggling all the way through it. Mark Ruffalo, Anne Hathaway, Tim Robbins, Mit TODD LOUISO (who played the famously beta record-store clerk Dick, foil to Jack Black's Barry): When I read the script I was just like, “Oh my God, this part’s totally for me." Die Chance für Rob, sein Leben, seine Plattensammlung und seine Liebschaften neu zu sortieren. For a rocking fun time, give HIGH FIDELITY a spin. LOUISO: We didn’t really do any rehearsals, so I just met Jack when we got to Chicago and it was great. Inhaltsangabe: Rob ist Besitzer des Plattenladens "Championship Vinyl" und frischer Single obendrein. Birds Of Prey, Star Wars 9, Joker, Die Känguru-Chroniken, User folgen I thought, I can just tell my sister [Joan Cusack], “Okay just walk in, call me a f---in’ asshole, and leave.” Yeah, I knew that would be a fine idea. In August 2020, the series was canceled after one season. For hilarious comedy entertainment that's packed with action, GROSSE POINTE BLANK is a surefire knockout! I bought this DVD in used condition and was not expecting too much however I was pleasantly surprised. 2 April 2000, 24 October 2020 High Fidelity ist das männliche Pendant dazu, der Liebesfilm für Männer. But I would just say, you better get the music right. Twenty years on, the cast — including Cusack, now 53, whose music obsessive Rob Gordon became an icon of damaged Gen-X romanticism — looks back at a modern cult classic. Als Rob dessen Passion es ist, alles in Top-Five-Ranglisten einzuteilen, das Single-Dasein leid ist, stellt er die ultimative Liste seiner fünf schmerzreichsten Trennungen auf. Rezension aus dem Vereinigten Königreich vom 12. Die Handlung, die ... Irgendetwas fand ich an diesem Film schön, aber die Story war es leider nicht. Rob folgt einfach dem Rat seines Idols Bruce Springsteen und ruft alle seine Ex-Freundinnen nochmal an, was sich aber als sehr gewagtes Unterlangen erweist. Eligible if purchased with select payment methods. September 2020. LOUISO: That part [where the guys beat up Rob’s ponytailed love rival, played by Robbins] we almost didn’t shoot, because we were running out of time for the day. Zu dem Film gibts nicht viel zu sagen,außer Männer mögen ihn meistens,Frauen aus unerfindlichen Gründen weniger. z. In der Hauptrolle brilliert John Cusack als frischgebackener Single Rob. The quality is excellent, especially the all-important sound. Besonders lohnend für die, die das Buch von Nick Hornby noch nicht gelesen haben. It's a love triangle -- but with a twist. Photograph: Buena Vista. Von CUSACK: That scene with Liz in the record store? I understand today! So then I wrote the script with a couple of partners and supervised it and then we got a green light. 10 funny mockumentaries to remind us about the absurdity of life, Family-friendly Halloween films for boos big and small, That part [where the guys beat up Rob’s ponytailed love rival, played by Robbins]. And Tim shows up and, of course, is the coolest person on the planet and is like, “I know they set the whole day to do this, but I have a baseball game in a couple of hours with my kids so that's what we’re gonna do." Or “This movie made me think, ‘Okay, if she can live with that then I can too, and so I said yes when he proposed and now we’re going on 20 years.”. But when he invents an imaginary son in order to meet attractive single moms, Will gets a hilarious lesson about life from a bright, but hopelessly geeky 12-year-old named Marcus. HJEJLE: I don’t know if "shy" is the right word, but Jack was actually kind of very quiet. I found the film very watchable from start to finish. For a rocking fun time, give High Fidelity a spin. He had made a movie with Tim Robbins and there was sort of this actors' gang, a crew that Jack was hanging out with, and he was also doing Tenacious D late-night shows and stuff, so I knew the secret that he was a great musician and a great comedian and just hadn’t gotten a role like High Fidelity yet. Viel dazu bei trägt Hauptdarsteller, Co-Produzent und Co-Autor John Cusack. She's a workaholic; he loves his summers off. John Cusack as Rob Gordon owns a record store in Chicago. Stattdessen betrachtet unser System Faktoren wie die Aktualität einer Rezension und ob der Rezensent den Artikel bei Amazon gekauft hat. Premise. Rob folgt einfach dem Rat seines Idols Bruce Springsteen und ruft alle seine Ex-Freundinnen nochmal