To make a call indicates that the player will continue in the game, but won’t raise his bet, whereas, making a raise means that the player will be adding cash in the pot, thereby risking to win or lose more than the first bet. 3 Patti Octro is the world's most profitable and widely played game. After the cards have bickered, the boot amount is pronounced and poised from each player. For Example (when playing seen: (a) if the player before you is seen and bet 10, you can bet either 10 or 20 (b) if the player before you is blind, bet 10, you can bet either 20 or 40. Everyone places this minimum stake (bet) in the pot – a collection of money in the center of the table, which will be won by only one player. Seen players can chaal, fold, show, or sideshow. To be a groping player, you must not see your cards. To play blind place a bet in the pot. A player who puts a groping bet is cited as the groping player. This is only applicable if the previous player was a seen player and there are still 1+ players in the game. Every single player is dealt with three cards face down. If the player before was blind their bet becomes the stake amount. If after the show the hands are equal, the player who didn’t pay the pot for the show wins the hand. Welcome to a new way of getting entertained. A player who puts his bet after viewing the cards is cited as the seen player. If the player has placed that bet before you are blind, you are supposed to bet at least the current stake OR bet twice the current stake. Thus if the very first player is a groping player, the player must wager amount which is equal to the starting amount or twice the starting amount. At Royal Panda, you’ll find it all. Compromising on your experience isn’t our style. It is decided on the cards ranking from highest to the lowest. Enjoy a flying start from day one with Welcome Bonus. If the player has placed before you bet blind, you are supposed to bet at least twice the current stake OR bet four times the current stake. The player has an option whether to place a wager without having a look at the cards (blind) or see the card. Pure Sequence (Straight Flush/Run): Three consecutive cards within the same suit. The show must be paid for before you can look at your cards. Before the deal, a boot amount is agreed upon and collected from each player. If two players have a common high card, the next highest card will be used to decide the winner. Teen Patti online Rules Teen Patti is commonly played in a fraction of 3 to 6 persons and most of the time uses a 52-card pack without jokers. The goal is to have the top 3-card hand and increase the pot before the game ends.