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Chat. Yeah so I asked my older brother to name the boys from Band of Brothers. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. Band Of Brothers met en scène les membres de la compagnie Easy. then what are we looking for. #harry is a gift and that's all i have to say about that, #funfact: the working title of this gifset was 'goingmyfuckyou', #I heard reports about a redheaded eskimo, #i think i fell in love with harry when i watched this scene, #i'm trying something different for gifs too, #tried to add a smart sharpen and gaussian blur, #i think after a while Gene just got sick and fucking tired of men dying under his hands because of the dumbass move of some lieutenant, #i think that's why i love this scene so much. ladies, if we are not looking for a man like Harry Welsh to carry a reserve chute for us so we can wear it as a wedding dresss or steal Hitlers silver for us.

Description: Les 20 derniers podcasts publiés sur you see him calm himself. Harry Welsh, Actor: The Winter Guest. #but every once in a while he gets pushed too far, #i love him n his smile n the way he simps for his wife, #sorry for the terrible quality of these gifs but yea, #in my past watches i always got the feeling he talks way more about her than just these instances, #but then i actually wrote down the eps/times and it was only like 4 times she was even mentioned, #they're so cute tho!!!! La Easy a été de tous les fronts durant la 2de Guerre Mondiale, de tous les coups héroïques et de tous les records de pertes humaines.

Unfollow. He says hi and that he tried his best. HARRY WELSH était un officier qui a servi pour la Easy Company 2nd bataillon du 506è régiment d'infanterie de parachutistes de la 101è division aéroporté pendant la Seconde guerre mondiale. Pas de saison 6 pour le Bureau Des Légendes? are forbidden by Skyrock's 'General Terms of Use' and that you can be identified by your IP address ( if someone makes a complaint.
harry-welsh < > Most recent. Décès de Conchata Ferrell, Berta de Mon Oncle Charlie, Joshua Jackson remplace Jamie Dornan dans Dr. Death, The CW renouvelle The Outpost pour une saison 4. Avec nos partenaires, nous traitons les données suivantes en nous basant sur votre consentement et/ou notre intérêt légitime: Cookies essentiels, Données de géolocalisation précises et identification par analyse du terminal, Publicités et contenu personnalisés, mesure de performance des publicités et du contenu, données d’audience et développement de produit, Réseaux sociaux, Stocker et/ou accéder à des informations sur un terminal. I just found this and it’s one of the best things I’ve ever seen. you see him calm himself.

Design by the-skyrock-team Choose this background, Return to the blog of BandOfBrothers59141, #Posted on Monday, 12 April 2010 at 11:06 PM, Edited on Tuesday, 13 April 2010 at 3:08 PM. #but i love this because harry looks like he's contemplating every bad decision he's ever made. harry is a sweetheart, #I wanted to include some rl!harry in this but my scanner isn't cooperating ugh, #we in crackhead company all love harry so this wasn't surprising, #the only way I could get it lighter would end up in it being really crappy quality.

Ask. Audio. Anyway enjoy my brothers dumbassery.

Anyway enjoy my brothers dumbassery.