an, was sich aber als sehr gewagtes Unterlangen erweist.Bonusmaterial:entfallene Szenen Interviews. Das witzig-intelligente Erwachsenenmärchen mit Herz für Romantik ist seines Spezialistentums wegen vor allem für ein an der Popkultur geschultes Publikum ein Hochgenuss. Rob: He has his final temptation, you know, like the grass is gonna be greener, with him doing the same behaviors again. Vielleicht waren es die Bilder oder vielleicht auch die Schauspieler. Bonus-Disc) [4 DVDs]. Darf einfach grundlos eine Skater-Punkband dazu erfunden werden? Die Chance für Rob, sein Leben, seine Plattensammlung und seine Liebschaften neu zu sortieren. Hugh Grant (Notting Hill, Bridget Jones's Diary) is simply brilliant in this comedy hit the critics are hailing as "Hilarious!" High Fidelity ist das männliche Pendant dazu, der Liebesfilm für Männer. What came first, the music or the misery? Ich finde es schrecklich, wenn ich mich frage: was hat mich bewogen, diesen Film zu kaufen? After all the credits, the crackling out-groove of a vinyl album is heard. Nur noch 6 auf Lager (mehr ist unterwegs). In Denmark, she is perhaps best known for appearing in the Danish television sitcom Langt fra Las Vegas (Far from Las Vegas) and playing the girlfriend of Danish comedian Casper Christensen, her former real life partner. In der Hauptrolle brilliert John Cusack als frischgebackener Single Rob. LOUISO: Do I still get recognized for Dick? HJEJLE: We did one or two press junkets in New York and Los Angeles, and that was strange and stressful and I’m still sometimes embarrassed because I had never then and have not ever since been part of such a massive promotion. Impressum | Entdecken Sie jetzt alle Amazon Prime-Vorteile. For a rocking fun time, give HIGH FIDELITY a spin. Rezension aus dem Vereinigten Königreich vom 4. HJEJLE: Well, there was a bit of nudity — the dream sequence that Rob has about Laura and Tim Robbins, that was hilarious because I had been so nervous about shooting that scene. Start within 30 days, finish within 72 hours. And John, of course, so it’s actually quite funny when you see Jack Black today. I still love that line.”, CUSACK: Part of the film that makes it good is that it relentlessly admits how human and flawed the characters are, but it doesn’t ask you to forgive them or excuse their behavior. Basierend auf dem wundervollen Roman von Nick Hornby, der auch beim Film mitgewirkt hat, brillieren ein John Cusack ein Jack Black und eine wundervolle Iben Hjejle. Like when I read the script for Jerry Maguire or auditioned for the Big Lebowski, there are movies where you’re just like, "Yes." By using our services, you agree to our use of cookies. Aber man kann nicht behaupten, dass man von diesem Film gut unterhalten wird. I suppose with streaming ,DVDs are on the way out but as with High Fidelty the desire to collect things never ends , at least for me. Prime-Mitglieder genießen Zugang zu schnellem und kostenlosem Versand, tausenden Filmen und Serienepisoden mit Prime Video und vielen weiteren exklusiven Vorteilen. All Rights Reserved. Will Lightman (Grant) is a good-looking, smooth-talking bachelor whose primary goal in life is avoiding any kind of responsibility. People worry about kids playing with guns, or watching violent videos, that some sort of culture of violence will take them over. High Fidelity ist das männliche Pendant dazu, der Liebesfilm für Männer. We became really fast friends, and what was amazing was that we really got taken under the wing of the music scene there. Build up your Halloween Watchlist with our list of the most popular horror titles on Netflix in October. In der Hauptrolle brilliert John Cusack als frischgebackener Single Rob. TVLine Items: Christmas Chronicles 2 Trailer, Days Resumes Filming and More. CUSACK: Working Title came up with the idea for casting Catherine Zeta-Jones [as one of the top-five exes] — I want to give them credit for that. But I guess Jack doesn’t know, because we haven’t talked for 20 years! Knall auf Fall lässt ihn seine Freundin Laura sitzen. Diese Einkaufsfunktion lädt weitere Artikel, wenn die Eingabetaste gedrückt wird. HJEJLE: I knew tons of guys like Rob, where it was ages before they understood that relationships and committing and having kids is a good thing, and it doesn’t mean that you have to lose yourself or who you are or what you like to do.