Didn’t make me feel any better but awesome it has for some peopl. It’s a waste of time. When you stop avoiding people and start socializing, do it the wrong way. I don’t see any reason to go on living. I too frustrated in life dealing with arrogant teenage son not doing studies. For those who are not familiar with the term “shame storms”, during them, you feel creepy unworthiness and cold, harsh feelings of shame. To look down on my profession because I am “not a real nurse” or “just an LPN” really annoys me, for lack of a better word. I’ve only known rejection ever since I’m single. ive hurt everyone I love and im not embarrassed to say im going to go through with it. In fact she told me just about an hour and a half ago that she applied for some jobs today and they weren’t here where I am right now. And to feel relieved, and even to make these relationships better sometimes, you need to have those difficult conversations. A collection of these behaviors is enough to make you hate your life in the long run. I have lost all confidence in life.. I’ve got a great, supportive bunch of coworkers and I think the world of them. My work is psych-related, which I like, but I find it hard to provide the kind of care I want to give when the time pressure and pressure to keep numbers up is so intense. I'm applying to PhD programs right now. If you don’t want the bedside you are useless so therefore I need to make plans to escape. Any advice. I LOVE life. I am feeling lost, empty. But don't feel bad, nursing is not for everyone. Smoke. I am constantly called insulting names like dirty dick and much worse. I don’t think I can go on smiling and trying to be there for others. This woman literally talks about me behind my back and sits in the living room, not letting me close my room door, and she talks about me being a disgrace to the family WHILE I’M TRYING TO SLEEP. They might make your life better. And screw the satisfaction which may come when you face your demons. This isolation will breed more loneliness, anxiety, shame, and something-is-wrong-with-me feelings. It is just sad, disappointing, and unfortunately just the way it is. I have a good job, live in a great city, I have some great friends, honestly I know in super lucky. everything i do is wrong, i try every day but everything gets wrong. I don’t like how I am feel I see this world. Because then at least I wouldn’t be ALIVE. Act upon your overwhelming desire to control everything. Maybe a charity. I wouldn’t wish this on anyone. But right now I hate myself so much that if I could somehow separate myself into two people I’d off the other right now if it only meant I could just evaporate afterwards. My life is literally perfect and yet every single passing microsecond is absolute agony. Many employers are hiring now to fill urgent talent needs. Please don’t do it. And it makes you hate your life a whole a lot. People don’t understand that external circumstances have very little to do with ongoing happiness or contentment, or lack thereof. Don’t spend time with sane, emotionally stable people. The health field that help people in offering ways. I became a psych RN to make sure I did indeed enjoy it, got my NP, had numerous job offers as I finished up school, and basically had a new position created for me at the hospital I worked for, when I graduated. It’s a non-traditional, unique nursing occupation, which is appealing to some people. We will get reminded over and over again of who we really are (shit and all), especially when we do a good job and act well. I don’t want to wake up. I've honestly wanted a career change but my hubby always says am great at it and have had a massive impact on kids and saving their lives but honestly, I dont love it anymore and want a change. The feeling of despair just gets worse. I feel very low. Hello, I am almost done with my Nursing prerequisites and doing these online made me realize how hard this stuff is. I have my parents, a few close friends, my readers (I write online) who might care, even a bit. At least before I was fun to be around, I had a sense of humor, I laughed. I don't hate being a RN … But it never is. Assume you can see what is in their hearts and why they are doing what they are doing. Once you are able to find which jobs you may be interested in, please take a look at this article. i know its bad to say this but i need real support form people who understand me. I would not be able to afford going part time, so I would have to do such small course loads over each semester it would take me YEARS to finish, or do online classes, which, I have heard are pretty hard. I just want to be normal. no matter what the shrinks and medical profession say about how they want to “help”, DON’T BELIEVE THEM. He knows what you have been through and wants you to know that he will always be there for you all you have to do is accept him into your heart. Never touch a weight in your life. Psych NPs don't all make money, it really depends on your market. my life is further ruined. I have never accomplished one thing in my life. 36 years old & no friends. At this point i’m not sure if i’m even capable of having a meaningfull relationship with people, i never felt what love is like and lost contact to one of my best friends a while ago, weirdly enough it doesnt seem to affect ne emotionally. So what, no one is perfect. I could not handle the three twelve hour shifts in the hospital, honestly. I tell my brother of my issues many times during the week, and he listens and suggests things, good things.