Both educators and parents need support from their schools to help make this work. Honors yard work will save you money on lawn care. Help children feel more autonomous by keeping the materials they’ll need — not just pencils but also pencil sharpeners, for example — close at hand. Little Ways to Improve Your Life Right Now, What Teachers Wish You Knew About Back-to-School, Read This Before You Talk to Your Kid's Teacher, 8 Important Things Teachers Wish Parents Knew, Your Toddler Needs You to Turn Down the Volume, These Kids Look EXACTLY Like Their Parents. Follow Digital Mom Blog on SocialFacebook / Instagram / Twitter / Pinterest.

In one of them, I shared a letter from Lily Zheng, our friend and coworker in Shanghai. Teachers are having to adapt to distance learning and pivot with no warning.

What different children need will differ, of course, but a few evidence-based guidelines can help caregivers improve distance learning. Learning to Homeschool Your Kids? RATION KIDS, RATION! We are doing all we can to juggle work, homeschool, kids, relationships, families – all while social distancing. Been here before?

We have created a series of webinars that can be accessed on-demand for educators to get started on Teams, and resources in our Microsoft Educator Center to help new and existing users get up and running. Tell me what is going on.’”, Notice her use of “I-statements” and the “say what you see” method. Encourage teachers’ attempts to bond with your kids.

How I Homeschool My Kids and Work From Home, Homeschool Organization Ideas for Any Small Space, This Discipline Hack Replaced Time-Outs for Us. Time spent outside and physical activity have both been proven to reduce kids’ stress levels and increase their readiness to learn. Once Teams is set up, educators and staff have the ability to create their own class in Teams, add selected students, share lessons, create assignments, collaborate virtually in real-time, and do grading and provide personalized feedback all in one hub. Horn recommends setting up virtual study dates with friends “to give that shared experience of, ‘My friend and I can talk about the funny video that the teacher posted’ instead of ‘It’s just me in my living room, watching this video.’” Others have gotten creative about finding or maintaining community in ways that are both safe and equitable. Yet, say O’Connor and Neuhaus: “Children, especially young children, look to their parents to figure out how to react to new or intimidating situations. They don’t get paid enough. s countries around the world are impacted by the outbreak, many more educational organizations will, focus on creating technology for schools and universities, to bringing lessons to life in the virtual classroom, it’s, Catholic Education Western Australia (CEWA), Have interactive discussions with your class by. We may earn commission from links on this page, but we only recommend products we back. to not magically feel motivated to work out or take on a new hobby and its okay to not feel okay. Here are 15 learning quotes that … The Texas schools here most likely will remain closed thru the end of the school year. For assessments, you can easily create and grade quizzes in Teams using. Which brings us to two other things Horn says teachers are trained to do: Avoid overt power struggles, and, relatedly, keep things light and playful whenever possible. Take it away, Barbara.

When I get in a situation where I feel like giving up, or like I’ll never be able to learn what I want to learn in the time I have, it can help to turn to some outside inspiration. To help things flow more naturally, consider a strengths-based approach. “Use loving words,” is one of her suggested house rules. There are a number of cloud-based applications in Office365 Education that are great for remote learners. Ideally, the Kaysers say, kids will have multiple distraction-free work spaces, such as one for class Zooms and another for quiet time. If they send a postcard or letter, give your kid a nudge and the supplies to write back. For teachers and students, remote learning during COVID-19 poses challenges, stokes creativity "This was not a situation that any of us wanted," one teacher said. And as countries around the world are impacted by the outbreak, many more educational organizations will need to do the same. Professor O’Connor started the website Scientific Mommy with Robin Neuhaus, a doctoral student at NYU.

It delivers a complete, intelligent, and secure solution to empower people. At no cost to you, we may receive a commission on purchases made from links. This is because they worry less about looking smart and they put more energy into learning.”. Bolster autonomy in a second way by setting up systems that kids can navigate independently as much as possible.

You can also use a backdoor to make the work meaningful. Then revisit your systems regularly. This Digital Mom community is all about no judgment, lots of laughter, inspiration and support. Please be kind to yourself. Research shows that “children will work hard for their teachers, be cooperative and follow rules and routines if they perceive you to be supportive and caring,” say the Kaysers.
We want to help. “Research shows that students will work hard when expectations are clear,” the Kaysers say, and teachers are also taught that kids “are more likely to follow the rules when they have a voice in co-creating them.”. 2020 © Digital Mom Blog - tech blog for moms -, Teachers are having to adapt to distance learning, Toilet Paper Memes – Because Now TP Hoarding is Real, to not know how to homeschool your own child, to give your child more screen time than usual, to make colorful daily schedules and wing it. Welcome back! But we also want to do more. These teacher quotes capture the priceless value of all educators and how their influence can touch lives. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site. Let your students know your office hours and when they can reach you for questions. Let’s get one thing straight this back-to-school season: Teachers are professionals. (Before I had kids, one of my favorite strategies as a teacher of physically full-grown ninth graders was to sillily chant, “Butt in seat, butt in seat” rather than ordering them, “Sit down!”). As schools move to a remote learning environment, Teams can provide an online classroom that brings together virtual face-to-face connections, assignments, files, and conversations into a single platform accessible on a mobile device, tablet, PC, or browser. Read about adjusting to working from home. She has asked some of these experts to share the remote-learning tips that they’ve gathered over the years. If a straight-backed chair and desk setup isn’t available, for example, try making a “work throne” out of pillows on your child’s bed each morning. Try keeping a bucket of healthy snacks out on the kitchen table so a child can leave their work space after a lesson ends, help themselves to a snack and return afterward. This provides a completely free customized hub for class teamwork with Teams that includes video meetings, online versions of the Office 365 apps, as well as compliance tools, and information protection. Pray for teachers, even now. It is easy for us to jump and blame them when it could easily be our kids! Jared Spataro, Corporate Vice President for Microsoft 365, e published a series of blog posts aimed at helping our customers. Years ago our kids did virtual school. Love my kids, but they aren’t always innocent. How do educators and faculty stay connected? Like most teachers faced with the lockdown due to the coronavirus pandemic, I have been trying to find the best ways to set work for pupils no longer in school. Continuing to drive student engagement and focused learning while outside of the classroom can be a challenge, … We hope to help make this transition as easy on you as possible. We also invite you to join our newly launched Remote Learning Community where educators launching distance learning programs from around the globe are sharing best practices, and our Microsoft Education team is answering questions in real-time. Here we are mandatory homeschooling teachers. Add in technology and woah, that’s a whole new ball game. Have a virtual science fair or poetry reading group. Learning Resources: Foundational skills for teaching online; Join the Remote Learning Community: Connect with educators, IT, and Microsoft Experts; Create Teams for your different University Departments; Read about adjusting to working from home. This content is imported from {embed-name}. But knowing what the ideal is can help us get as close as possible with what we have.